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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. That's what the cop said to me Are you working for the BiB
  2. Yep, totally agree. Some people are born miserable, always moaning, whinging, whining. I reckon a number of the negative comments on this forum are coming from these people, some are the re-pats from Thailand, still miserable after leaving this beautiful country
  3. It was around 8am, I reckon he travels that road everyday on his way from pattaya police station to jomtien location, he sees Thais breaking the law everyday and he does nothing, he sees me and gets lucky. He was concerned that the muffler wasn't original. Anyway 200 baht fine, I was expecting 2000 baht
  4. It's the wife's bike I'll check with her
  5. The bike is my wife's, she used it at her shop for the staff to ride, no staff so I ride it occasionally, keep the battery charged. It's an older bike and the original pipe fell off, it needed replacing. Just had one of the local bike shops fit it. It's not loud just not original. He made me start it up. The cop said it had to be original He checked 2 boxes, so I was expecting 2 fines to pay.
  6. I got stopped by a cop riding his Honda pcx,sounding his horn, waving his arm. He booked me for riding on the wrong side of the road and non original exhaust pipe, he told me I needed to change to original (will this be noted on next year's roadworthy inspection) OK, when in Rome, I know I shouldn't have and won't break the law again but read on. I took my ticket to pay at the police station, I thought I'd be paying around 2000 baht. I gave the officer behind the window my ticket, he entered the bar code number and asked for 200 baht. I paid, he gave me the receipt. I'm in shock. Anyone else with similar experience, I read fines had increased, I thought both infringements would be 1000 baht each BTW, the pcx cop gave my license back, things have changed, back in the day he would have kept it and I'd be picking it up at the police station.
  7. Don't do it Just too many things that can go wrong for a newbie
  8. Yep, looks good to me Sometimes I just like to sit and watch the world go by. My family keep me pretty active day to day so quiet time is welcomed
  9. There's a couple, the one I visited was on Sukhumvit corner Pattaya Nua, heading north They were asking 107,000 baht for the base model I didn't ask for the interest rate Over the many years the pricing for pcx has always been way above the listed Honda prices, Wave, click, Scoopy normal price at dealers.
  10. Yep, finance If you got cash they don't want to know you I went to a Honda dealer (motorcycle) here in pattaya, not Mityon. I wanted to buy a PCX160, much better price than Mityon but wouldn't sell for cash (not at a good price anyway) wanted me to finance.
  11. Geeze, I know a few taxi drivers who would lose their license in 1 day Annoying all his 10 fares
  12. Some people get embarrassed by others doing stupid things. Oops, sorry I feel a little embarrassed by your stupid comment
  13. Good comment but I find these people that die their hair don't bother with the important items to improve their looks, like fitness, grooming, diet, attire the list goes on. Most are wrinkly men who should have a few botox injections for improvement. The body has many systems that age, just a hair color I don't understand, it's embarrassing to look at these guys.
  14. OK, I read you have health issues. So, get your family and friends to come to Thailand to see you. If you're really wanting to see them help with the finances, costs. It's about you, so do what you have to do. My family (neices, kids) and friends all come to see me, they love Thailand, to see all its beauty and the delicious food. They are so similar to me Loving Thailand
  15. The policies are dynamic, always changing, covid keeps changing, there's a new variant coming out of South Africa. Best you look into the crystal ball, your questions can't be answered here at this time. Good luck in the future
  16. You guys are lucky in the US. I'd love to buy the new Corvette (or any new performance car) for the peanuts you guys pay,
  17. Poor guy, hope he doesn't do something stupid like jump off a building. Sometimes broken relationships can rip you to pieces
  18. Nope, it's been that way for years on the pcx. I've used the website below for years and pcx models always differ hugely. Click, wave, Scoopy same price as dealer, not pcx.
  19. With this pathetic attitude I reckon you'd be better off buying property elsewhere, not in Thailand. Thailand has different systems to that of the west, you've got to assimilate, with all your negativity I can't see it working for you
  20. Isn't it called an apartment without pool
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