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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. So far not too bad for me. 5 years of paying for stepdaughter's university course resulted in success. Mrs happy with a 10 year old SUV. Niece, stepson and stepdaughter so far satisfied with twenty year old vehicles. Next it's houses for them!
  2. Three score years and ten being at the front of your mind?
  3. I believe I have to keep money instantly available (and accessible) in case of accident or sudden illness.
  4. Agreed, there has to be a leak somewhere. Last year I received notifications from my UK banks that voice passwords had been set up on my accounts. If it wasn't me call them. This I did and was told someone 'phoned 10 minutes ago. They must have known my username (customer ID number) and passwords to be able to do that.
  5. Recently a Thai family friend had 950,000 baht transferred from his Thai savings account to a bank account in Cambodia. He insists he did nothing, didn't click upon a hyperlink in a text message (for example). As the transaction was made using his credentials both bank and police say nothing can be done.
  6. Very true! Not that long ago my European travel insurance was only £26 per annum. Although we were covered by our E111 (now EHIC) for emergency treatment in EU it made sense at that price to cover other medical treatment too. Excluded luggage as I could always afford to replace my T shirts, shorts and canvas bag!
  7. Yesterday a friend in UK had his 1100cc moto stolen from his driveway (he calculated it must have been taken between 22.00 and 0.00). He normally always parks it in his secure, brick built garage which is alongside his house. Unfortunately, he was doing DIY and didn't have the space. He has comprehensive cover but when taking out his policy stated he keeps it in his locked garage overnight. I understand his insurance company have advised him that as the bike was stolen within one quarter mile of his home under the terms of his policy it isn't covered. Anyone similar experience?
  8. Definitely as case for pavements where possible and for the authorities to ensure that they are kept clear for pedestrians to walk upon.
  9. Definitely remember a UK motor insurance company going under in the 1970's. Can't remember the name though. A guy I worked with had taken out his motor insurance with them and lost his premium.
  10. Absolutely fantastic (financially)! Sorry that you endured at least one unnecessary operation. Were you ever able to verify whether you actually did have diverticulitis and/or that the second operation was necessary? If your condition could have been treated by medicines only then the third nasty operation would have been avoided. Was your current account with Lloyds one of the 'package' ones which included various benefits (such as AA/RAC breakdown service and travel insurance) for which you paid a monthly fee?
  11. Great wording! Made me think of the extreme rides at amusement pleasure parks (not that I've been on one or ever wished to). As I remember 'Revolution' was very popular at Blackpool UK in the 1980's because you were turned completely upside down. Over the decades some people must have suffered after effects? Could insurance companies categorise such rides as engaging in hazardous activities?
  12. I served a Thai guy in my wife's shop. He spoke perfect English, telling me he was a retired immigration officer and had worked on one of the islands (forget which one). Caused me to think for a while but that must have been 4 or 5 years ago and I'm still here. We have a serving policeman who lives opposite the shop. Plus another two (one is traffic) who are customers. Mrs says "not worry about such things around here!"
  13. I'd say you were very fortunate to be able to do those things in your 40's and 50's. Some of us have never been fit enough even in our teens and twenties.
  14. That would definitely make sense with our wonderfully creative NHS accountants. The £1.3 billion 'recovered' since 2015 might not only be debt collected after the event but could include payments obtained in advance!
  15. Definitely a case for abolishing borders. Worldwide. If everyone could live and work anywhere employers would be able to recruit the best people for the job, there would be no skills shortages and we would be incredibly culturally enriched.
  16. Thanks for this. More recent than my experience. Would be interesting to know their processes for getting money out of anyone abroad?
  17. I went for an interview for a post with UK NHS of recovering money from overseas patients. The office was more of a cubicle with a few lever arch files and no staff! I got the impression the work was no more than a token gesture and absolutely a losing battle. A couple of years afterwards I read somewhere that our NHS had given up doing this.
  18. In UK I run a dehumifier full time in my bathroom. Definitely makes it dryer and also warmer first thing in the morning. In Thailand I place a pedestal fan inside my bathroom after showering plus use the extractor fan.
  19. True Richard. My bathroom doors are the cheap grey plastic and incorporate vents. Handles ripped off and bolts gone wonky too. But the good thing is they won't rot or suffer termites. Have to laugh!
  20. Interesting thanks! Supporters would argue that this is great providing it is put to good use in preventing and detecting crimes and apprehending offenders wanted on warrants etc. If people believe it's being used for other purposes e.g. indentifying and harassing trade union officials, political activists or even blackmail by the police then some sort of civil disobedience may be in order. Thinking of bank branches with metal detectors at the door and signs; 'remove crash helmet and baseball caps'. Banks in certain places employ armed security guards and deny entry/eject those who refuse to comply. Could we ever reach the stage where certain items of clothing were prohibited out of doors? Didn't France do that to certain females?
  21. Some people would take the view that a bathroom door is made with ventilation for a reason and therefore shouldn't be interfered with.
  22. Continuing to wear your face mask sounds like a good idea! Or would we need dark glasses and a peaked cap too?
  23. I like it! Subtle, no loss of face involved and you got what you wanted.
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