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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Agree that Linux Mint is the easiest Linux distro for a Windows user to migrate to. Easy to install, very logical instructions and everything works just as it should. However, many people have voiced the same complaints as the OP. There are such things as 'Community Editions' of Windows Operating Systems available for free download from well known, long established websites with experienced and most helpful contributors. I am presently using a superb fully updated edition of Windows 11 X-Lite with all the nuisances removed, very responsive and idles as light as Windows 7.
  2. Worst ever optical screwing I got was in Paraguay at 'Optica Valemar' (better not say which branch). As soon as I walked through the door with my then GF, the assistant beamed and reached all the way to the back of the drawer of frames. I was presented with a pair of 'Linea Roma' and 'Wrangler' brands. They also sold their most expensive pair of sunglasses to my GF. I paid for all three of course.
  3. As long as you can do what you want to do why worry? We all have our own 'yardsticks' by which we judge things (and ourselves). Personally, I've always believed that when the day arrives that you need to take regular medication that is the beginning of the end. My Mrs complains that all I do is sit in a chair all day, every day, drinking tea/coffee and munching biscuits. I try to explain to her that is what I've always done, having worked in an office from age 16. I've never had the urge to climb Mount Everest. Running, swimming, cycling, hiking, camping, playing rugby and football were sheer torture for me. If bodyweight remains within reason and vitals within range (good enough to be a regular blood donor) why worry?
  4. Wow! That's quite some system you've got worked out there! I know that opticians can read the prescription by viewing the lens through what I would liken to a microscope. For you, that seems to work well enough. I've never had an eye test in Thailand because I return every few years to U.K. where I'm entitled to a free test and printed prescription.
  5. Can you manage with spectacles Brian2322? I've never comtemplated inserting anything into my eyes. The very thought of laser surgery also frightens me. I've worn specs for distance for around 45 years. Forget exactly when it was an optometrist told me I now needed them for reading too. However, around 8 years ago I realised I no longer needed readers. This year my optometrist told me my distance vision had significantly improved and asked whether I was managing without specs? I told her she was absolutely correct! Don't know what you've been advised by your various optometrist's and opthalmologist's?
  6. Good to know for yourself (and others) thanks! Need to carry a 'phone with a Thai SIM installed to make emergency calls! For financial security best not to receive OTP's on the same 'phone upon which your bank app is installed. Don't carry both 'phones with you! I install my Thai SIM in my back-up 'phone but stupidly always carry both 'phones. My U.K. bank OTP's can be received upon either 'phone because I use a virtual U.K. mobile number from a VOIP service. Two security loopholes that need addressing!
  7. Thanks for your report! Nice to hear positive experiences.
  8. Interesting. Last year I had a metal fused porcelain crown at my High Street dentist for 8,000. No root canal required. However, their charges for root canal, post and crown are 20,000.
  9. Wow! Learning things today. My Bangkok Bank ATM cards expired end September. Haven't bothered to ask for new ones because I can make cardless cash withdrawals from ATM's. Might be a good idea to ask for new physical cards?
  10. Thanks for the tip! Looking at it the other way, does this make Bangkok Bank the safest as they look after our money the best!
  11. Amazing service! U.K. need to follow their example. Employing call centre staff costs money so they try every trick in the book to persuade you to resolve your issue via their FAQ's & automated 'chat'. My bank also discontinued their secure message facility. Again, staff having to read and reply to queries must have been costing them too much money!
  12. Can only speak for U.K. Calling a Freephone number was always free from a telephone landline but, until recently, the call was chargeable from a mobile 'phone. Skype permits free calls to Freephone numbers. It follows that your call will be totally free if made via WiFi (or using your cellular data connection providing you have an unlimited/unmetered plan).
  13. I've used 'Vyke' for three year's. Main advantage is that unlike most VOIP services you can receive SMS. Calls and SMS are both free to receive. Virtual mobile telephone numbers can be rented for; Canada, France, United Kingdom, Poland and United States of America. Cost $16 USD per ANNUM only. Cost of outgoing calls to landlines, mobile phones and sending SMS of course varies (considerably) depending upon which Country you are contacting.
  14. Wow! a bank that actually permits you to speak to them and also offers to allow you to do so for free. Australia sounds like a great place!
  15. Love Portugal! Was visiting several times per year for 20+ years before retiring and moving to Thailand. Been to all the regions and most of the Cities and larger towns.
  16. I'd agree on Spain. Railway is great! Particularly like Avila and Ciudad Rodrigo.
  17. Children and friends are most definitely a consideration. Being from UK I thought immediately; 'Iberian Peninsula' for 90 days then the nearest/warmest non EU Country for 90 days. Then repeat. Unfortunately, too far from Thailand!
  18. You are quite correct of course. Everything paid for out of public funds. Plus prosecution and jailing costs too (12, 9 and 3 months) for the three who attacked me.
  19. Good to know, thanks! 'Means tested' free hospital treatment for all has to be humane. In U.K. no means test would apply. As the 'accident' was Road Traffic the National Health Service would (attempt) to bill the responsible person as his motor insurance should be paying for the hospital treatment. We also have something known as the 'Criminal Injuries Compensation Board'. The police advised me to make a claim when three youths played football with my head. My hospital treatment was covered by the NHS and I received reasonable compensation for injuries as assessed by a Queen's Counsel Barrister.
  20. You need to be reporting this to Agoda.
  21. Can recommend; 'Avatara Resort'. Stayed there with Mrs 12 months ago. Very spacious rooms. Excellent breakfast choices and bar on the delightful Sai Kaew beach.
  22. Thank you for your report. Colombia obviously is the place to go! When you were in Thailand, did you go to a general dentist or ever see a specialist? Did you receive treatment in the dental dept. of your local Community Hospital or in a High Street clinic or elsewhere?
  23. Canadian Government must be incredibly generous!
  24. When I absolutely have to call landlines in U.K. for such as Utility Companies and Inland Revenue etc. I sign up for one months unlimited calls. It takes all the stress and frustration out of queuing for 40 minutes then to be transferred onwards then cut off! Here is your equivalent for Australia; https://www.skype.com/en/international-calls/Australia
  25. https://www.skype.com/en/international-calls/Australia
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