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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Unfortunately, our Regional Government Hospital appear to have screwed up. Can only assume they didn't read the Bangkok Hospital reports. Radiosurgery didn't happen. Instead lumpectomy and removal of underarm lymph nodes. Cancer Stage reassessed from one to between two and three. Tomorrow my Mrs commences eight sessions of chemotherapy each three weeks apart. Thereafter, fifteen daily sessions of radiotherapy.
  2. Nail on the head! My nightmare is serious illness or accident rendering me immobile and thus unable to return to UK. However, if my condition was intractable it would depend upon how long I had left.
  3. Understood thank you. Maybe this no longer applies? 'Under section 12 of the Drugs Act, B.E. 2510 (1967), no person shall manufacture, sell, import or order into the kingdom any modern drug unless such person receives a license from the licensing authority. Thus, bringing drugs or ordering drugs to be shipped into Thailand by post is not allowed'.
  4. Do you have some sort of licence to import medicines?
  5. Subscribed to SurfShark for two years. Never failed to connect or unblock geo-blocked websites. Perfect for streaming, never any buffering. Customer Service answered an email within one hour. Now use SmartDNSProxy (includes a VPN). Totally free trial (no credit card details required). Subscribed for three years which works out at just over one dollar per month. Never any issues.
  6. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/vpn/guides/vpn-smart-tv/
  7. BBC iPlayer working perfectly using SmartDNS Proxy VPN (London 'Smart' server selected).
  8. Never had my blood pressure checked in U.K. when going to the dentist, however they did ask if there had been any changes to my health since last visit? Since living in Thailand dental nurse has taken BP and pulse at each visit. Dentist also asks if everything was OK at my last annual medical? I answer 'yes' although I haven't ever had one.
  9. Can confirm. Our local blood donation sessions previously used the 'whole arm' blood pressure machines. Every three months I was rejected. I purchased a basic Omron blood pressure monitor and found my BP was always normal. I went to the next blood donor session to find that they no longer use the whole arm machines and use small monitors similar to the one I'd bought. I now pass every time.
  10. Anyone had a red light at exit autogate? Would you have to be on overstay or possibly flagged for something else?
  11. That's no joke. I sympathise. Unless you have another reason to go there it's uneconomical to burn your petrol. However, public transport (especially railway) is cheap. Is it feasible for you to travel by rail etc. from where you live?
  12. Agree. Totally 'portable' as it's cloud based. Enough functionality for the basic/average user IMHO.
  13. That's assuming if it was a private hospital they would comply with UCEP (Universal Coverage for Emergency Patient), which came into force on 01st April 2017 and requires all hospitals, state or private, to treat emergency patients for free for the first 72 hours.
  14. This morning, for the first time there was a patch of blood in my bed that had soaked through to the mattress. Mrs cleaned it up and suggested I see a doctor. However, I don't think that's necessary. Suspect it's only my piles that have started to leak.
  15. Fair price for the quality. I paid about the same for Linea Roma with single vision distance lenses in Paraguay about 15 years ago. I also purchased a pair of Wrangler reading glasses from the same shop but can't remember the cost of those.
  16. Thanks for this. It's all interesting! I can only state my own experience with a Vyke UK mobile number over the last three years. Calls and SMS including one time passcodes (OTP's) seem to have been received without any problem. I generally don't use a VPN on my two mobile phones. When I do it's either free Browsec or SmartDNSProxy (includes VPN). Prior to SmartDNSProxy I used SurfShark. Sometimes I look and notice that I've left a VPN unintentionally running. I know that USA financial institutions are very wary of sending OTP's via VOIP services so wouldn't recommend Vyke for US use. UK doesn't seem to be worried (as yet). What Australia does I'll admit I don't know.
  17. Some Australian members have previously been searching for cheap mobile phone numbers. Pleased to report that Vyke now offer Australian mobile numbers for $97 AUS Dollars per annum. In addition, Canadian, United Kingdom, Mexican, Polish and USA. Free to receive calls and SMS. Outgoing mobile, landline calls and SMS of course depend upon where you're calling/sending to. Australian rates are (in USD); Mobile; 6.0c/minute, Landline; 3.0c/minute, SMS; 7.0c/each.
  18. Good news! We received the final pathology report from Bangkok Hospital on Friday; ‘Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, low to intermediate nuclear grade’. Although I suggested Srinagarind, yesterday we ended up at the tumour clinic in Khon Kaen Regional Hospital. The lady cancer doctor said the prognosis was excellent. ‘It’s a stage one cancer and 100% curable’. Mrs goes in on Monday 4th November for 4 or 5 days. She was concerned about having a mastectomy as her friend had. The doctor said ‘don’t worry, no surgery involved. Mrs asked if she’d be able to go on an already booked and paid for holiday flying out on 16th November? ‘Absolutely, there’s no postoperative risk’. Thanks Sheryl, you were absolutely correct about consulting a different doctor. It turned out to be less serious than we were originally told at Bangkok Hospital.
  19. Correct. US financial institutions are wary of sending OTP's via VOIP services. Also, Skype itself does not (or doesn't any longer) support 2FA; 'You can receive SMS messages on your US Skype Number from US and Canadian mobile numbers. However, SMS messages sent from services such as identity verification are not supported on US Skype Numbers'.
  20. You need to tell the Thai immigration office that they have things wrong. There has been a relatively recent report by an Asean Now member being told this.
  21. As I understand if your Thai wife has her own shop (for example) you are permitted to 'assist'. That is what couples do. Otherwise, how could your wife attend to her bodily functions or attend a hospital appointment etc?
  22. Excellent point Hamus! I have read previously something to do with proving that you have income/expenditure to negate suspicion that you might be working illegally.
  23. Thanks for this! Missed it previously. Appears that with or without other transactions in my bank passbook an extra trip (to Bangkok Bank) 5 days prior to immigration day plus 200 baht is required from now onwards.
  24. I purposely didn't say which one but as you've asked DrJack54 I can say it was Khon Kaen.
  25. Previously an updated (on the day) passbook only has been accepted at my office. The other day I made a transaction as usual before going to my bank to obtain the letter for immigration and updating my passbook. I’d brought copies of my Yellow Book, wife’s Blue Book and her ID card. Only needed my passport and bank passbook copies. At immigration the lady on the photocopy machine went into overdrive, copying 12 sheets including ‘Receipt of Notification’ TM30’s. She asked me where my bank statement was as ‘‘we need them now’. As it was 60km back to my bank I asked her if there was a way around this? She smiled and nodded. Once inside a very enthusiastic officer offered to ‘check everything for me’. I told him I hadn’t yet completed my TM7 and TM8 but he said ‘I’ll do that for you, come over to my desk’. Then the fun began! He said I needed a bank statement. Also, he was concerned that there was only one transaction in 12 months in my bank passbook. Mrs asked him how much and settled on 500 baht. We then sat there amazed at the amount of scanning and printing he then did. I can’t see a way around this as although my Bangkok Bank app will send 12 months statement history to my email the information will be as of 2 days prior. Plus, if we get the same officer next time he won’t like my lack of transactions! I wouldn’t object if they returned to the full VIP service when we used to telephone to make an appointment, all forms were completed for us with no questions asked. I only needed to supply photographs, photocopies and sit for desk cam photo.
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