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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Various possibilities. When taking out the policy he could have failed to disclose previous diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure. He could have developed raised B.P. subsequently and not disclosed it when renewing premiums. Most disturbingly could he have developed it but genuinely never become aware e.g. he didn't have annual medicals and had never visited a hospital or clinic since taking out the policy?
  2. Can I ask whether your friend was already diagnosed as untreatable when he was placed on the dying ward? Or, was he receiving treatment that was discontinued because of his inability to pay his bill and therefore left to die of his condition?
  3. My local and regional government hospitals use the large 'whole arm' blood pressure/pulse machines. Notoriously inaccurate. Lord knows what damage they are doing to peoples medical history records?
  4. Wow! I have two Acer's. One from 2009 and the other from 2011. New keyboard fitted into the 2011. That's all.
  5. I find there is a world of difference in portability between 15.6 and 14 inch. 14 inch seem so much easier to transport.
  6. Good on you! It really is not too difficult. You do need a little initial confidence and must ensure that you can't lose important data before you begin by backing-up to a cloud service or an external hard drive etc. I found Windows 10/11 to be too heavy for my mid-range 2012 laptop with 4GB RAM. Any Linux distro works just fine though.
  7. On second thoughts perhaps you're right! We are fortunate that our guy is a family friend and, in addition to his core business also obtains secondhand computers to order.
  8. I would also recommend installing Linux Mint. I have a similar laptop and it works perfectly. If you aren't confident (or really don't want to be bothered) and/or have files on the laptop you don't want to risk losing, your friendly local mobile 'phone shop should be able to install it for you.
  9. Thanks for this! I found this (albeit over 12 months old) actually on the Surfshark pages; https://surfshark.com/blog/decentralized-vpn
  10. Agree! I use the Windows app to watch tubitv.com which is, apparently, only available in USA.
  11. I understood that VPN companies constantly change things (workaround), as websites become aware of geo-unblocking via VPN's. Are they saying that certain websites e.g. William Hill in UK are now totally impossible to unblock?
  12. Absolutely! When in UK I avoided pre-Christmas (works do's), Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Eve. Used to go to clubs and restaurants etc. during the first week in January. Got treated like royalty!
  13. There really isn't much to say. I couldn't believe an 'academic' would come out with this. Left it for others to make up their own minds. I agree with what you say, Palestinians haven't got much choice in who fights for them. Hezbollah are Lebanon based and Houthi are in the Yemen.
  14. Good to know thanks!
  15. Completely understand. After my free trial they sent emails with special offers on subscriptions. When the price came down to just over one dollar per month I signed up for three years. Otherwise, I was going to go for Atlas VPN which is about the lowest priced alternative. Never had any problems with SurfShark though!
  16. Part Two is setting up the VPN; https://support.smartdnsproxy.com/article/176-vpn-setup-for-chromeos-l2tp
  17. Here's the ChromeBook set-up instructions; https://support.smartdnsproxy.com/article/44-chromebook-dns-setup-for-smart-dns-proxy
  18. Have you already done this? This set up is for Windows 11 but there are instructions for other operating systems; https://support.smartdnsproxy.com/article/791-windows-11-setup-for-smart-dns-proxy
  19. Sorry about that. I previously subscribed to 'ZenMate' (simply because it was the cheapest). However, it wouldn't unblock BBCiPlayer. Their C/S told me they were presently working on a solution but couldn't give any timescale. As it wasn't available before my initial 30 days was up I cancelled and received refund in full. No problems with SurfShark for two years but I now use Smart DNS Proxy due to their special offer of three year's for £41.11 GBP ($50.98 USD).
  20. Not to worry, it isn't the easiest but once you get it up and running it's worth it. Did you see four green ticks after you logged into .'My Account'?
  21. How many could truthfully find that sort of money? I know my credit card wouldn't stretch that far!
  22. Maybe if you downloaded the user guide; https://www.smartttc.com/en/download
  23. Have you tried eMailing SurfShark? It's between Christmas and New Year now but, in normal times, I have received positive replies from them within one hour. First class customer service from SurfShark!
  24. Thanks for your update! Living with uncertainty from day-to-day makes life more interesting. I've enjoyed ten years of lower bills in the UK thanks to the totally free 'rent a roof' scheme. No feed-in tariff or meter spinning in reverse (had a digital one at time of installation, now replaced with Smart meter). Been trying to persuade my Mrs to instal solar without success. Our electrician friend does all sorts of weird and wonderful things with solar panels and car batteries but only for lighting purposes. He says solar is no good for running air conditioners. House is unoccupied from 7am until around 9 or 10pm. Average monthly bill 2,000 baht.
  25. I didn't previously have an account before ordering my NT Thunder SIM. Just checked now, I used my Covid/Pink ID card number and my Mrs's mobile number to log into my account. The OTP for logging in went to her mobile, of course. I have a photograph of the QR code activation letter (Steps numbered 1,2,3 & 4). (Used Google lens to translate from Thai). Step 1 - Receive and inspect product. Step 2- Scan QR code and then to fill in; 'Order Number and mobile phone number for the contact specified in the ordering process (not the number of the SIM card received). Step 3- Enter OTP received. Step 4- Try it out. Hope this helps!
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