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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. That is an arguable point - it was agreed NO NATO expansion eastwards.
  2. Pro-Russia disinformation bot? I'm from Essex, so don't insult anyone's point of view. They were deleted from YouTube as they don't want you to know the truth - wake up.
  3. The reason they don't use the term "war" in Russia is that they are a very precise people - I think that has changed now and they use the term - correctly of course.
  4. "we are at war"? - China will join Russia, Africa and India and it will all be over - for what???
  5. I have—well, not lived as such—but been to Russia 17 times and the Ukraine 5 times. China less so, but I have visited. I worked in a hospital in Moscow on an exchange programme. The one thing we can agree about - a challenging future. I'm telling you, Russia will NEVER LEAVE - it's better to negotiate Ukraine's neutrality and leave Donbas alone. Ukrainians were shelling Donbas daily - some say up to 13,000 shells. Whatever anyone wants or believes it must end in a compromise.
  6. Following the USA MSM "sources close to the matter say" or "someone familiar with the issues believes" it's ALL BS
  7. Really dumb post - say that to the Mods in the 60s and get a kicking.
  8. Do you submit that Professor Sachs and Professor Mearsheimer, world-renowned experts, don't know what they are talking about? I note that Nigel Farage, Judge Napolitano, Larry Johnson, Scott Ritter (who had his passport removed at the airport), Elon Musk, and many others are challenging the MSM narrative. You do not own the truth - it is a complex subject. Anyway Russia is there to stay - get used to it.
  9. YouTube has removed 9,000 channels and 70,000 videos it deems as pro-Russian and ZERO it deems pro-Ukraine. Getting any real information is BANNED. https://www.businessinsider.com/youtube-ukraine-war-removes-70000-videos-9000-channels-russia-2022-5
  10. I was in there for nearly two hours - people on here thought I was a simpleton, but it is MISSING. The staff tried everything, and now it's with the IT helpdesk who will phone me back at some stage.
  11. Traditional Thai Massage = no happy ending, and with a towel Thai Oil Massage = hand shandy at the end and no towel
  12. It's ALL about sources, and you know it. The issue in the West is that many sources are banned, and all the journos are in Ukraine spouting their propaganda. YouTube has banned thousands of videos showing the truth - or at least another version of it. I cannot put things here - everything is controlled, so you only get one side. Professor Sachs and Professor Mearsheimer are still largely available. Why not go and listen to an articulate summary of the truth of it? You might surprise yourself (doubtful, but where there's life, there's hope...).
  13. Cool - yes same people and the same bike.
  14. I was at the bank for 1.5 hours today. All staff were confused and perplexed, so they also phoned the IT department and they too were baffled. After more than an hour, we all gave up, and the IT desk submitted "a report," and they would phone me back when they had figured it out. BTW The reinstallation yesterday was a real headache - the facial recognition kept timing out Grr Grr
  15. I used both but I found Lazada much easier to use and more responsive. Thais, on the other hand, often rate Shopee as better.
  16. Jeeze, it sounds like a synopsis of a novel. Too flowery dude... anyway embrace the change and once you are dating a young thing 30 years younger you won't give your ex a second thought.
  17. Lots of xenophobia on here. Having been to Russia and Ukraine seventeen times, I can tell you my personal observations. Russians are a warm and friendly people, and I never felt any hint of hostility there. Ukrainians, the young ones, were aggressive, and from personal experience, the Police were corrupt. Both spoke Russian predominantly, and the difference between them was unnoticeable. I was there when Yeltsin was president and obviously Putin. There are good and bad everywhere. Like most people, they like to be amongst their own kind - Slavs. I have found that with Americans, Africans, Jews, Thais - no difference - birds of a feather etc.
  18. Cut and pastes are never impressive - this is OFF TOPIC and unrelated to my post - nice try.
  19. They are not there for me, and I was asking if anyone else had the problem. The app was reinstalled, and obviously, I will go to the bank next. Don't be so grouchy; you might learn something if I get it fixed.
  20. Uninstalled Reinstalled passport number - facial recognition, etc. Problem still there
  21. I know there is a link - but the transfer link to transfer between MY ACCOUNTS is missing.
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