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Everything posted by LosLobo

  1. The economy is bad in every country of the world now. How can this world phenomenon be solely Biden's fault and how would it be any different if Trump was still in power?
  2. Thank you, I know Bob Marley's dad was white but that was not the subject or the point of my post!
  3. If your friend has respiratory problems I would suggest all the more reason to get vaccinated. I understand current available vaccinations usually have little adverse effects for most respiratory issues. Tell him to consult a health professional for advice.
  4. I sat through the experience live on TV too. But I continuously marvel at how the international community got together to overcome what seemed insurmountable odds and the special bravery and expertise of the divers who triumphed over a task which for most would provoke the worst nightmares.
  5. Just watched part of the Cave Rescue (2022) - IMDb 6.1/10. Curious that there are two movies about the same subject released at the same time. This one pales in comparison to the other version, Thirteen Lives (2022) - IMDb 7.8/10, told by director Ron Howard. This one also seems to portray lesser known, Jim Warny the Belgian Ireland based rescuer, as the pivotal lead and more of the Thai side of the tale. Not surprising as the director is Thai-Irish.
  6. Watched last night. Briiliant! A must see! Thanks Daffy!
  7. Bellingcat are a brilliant and very professional organisation, they would have to rate highly as one of Putin's main arch enemies They also documented, amongst many other examples of Putin's depravity, the Russian culprits for the Navalny underwear and Salisbury poisonings and the shooting down of MH17.
  8. Interesting update. Big drop in Oil price!
  9. Because Bob Marley's dad was a British officer doesn't mean his dad was white! The British army has had many black officers!
  10. Watched Mrs Harris Goes to Paris (2022) - IMDb Rating 7.5/10 last night. Surprisingly good, charming, period comedy set in Paris in 1950!
  11. Really enjoyed Series One looking forward to Series Two, Thanks!
  12. Interesting Ukraine War update with conclusive evidence that the Olenivka POW Prison attack was Russian :
  13. The Right cares, evidently women's bodies are their business.
  14. The paper my original post referenced, if you had bothered to have a look at it, clearly had a link directly to the slide pack, which you duplicated. This slide pack seemed to be the main raison d'etre of your post.
  15. What is the point of reposting part of my original post?
  16. Tonight I watched Purple Hearts (2022) - IMDb 7.3/10. Surprising good, good story, good music. What else can I say? Oh it's a love story!
  17. Very detailed article with some interesting statistics on how the West's sanctions are working....... 'There is no path out of economic oblivion for Putin': Russia is LOSING financial war with the West, with sanctions catastrophically crippling the country, new report shows': 'There is no path out of economic oblivion for Putin': Russia is LOSING financial war with the West | Daily Mail Online Full Report : (118 pages) delivery.php (ssrn.com)
  18. Russia and Ukraine sign UN-backed deal to resume grain exports via the Black Sea KEY POINTS Russian and Ukrainian officials sat at separate tables to sign the documents. The deal is significant for global food supplies. But also as it’s the first major agreement between the two sides since Moscow launched it’s unprovoked onslaught on Feb. 24. International onlookers are cautious on the deal and Russia will be closely watched to make sure it upholds its side of the agreement Obviously the war is not going so good for the Orc's as they are capitulating on Ukraine grain exports. Maybe they are feeling unloved, the sanctions are biting and they need to gain some international support for a peace agreement. This will then give them the time to re-man, re-arm, modernise and re-train their army to resume their "special operation" in Ukraine. Though the notion that they will honour any agreement can be taken with a grain of salt wheat. Russia and Ukraine sign deal to resume grain exports in Black Sea (cnbc.com)
  19. That's NC Plus. ????
  20. Suggest you read this, it is a study from earlier in the year, but it is still relevant. Challenges in Inferring Intrinsic Severity of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant (nejm.org) Though from your comments you may prefer "to do your own research".
  21. Omicron BA.4/BA.5 seem to more contagious but the jury may still be out about their severity. New Covid subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 are the most contagious yet – and driving Australia’s third Omicron wave | Coronavirus | The Guardian
  22. "Variants gradually become less pathogenic". Do you have any evidence to support your claim perhaps a citation? My understanding is that the mutation of viruses is random and some may be more and others may be less pathogenic and that viruses don’t inevitably evolve toward being less virulent. Evolution simply selects those that excel at multiplication, ability to escape the immune response produced after vaccination or prior infection etc.
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