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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. In the scale of 3.5 millions years the periods you are quoting are absolutely miniscule so Onemorefarang is probably correct in stating 0.00000x%.
  2. I told my hotel that I would not share a taxi a week ago - they haven't replied.
  3. No you're not - I believe the majority feel the same way. They stay silent because if they say anything they are told they're out of step and in some cases, leave themselves open to prosecution for discrimination.
  4. Rubbish, not all of us agree with what's going on at the moment. I have gay people in my family and one gay friend - I have no problems with accepting their sexuality as long as its not 'in my face'. I would defend their rights (normal rights) in exactly the same way as I would for anyone in the family. I think that gay/lesbian couples should be allowed to marry each other if they so wish and in doing so, be afforded the same legal rights as hetrosexual couples - why not? What I don't support is their insistence that they are normal - they are not. That does not mean they are a lesser being than I am, it just means that they are not normal and should not/cannot be afforded some of the things that a hetrosexual couple are - adoption for example. Same sex couples cannot produce children without outside intervention - perhaps they should accept that, it kind of goes with the territory. Nature provided a woman with breasts so she could feed her babies. Nature did not provide a man with the means to give birth - end of. I will never believe that a child, being brought up in a same sex relationship is in a healthy situation. It must screw with their understanding and will almost certainly leave them open to taunts and bullying by their peers - known causes of mental health problems later in life. I accept that some children are not brought up correctly in a normal family situation but I like to think that's the exception rather than the rule. I consider myself to be fairly liberal but I also think there are limits and that social norms have their place. As well as gay/lesbian couples wanting acceptance perhaps they should also do some accepting themselves? One of the reasons I rarely watch mainstream TV these days is because I'm sick of watching 2 blokes kissing in the middle of some series or other that I'd previously enjoyed - all in the name of being PC. Pop stars with beards wearing dresses and make-up, drag queens, camp weather presenters and all sorts of odd behaviour seems to actually be being promoted. Such stuff literally makes me want to throw up, don't I have rights? Shouldn't gay/lesbian people also accept that? There should be gay/lesbian TV channels. Like the poster you're having a go at, I also wonder where it will all end, what's next? You will note I did not mention trans people above - that's a whole other subject. In the UK we now have a growing number of trans people wishing to be changed back!!! I think there's a good case for considering whether or not the whole matter is phsycological rather than genetic.
  5. Why not? https://theprimetime.in/man-marries-cobra-believes-that-snake-was-his-dead-girlfriend/
  6. Don't worry, in the coming days he'll be accused of Paedophillia, fraud, etc. and his businesses will be visited by the police who will no doubt find hundreds of violations of non-existent laws. What's the point in anyone running for PM when the outcome's known before the election?
  7. Thank you for your philosophy. I'll take it that if you caught your wife 'at it' - you'd simply think "oh well, she's not my property, she's free to do whoever whatever she wants right?
  8. Crackdown? Where? Maybe in Bangkok. Its a joke - take your car for its annual safety check and see what they do. When I did my car and my bike last the simply stuck the monitor up the exhaust for a few minutes, took it out and carried on. No figures were noted, the only reason they guy even went back to the machine was to hang the sensor up.
  9. Don't risk it, it is very unlikely that it will be accepted - especially by the airline. Thai embassies - especially London are notoriously difficult to call at the moment. Personally and rather bizarrely, I've had the best results messaging them on their Facebook page - most have one.
  10. Whilst I understand your comment, there will no doubt be some unscrupulous types but many business owners the world over, are forced to look for cheap labour in order to compete with Chinese prices. I try to support my native businesses wherever I can but sometimes its very difficult given the price differences. A few years ago a UK company started up making washing machines, they claim 95% of the parts in their machines are British or EU made and of course, UK companies have to pay at least the minimum wage. When my washing machine failed I looked into buying one of these British made machines but found that for equivalent models they were around £100 - £150 (45,000 - 67,750 baht) more expensive than most of the usual brands like Bosch. Bosch I might mention who (like many 'Eurpoean brands) trade off their name whilst the majority of their machines or parts are actually made in China. However, when I asked Ebac (the UK company) what the 5% of parts made outside the UK and EU consisted of and where they came from - they told me the motor was made in China ????. (I went for the Bosch but I may be kicking myself soon as I've just noticed that Ebac are now offering a 7 year parts and labour warranty ????)
  11. Yes, its following my experiences with Thai insurance companies that I decided on insurance from my home country for my future visits.
  12. You did indeed mention seizing assets but I believe your statement that they were 'milking the situation' was out of order. What possible agenda could I have? I am merely someone reading the story and comments thereof - I didn't feel your comment could go unchallenged.
  13. They possibly are in debt - debts through paying their daughter though university!!! What do you know of their position that gives you the right to say they are 'milking the situation'? In addition, there is little other recompense that anyone can seek in such circumstances - should the Mercedes drives get off scott free and continue her clearly privileged life whilst they grieve?
  14. Actually, the Thai courts work in the same way in such matters. In 2011 I was injured in an accident with a taxi in Bangkok. The taxi driver was clearly responsible for the accident but UNBELIEVABLY only had 3rd class insurance (the police told me there was no obligation on him to have better cover!). The maximum amount his insurers covered was 100,000 baht - that didn't even cover my hospital bill, let alone anything else. My lawyers told me not to worry, we would take the driver to court and if he had no money, floowing a successful verdict, the court would order the sale of any property that he, or bizarrely, his family owned in order to cover my claim. As it happened, this guy was just an ordinary man who shared the taxi via shifts with 2 other drivers. He worked away from home in Bangkok in order to support his family (I checked this out). I decided not to pursue any further claims and settled for the 100,000 as I didn't want to be responsible for either the driver or his family losing their home. In my opinion the Thai government were as much to blame as the driver was for allowing a taxi to operate with 3rd class insurance.
  15. Absolutely correct and if what's been reported is correct, the parents should have no problem with obtaining a successful verdict against the driver for non-payment. I'm pretty sure that a decent lawyer will advise them to increase the amount claimed due to the additional distress caused by the insured not paying what the court ordered. Faced with that, the insurance company will no doubt try to do a u-turn and offer the amount originally ordered - if it was me, I would tell them where they can stick their offer and continue through to court.
  16. I was told (by the DLT) that if my address was in Nakhon Ratchasima and I wanted to keep the bike I bought in Chiang Mai in the province permanently, I should register it in Nakhon Ratchasima and get new plates - which I did. Not a difficult process but as usual, time consuming and requires 2 visits to the DLT. I was not required to go back to Chiang Mai to make the change, I simply had the registration book and the transfer document with a power of attorney from the previous owner with a copy of his passport. Your driving licence won't affect any of the above - you're not required to show it at any stage.
  17. OK, I didn't want to bring this up but I get a little tired of hearing people whinge about how Covid has affected them. I have cancer - something that will affect 50% of us at some point in our lives. Having a potentially terminal illness has a way of making you cut through the cr ap and get on with the realities of life. I'm on top of it and the only thing or person that controls my life is me. Yes, its been hard not seeing my wife every 8 weeks like I used to but whinging won't change anything and nor will posting crazy topics. There are people in this world far worse off than any of us, what right have we to moan about having a few restrictions placed on us?
  18. Genuine question - even for transit passengers?
  19. Covid induced lonliness? Utter tosh, man up - I didn't see my wife for 7 months, I've seen her twice in almost 2 years. Whilst I remain in the UK, I live alone in a remote location and rarely see a soul - I don't suffer from any challenges or resort to writing posts bordering on lunacy. It is what it is - ride it out and get on with life, it won't last for ever. Have you ever asked yourself why you get the reactions you do?
  20. You didn't read this when you applied for your Thailand Pass? 4. For the Exemption from Quarantine scheme: 4.1 I shall be quarantine for one day. 4.2 After a negative (not detected) RT-PCR test result, I am permitted to travel without restrictions in Thailand. https://tp.consular.go.th/en/policy
  21. I think you're missing the point. I can't speak for others but when I'm on holiday, I may not have a drink in an afternoon the whole time or I may have one every day. What I wouldn't want is to be told I can't - epecially when that country is once again advertising it its 'Amazing Thailand' message on my TV and proclaiming that subject to obtaining a Thailand Pass, the country is now open again. It quite clearly is not open again and it goes much further than bars and restaurants - they are duping tourists and I may add, tourists that have paid a lot more then they would normally do to get to the country. You know that there are restrictions and that the bars are closed because of your connections to Thailand, a hell of a lot of regular tourists will have no idea and I suspect a lot are going to be very disappointed.
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