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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. My experience too! I now always book via Trip.com. Last week the first leg of our two leg AirAsia flight was cancelled. Automatically rebooked onto the next available AirAsia flight. Unfortunately, that was too late to connect with the second leg. There were no other flights available with other airlines to make the connection. I couldn't change or cancel the second leg because of the terms of booking. I cancelled the first leg. Trip.com refunded my card within 24 hours. Fast and painless!
  2. Botswana are unarmed too. Apparently, following independence they decided to retain UK style policing. However, although capital punishment had been abolished they decided to reintroduce it, albeit reserved for the very worst offenders only.
  3. UK was an 'open door' for immigration until 1971. Those to whom you refer were most likely born in UK, thus cannot be deported.
  4. It isn't always possible but I've noticed that Thai's don't even seem to try to keep a wall between themselves and the gas cylinder.
  5. I did think of that but wanted to buy there and then and have done with it (or, rather my Mrs did) so simply chose from the laptops upon display in the shop.
  6. Thanks for your info and also thanks for buying from your local Advice shop. I bought an economical laptop from mine a couple of months ago. It's good to get the product in your hand and know that if there are any issues they have an English speaking technician in-store. The sales assistant speaks good English at mine too. When I got home I wiped Windows 11 and installed MX Linux instead. Unfortunately, I managed to lock myself out at the UEFI password stage. Went back to shop. It took the techie two internet searches plus one phone call and some head scratching but he sorted it very quickly. Didn't want payment but my Mrs gave him and the sales girl 100 baht each upon the basis; 'With you, we don't know when we're going to need them again!'.
  7. Risk category 3 applies from what I can see? https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/hcp/prevention-recommendations/pre-exposure-prophylaxis.html
  8. Totally agree! Since my Google bookmarks and passwords were hacked a couple of years ago I think that way too. I receive my OTP's via a VOIP service. Not the most secure as they are received on more than one device in my case. Also, receiving OTP's on the same device that you use for your mobile banking apps is obviously convenient but less secure.
  9. Agree! On the subject of Samsung, my Mrs won't entertain anything else. Only the most recent air conditioner we bought was based upon a high rating at the time (LG Dual Inverter). We haven't had any problems with Samsung branded products.
  10. Do you remember Margaret Thatcher gave police a 45% pay rise ahead of the anticipated trouble?
  11. My Mrs tips 10% or 100 baht (whichever is the greater). Her logic is that the waiter/waitress is from Laos or Cambodia etc. and they deserve it.
  12. When working (in UK) I only used to drink when on holiday. The 'cafe culture' of Spain and Portugal suited me fine. Cheese and ham toasties, bolos, coffee and draught lager anytime between 6am and midnight (or later) in air conditioned comfort was great. A jug of vinho branco de casa with my meals in small family run restaurants was great too. Not the same in Thailand, at least not where I live. Limit myself to the odd can of Chang at home for thirst quenching purposes only.
  13. Good thinking thanks! I realise I might not live long enough to get my money back, however if we're only talking 90,000 Baht it isn't crucial.
  14. Thanks for your info. Very good price. Would most definitely go for same myself if I could convince my Mrs! We are out most days from 7am until 9pm hence, without batteries, the array would only run two fridge/freezers, water coolers and CCTV. Nevertheless, good to have.
  15. Agree. Airport check-in can (and do) ask for; sight of return/onward ticket or 'some sort' of visa.
  16. Classic indications of presenile dementia.
  17. Thank you for all the time, thought and effort involved in writing this. Much appreciated!
  18. I like Laos. My Mrs thinks it's too rough! The border is 240 km away and $52 USD Lao eVisa fee is also a consideration.
  19. Any bets this will be resolved with the lads accepting settlement of an 'undisclosed sum?'.
  20. We call them; '4 wheeled Christians' in UK. Four wheels on your pram, your wedding car and your hearse.
  21. The Fugitive


    I hope you don't throw it away because it's grown mould?
  22. I live in Thailand most of the time. Recently asked Cigna Global for a quote (there is no age limit on their international plans). My previous diagnosed conditions were disregarded (no exclusions apply) because they are regarded as 'resolved' and I'm not receiving any current medication. Monthly premium for their silver plan is $565.48 USD.
  23. Of course I don’t know what; ‘people like me’ means in your particular case. However, I can only relate my own early experiences in Thailand when living in ‘low rent’ apartments which may explain why some have the opinions that they do of ‘border runners’. A guy I was friendly with ‘lived on his wits’, because, as he admitted; ‘You’ll run out of money at some point’. Border runs were a source of worry for him because he never could get together 20,000 baht to show if ever asked. He rented a scooter (think 2,000 baht per month). The apartment owner engaged a lot with his tenants and we heard many stories from him. One day my friend ‘vanished’. The owner told us that, despite many warnings and much leniency, he hadn’t paid his rent and enough was enough. With some strong-arm help the owner had packed up what little belongings he had and took them, together with my friend to ‘somewhere’ and dumped him. With zero cash, I did wonder what the guy would’ve done in case of a moto accident or illness?
  24. Well thought out improvements for minimal cost! A zero cost improvement would be to replace Windows with a lightweight Linux distro. I don't believe it's all that difficult to make the transition, especially if you have another device upon which to look up how to do things.
  25. OK thanks. It was, coincidentally, the same price. I would buy from my Advice shop again. They seem to have a good enough selection.
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