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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. You'll find most of the negativity is coming from those living abroad. I reckon these people are negative and miserable because they aren't living in Thailand. Saying that I'd probably be a sad sack, miserable and nasty if I had to live back where I grew up. Sometimes I find it hard to understand, some of my friends have never had a passport, never traveled beyond their local area, never been interstate. Very sad Thailand has been my home for over 20 years and no regrets, everyday is an improvement. I travel around Thailand, often just talking off, staying the night at a hotel (cheap as chips) sending photos of my whereabouts to my children. I am a lucky one, having family here in Thailand, I would imagine Thailand could be a lonely place for some without having family with them. Thailand is the best place in the world to live.
  2. Isn't that the European standard colour code Australia went the same way. The Americans do the same thing. I've seen them use red as earth.


    Cheers mate and Good day to you and your acquaintance BTW, does your acquaintance prefer the old predator or the new predator, the quick finisher or the slow finisher?
  4. Tried twice before posting here, always the same bad result. I have left this app uninstalled for now and will only try again in a few weeks. Android system App Uninstall


    Dude, your reply to my 'sample size' comment is awesome, you say a lot but are saying very little, meaning nothing. What's in that kratom cocktail, more than just kratom. You got some ganja going on there. Tell me more about your kratom cocktail, how do you get the leaf to a liquid, what's your recipe?
  6. Bloody awful place. Early days we would drive for hours to get to the chopper location. You'd see 10 year old boys with mum in the back seat driving the family car. Whilst waiting in the chopper terminal during Ramadan you'd get bullied if they saw you drinking water from your water bottle, always had to go to the bathroom to sneak a sip of water. Always stayed the night before crew change in the Mercure Hotel Damman, they have a plaque out the front saying 5star. It always made me wonder how a 5star hotel can offer you a menu without a wine list. I hated the joint, no matter where I traveled around the world there'd always be an attractive lady behind the checkin counter, there'd always be an attractive lady in the restaurant, there'd always be an attractive housemaid to clean your room. Not in the <deleted> hole Saudi I've worked for many years in Muslim countries, Malaysia, Indonesia, it was always a pleasure to visit these countries, to see a beautiful lady at checkin, restaurants, maid service, makes a big difference to us Aussies. Bring on the beauty, can't get enough of it.
  7. Saying that, be careful when flying Dubai to Jeddah. Emirates converted an A380 to 800 seats, so no 1st or business class, yes 800 cattle class seats. I remember on a few occasions when it was time for Mecca there was always a death on board. Sad, poor old buggars, very, very old people, never traveled in their lives but had to travel for their religious beliefs, visit mecca before they die.


    Poor research Sample size is too small, need more research I should help with the research, give the members more proof Where are you located? I should engaged with your female Thai acquaintance in this activity and give a detailed report.
  9. Try uninstalling or updating this app, it often solves issues for me
  10. Looks like this good friend of yours may be telling porkies, apart from the usual refunds nothing similar.
  11. Another sad story These days 20% of the guys that are on the plane heading to Thailand look like this guy.


    Anyone out there with some cooking recipes for these leaves?
  13. You seem angry or agitated. You having a bad day?? I was merely replying to a comment made regarding offshore workers. Chill dude
  14. Sorry if I offended you. I'd like you to talk to my mate Elon Musk He'll give you a lesson on how the tax system works.
  15. Is this the end of Thailand as a Retirement Destination What sort of strange mind thinks of these titles. You are just encouraging the miserable, nasty replies. There's no better place on earth to retire
  16. Offshore working, It's a little different. Working offshore we get work permits, our company pay local taxes. We do fly in and out, staying the day before chopper to the rig the next day. Saying that, we do live locally on land at times, often attending training courses, which can be days or weeks. We work with the locals get to know their culture, their beliefs and their ways of life, this can be very rewarding and educational as the rig may work in the country for many years. I've been very lucky to have worked offshore in many countries. Born Sydney, lived Australia 30 plus years Thailand 20 plus years most of which I was working offshore, rotation 28/28. I've always worked on a rotation, at times not always working on the rig but in the office or shipyard. Resident Singapore, Redwood apartments Malaysia, Suasana condominium South Korea, Sunshine apartments This work was difficult, working onshore had its issues, drinking in the bars each night after work, then having to work the next day. Working offshore is a healthier lifestyle, no alcohol on the rig. Worked offshore Thailand, also Vietnam Malaysia India Indonesia Philippines Angola Nigeria Saudi Arabia Mexico Brazil
  17. Yes, so true. 40 or so baht is too much for a new lamp for the head light. Thank God they are now fitted with LEDs, these last much longer
  18. Chutachak market I read has opened up, lots of stalls, lots to see. Across the road is a beautiful park, it's huge, nice walking
  19. Yes, very easy solution. This works for me. Cheers
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