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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Sorry can't assist as live in North East. However, I see Tony M has already kindly replied. Please can I ask how effective you find these medicines? I have had two strip and ligate ops, one 50 years and the other 32 years ago. Done in sections so 'less barbaric' apparently. Over the year's other veins have since blown up and I believe I'm now at the stage of requiring treatment again. I also have discomfort from haemorrhoids. Back then I asked if injections were useful? I was told that they don't work and strip/ligate was the way forward. Medicines were never discussed. Any words of advice appreciated, thank you.
  2. Switching off shouldn't cause any faults. However, maintenance routines and updates will queue and may take some time to complete if your machine has been off for a while. With a new machine this shouldn't be a problem for you though.
  3. These settings would also have been on your previous machine. The defaults are designed to suit most needs. Therefore, if you never needed to change them previously, I wouldn't worry. They are there to enable you to save a little electricity and also to suit individual preferences.
  4. Pleased that you are now home and recovering. A few of us are intrigued. What did the hospital actually do? Were there X-rays, scans, stitches, plaster casts and/or bandaging etc?
  5. Thanks for your report. The fact that attention was immediate is most important in such circumstances. You are obviously satisfied with your care and accommodation. Another thread today mentioning PAI (Personal Accident Insurance). Something to think about if you don't already have it?
  6. I agree. Limiting one account per device has to be more secure. Have recently opened current accounts, savings accounts and taken out a credit card with some of the new 'Neo Banks'. They are mobile app access only, no web service available.
  7. WoW! Thanks for the warning. I don't maintain an active UK SIM whilst in Thailand. My UK institutions all have my virtual UK mobile number with 'VYKE'. Therefore, I need to obtain a pre-pay UK SIM such as Giffgaff. Would the UK bank be able to tell that the UK mobile number of the data connection differed from the UK mobile number upon my account? Or would that not matter?
  8. Good info thanks! Using another mobile and manual typing into the app works for me whilst in UK. I suppose if the banks eventually limit access to via SIM only, enabling mobile data whilst roaming should solve that, albeit at our cost.
  9. I'm in the market myself. Please let us know about delivery, packaging etc. Also, how easy it is to set up and go?
  10. So can low blood glucose. Often accompanied by nausea.
  11. That is my experience. My local high street dental clinic has both general and specialist dentists. Equipment seems very up-to-date and they recently installed a most impressive looking X-Ray machine. There are 9 cubicles with individual air filtration/extraction systems.
  12. Very well thought out Simon! I don't have any cover. Reason being a history of treatment for raised BP in UK in mid 1980's plus a hypoglycemic collapse in Thailand. My BP has remained normal since and a satisfactory full blood count test 4 weeks ago rules out diabetes according to my GP.
  13. Tragic, plus a lot of damage. It may be instinctive to avoid dogs in the road but as driving a pick-up it would have been safe and sensible to proceed on original course.
  14. What concerns me is how I die. I don't want to suffer pain and suffocate whilst conscious. I have been trying, without success, to find such a thing as an 'End of Life' plan that would guarantee to avoid this horrible scenario.
  15. Cold, wet, miserable and expensive versus warm, friendly and economical.
  16. Definitely, 'Advice' computer shop is the way to go!
  17. 'Advice' computers appear to be expanding. Everytime I've been in one, there was a 'tech' guy present in addition to the sales staff. They do on-line sales too.
  18. Good information about health plans in this thread, many thanks to the contributors! The OP was concerned about the number of retirees who shouldn't be here. I agree. Whilst taking a tour with a friend of the economical apartments available in Central Pattaya we were told that many of their long-term residents were elderly and some very rarely left their rooms. Those who had severe mobility problems i.e. wheelchair bound were allocated ground floor apartments. One resident emerged as we were passing his door. We said 'Good Morning' but he didn't/couldn't respond. He looked as if he should have been in a care home. Maybe the apartment staff keep an eye upon such residents and do what they can to help? Such residents are most unlikely to have healthcare plans and the end, when it comes, isn't going to be pleasant for them, the other residents or the apartment staff.
  19. Thanks, that's interesting. In U.K. even medicines (prescribed by a doctor or nurse) are free for over 60 year olds.
  20. True! I've been in U.K. since mid-June. Got a Covid jab before they discontinued them. Caught Covid four weeks ago. Still coughing up nasty stuff. I wear a mask whilst in shops and on public transport and get laughed at. Don't care.
  21. Definitely best to think of these things before buying (or constructing). I'm in the same position as the OP. My house is on a small development of one road built by a local Thai builder. He must have got a discount on sliding patio doors, the only windows being in the bedrooms. The result is floor to ceiling glass everywhere. Might be good in Norway but Thailand?
  22. Therefore, depends upon where you die. If in hospital, can we assume the hospital mortuary would be 'fit for purpose' until your cadaver is transferred to the medical school? Or, will it go immediately to the university pending release document from your Embassy? The form is designed for Thai people. This could be the reason that retirees have (allegedly) previously been told that 'foreign donors are not acceptable'?
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