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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Most sensible advice thank you. Our house is unoccupied during daylight hours. We have a family friend electrician who charges us 300 baht labour per day (we always give him several times that of course). Even with 2 baht per unit Feed In Tariff it doesn't make sense for us. My house in UK has a completely free 'Rent a Roof' PV installation which gives me unrestricted daytime use. Overall, a one-third reduction in my electricity bills. Feed in Tariff not payable to me of course.
  2. Spot on about the pub. That was when there were a lot more open! Guys I used to work with would drink up to five pints at lunch time and then go in again after work. Weekends involved some serious drinking!
  3. All a matter of opinion and choices. Pattaya isn't only LK Metro. Personally, I like it and much prefer Patts to Phuket.
  4. That's some punishment! Having said that, third class seats even today are most uncomfortable (at least they are on North Eastern Line). Mrs won't entertain rail travel on the basis that you need to book so far in advance.
  5. Thanks for the warning. Best to steer clear for a while then!
  6. Looks fine to me! I'd like to visit Chiang Mai (never been) although travelling from Khon Kaen by railway is rather a long way around!
  7. Prior to Covid there was a direct flight to UK. I have flown from Khon Kaen but, alas, no longer.
  8. Thanks for posting. No problem with these! I'd enjoy living in one myself.
  9. Doesn't say whether insured or not. Would PV panels generate under bullet proof glass shields? However, the cost of protecting such a large surface area in that way would be immense.
  10. It's a question of degree. For example, if your wife runs a shop, she needs to go to the wholesalers, take meal and toilet breaks. It is not unreasonable for her husband to assist her in her business on such occasions. If wife opens a second shop and her husband runs it then that is 'crossing the line' IMHO.
  11. Absolutely! There was a posting maybe only a fortnight ago when an immigration officer was quoted as saying; 'Of course you can assist your wife with her farm. You are a married couple and that's what couples do'.
  12. Very good question. I'm over 65 too. We have a family friend who is headmaster of a local school. Everytime we meet at social occasions he asks when I am coming to his school to teach English?
  13. Good info on this thread thanks. I'm looking for them too. I use mine in a USB adapter. Recently, one card limited itself to read only and another died completely. My USB pens seem to be longer lasting. Anyone else found that to be the case?
  14. Would agree about delays. One example only last week. My niece was coming home for the weekend from college. Distance 156 km. Rail journey time is 1hr 30mins. I was concerned as we set off in the car 15 minutes late to pick her up. My Mrs said; 'No worry, trains in Thailand are always late'. Correct, when we got to the railway station her train was running 30 minutes late which finally became 45 minutes.
  15. Can't beat the old nationalised British Railways methods. More passengers requires more trains and increases operating costs. The solution; raise fares to reduce passenger numbers. If that doesn't work then reduce the number of carriages to make journeys intolerable. That'll discourage those passengers!
  16. Used to drink lager (and wine with meals) only whilst on holiday. It's the temperature. Thirsty at breakfast time. Living in Thailand only drink lager when thirsty, wine is too expensive. Now in UK and have no desire to drink alcohol at all.
  17. Agree. In my small town we only have one branch of one bank, that being SCB. Recently, they displayed posters about not accepting payment of bills 'over the counter'. Outside, they have an ATM, passbook update machine and cash deposit machine. Possibly, they may instal a virtual telling machine also, then everything is covered and the branch could be closed. However, it is always busy. All banks have branches in our nearest larger town, only 11 km distant.
  18. Exactly! I use 'Big Linux' which is most user-friendly, detects which software your computer needs and talks you through everything. Otherwise, 'Linux Mint' is perhaps closer in appearance to Windows and just simply works.
  19. If your machine has 8GB RAM it's probably more than adequate for what you need. I would get it fixed. I have three laptops, all with 4GB RAM dating from 2009 through to 2012. All work well enough for internet browsing, office functions and audio/visual. As already mentioned, a free download of Libre Office is lighter than Microsoft Office. Alternatively, on-line Google Docs are good enough for me.
  20. Going further, are we confident that the insurance company would've coughed up if the lady hadn't consumed alcohol? Is it possible that they could argue that you have a duty to take reasonable care of yourself and that would include looking where you are walking?
  21. That's interesting thank you. I know that in the UK there is a shared insurer's database. Presumably, same would apply in Australia?
  22. We have a friend who is a male nurse at our local Community Hospital. Same as in UK, he visits three times per day and provides such as electric undulating pressure relieving mattresses for the dying. He attended my mother-in-law whilst she was dying last year. When off-duty he came around to our house and kipped down on the floor with the family and friends watching over. In addition, a doctor visited once daily. Something you don't get from the UK National Health Service.
  23. Very good question! I guess the yardstick should be; 'Would a reasonable person have fallen in that way if they hadn't been intoxicated?'
  24. Can confirm several hotels I've checked into in Phuket have demanded my passport. Watched the staff examine the immigration stamps and discuss them between themselves. On the other hand, where the booking was done by my Mrs, I sometimes don't get asked to show either my passport or pink card.
  25. That's what is great about Thailand. In UK I needed stitches removing and went to the NHS hospital nearest to where I was working at the time. They point blank refused to remove them for me.
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