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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. He may have had a passport from another country. Article says he failed to attend court. Therefore, not convicted and on court bail. Extradition wouldn't apply even if he'd been located. Returning to UK wasn't wise although an outstanding UK arrest warrant wouldn't have been any problem by itself. He may have been located and under surveillance. Suspect airline passenger flight list might have been his undoing?
  2. Purchased an Asus VivoBook X1502ZA from Advice shop on 21/03/2024 for 18,990 baht. Seems OK. https://www.asus.com/laptops/for-home/vivobook/vivobook-15-x1502/techspec/
  3. I've noticed this too. Many airline staff arrive early at the gate. They are, of course, well aware that passengers can check-in online or at the airport totems. My one-way ticket obviously rang alarm bells at Madrid even though I had been checked in manually by Lisbon airport staff. They told me I should have been denied boarding at Lisbon.
  4. Several dentists I've been to have commented upon the 'workmanship' upon my teeth. All done by U.K. National Health Service dentists.
  5. I had checked-in and flown from Lisbon with a transit stop in Madrid. Boarding passes issued for all three flight legs. One-way ticket intending to enter visa exempt. At the boarding gate in Madrid airline staff told me I had been 'deboarded' and to continue my journey I must give them sight of a return/onward ticket or 'some sort' of visa.
  6. Always wondered how much information can be gleaned from a post mortem? Also, how far can (or do) they go? A friend died alone, at home, aged 66. Death Certificate gave cause of death as; 'unascertained'. An exact date of death was entered. Would that have been calculated, or would they just put down the date the body was found? If no foul play suspected I suppose it doesn't really matter too much?
  7. Similar to UK National Health Service.
  8. Airline staff can stop you at the boarding gate. I know because that happened to me (not Singapore Airlines).
  9. Would be mildly interesting to learn what happens next. Probably a paupers cremation paid for out of public funds.
  10. Well done! Thanks for the update.
  11. I had five gold crowns (no pins or root canals) 50 years ago. Only one has since suffered a root infection and the tooth was extracted. Had two metal/fused porcelain crowns (no root canals) two years ago in Thailand. Same specialist high street dentist also fits implants at 37,000 or 40,000 baht each.
  12. Very true reactions from Brits.
  13. A foreigner in our town has the appearance of an absolute chav. However, he told me he's from Finland. I didn't think it possible?
  14. Cheese and beetroot sandwich. Preferably crumbly Cheshire if available. Neither available in our house. Nor butter for that matter.
  15. That's what I was wondering. After a recent extraction my Thai dentist handed me a leaflet with a choice of two implants; 37,000 for South Korean made and 40,000 baht for German made. I haven't been back since.
  16. Not happened this year and the Council boats have gone back into storage. We were flooded for the two previous consecutive rainy seasons. The rivers can't cope when they release the water. I can't imagine any solution to that. At least the Royal Thai Army delivered sacks of rice beforehand!
  17. Have you entered VPN details into your router at some point in the past? Maybe try rebooting your computer?
  18. Is it possible for you to log in using your computer instead of the boxes?
  19. Be aware that when up country dams reach bursting point the excess water is released causing extensive flooding. Our council (South of Khon Kaen) operate boats to take people to their land/homes in such times.
  20. I've just taken 10 baht off a Thai customer in my Thai wife's shop. Should I be worried?
  21. Disappointing that a British National is involved. However, there is no mention of child molestation.
  22. A member has previously reported that his immigration office advised him saying; 'Of course you are permitted to assist your wife in her business, this is what couples do'.
  23. Plenty of previous references to this. If your spouse runs a business you are permitted to 'assist'. Because that is what couples do, they assist each other.
  24. I can understand red notices. How about green ones?
  25. That may be the nub of it. As I understand, a serviceman has two options. He either obeys his orders or refuses. When he has chosen to obey an unlawful order he can be arrested and tried in a civilian criminal court.
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