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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Possibly in Cambodia (initially). Understand foreign gangs pay locals to open bank accounts for them in border areas. A UK policeman once told me that after several onward transfers the original bank cannot track the money.
  2. My Mrs had five Schwannoma tumours cut out of a leg under local anaesthetic at a Thai Government Regional Hospital. No pain involved whatsoever.
  3. Any doctor should warn you that a general anaesthetic carries it's own risk. For this reason, local would be my preferred option when available.
  4. 'LMDE aims to be as similar as possible to Linux Mint, but without using Ubuntu. The package base is provided by Debian instead'. Thank you for your information.
  5. https://linuxmint.com/download_lmde.php https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php We're talking about Linux Mint. Linux Mint is offered with a choice of either a Ubuntu or a Debian base.
  6. Good solution. There are two options for Linux Mint; Ubuntu based and Debian based. You may find the Debian based runs a little lighter. Debian versions of SlimJet browser will install upon both.
  7. For a lightweight browser try Slimjet. They recommend installing their 32 bit version (even on a 64 bit machine) for speed. Works well for me; https://www.slimjet.com/en/dlpage.php
  8. Absolutely agree! A self-employed contracting plumber/gas central heating installer friend has to have health/public liability insurance. That involves annual medicals. At his most recent his doctor asked him if he would like him to install a stent. No problem at the moment but thinking long-term that 'prevention is better than cure'. He agreed. His next insurance premium tripled. They told him; 'because you've had a heart attack'. He replied he hadn't. Well then, 'because you're at risk of having one'. He replied I'm not. Well, 'they certainly don't fit them for fun'. He has to pay 3X more!
  9. Last year, around our corner, two teenage girls on a moto died at the scene after colliding with the rear of a six-wheeler. They were friends of my nephew and customers of my wife's shop. Our First Responders took photographs of the scene and uploaded them to Facebook. A motorcycling friend in UK asked me to stop sharing such images.
  10. Very good point. If someone uses a 'selfie stick' they only have the use of one arm to steady themselves. If taking a selfie 'freehand' they hold their mobile with one hand and press the button with the other. If you were seen/video recorded doing that and toppling over backwards, would that constitute reckless behaviour thus voiding any accident cover?
  11. 100% she must sue for everything she can get. A terrible incident that ever so clearly shouldn't have happened. How much she must regret deciding to fly for this journey?
  12. Very well reasoned comments. If anyone had to wager upon the cause I'm certain they would come up with; drink, drugs and silliness (or a combination). Reason for denying the claim almost certainly based on blood test results. However, as already posted above, we don't know for sure as yet.
  13. Interesting thank you! Makes you think that although participation may not be a stated exclusion, insurance companies may be able to resist your claim on the basis that such activities become 'extreme' after a certain age?
  14. Exactly! I attempted to make a claim in the days when you could go into an office and talk to someone face to face. The young lady gave me the 'stock' answer; 'Which of course isn't covered under your policy'. Fortunately, I had thoroughly read the booklet that came with it that clearly stated it WAS covered. Two possibilities; she didn't know her job or, more likely, was under instruction to fend off all claims with that line in the hope the customer didn't know and would give up.
  15. Agree most definitely! Doing what you do is more adventurous and closer to nature.
  16. We (eight of us plus hired driver of luxury van) went to Nan to check out 'long lost' relatives. Pleasant enough but what Thai's call mountains are really only hills to me. Stayed at a couple of resorts that were adequate but that's about all.
  17. Agree with that! Went to Nan for the first time recently (March 2566). Stayed overnight in Phrae and at Bo Kluea. Very pleasant.
  18. Definitely! Haven't heard the term 'Obotor' previously. My Mrs refers to a guy she calls 'The Prefect'. He was wearing a gold chain on one occasion. Once we were in the same restaurant and when we came to settle our bill the owner told us; 'No need, the Prefect paid for you'. Apparently, he was impressed that I am the only foreign blood donor at our local collection sessions.
  19. 10 out of 10 plus a lot more! Surely the owner of the Honda CBR 650 should find a way to express his gratitude?
  20. Our village head man has a shop next door to my Mrs. He is most knowledgeable and helpful and works very long hours for the community. Meetings almost everyday until late. Not something many people would want to do. He certainly deserves whatever money and goods people give him.
  21. Agreed, it certainly was. Great to have alternative routes and options. You would have expected that, by now, flights would have reverted to pre-Covid levels?
  22. Thanks for the info. Positive news at last. I guess the problem was that U-Tapao wasn't built as a civilian airport. With you-know-who building islands in the South China Sea and no longer having Clark USAF base it might be needed again! I understand that in the early days of low cost airlines, lower landing fees attracted them to out-of-town airports. However, that makes onward connections awkward. Even if there was eventually a regular (or even high-speed) rail link, passengers requiring connections at Suvarnabhumi aren't going to consider flying via U-Tapao when they can already fly low cost into either swampy or Don Mueang.
  23. Very good info thanks. Most useful to know!
  24. Thanks for the suggestions! Looks and sounds a most pleasant journey.
  25. 10C and heavy rain at the moment. Can't wait to get back to Thailand.
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