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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Thanks for the information. Appears he was living from day to day, using what was available at the time although it wasn't designed for that purpose. Then failed to keep his head down when he should have done. I don't bear him any ill-will for doing that.
  2. Same near me. From very small noodle joints to BBQ's to larger places with many seats/tables. All nearly always deserted. Even our favourite coffee shop now no longer sells individual cake/gateaux slices. They said we weren't selling hardly any.
  3. 100% agree! Everyone is very willing to accept your money but never to refund, it's an unfortunate fact of life. Once you had parted with your $150 I too suspect you would have had a poor chance of eventually seeing it again.
  4. Brilliant, civil and criminal law is full of 'what a reasonable person would do'. steve187's suggestion is completely reasonable IMHO.
  5. Long may you continue Sir! Can't help thinking that if you didn't drive (or ride) your stress levels would be reduced. Currently, people are living until around 115. I believe you should set that as your starting point and go forward from there!
  6. There definitely was regular ice and quite deep snow around in the UK during the 60's. Then, we went for a decade or so and never saw any snow. After that I remember the coldest ever temperature of -26.1 C recorded in England in Shropshire in 1982. Colder than Siberia apparently!
  7. There's so much (conflicting) information and so many predictions around. Not too long ago the question was whether global warming is permanent, reversible or that it doesn't even exist being 'cyclical'. The World seems to have accepted that it is real and we have cause to worry.
  8. Never mind the UK! When the temperature becomes equal at the poles and equator where would people go for a sunny holiday? Or would The Arctic and Antarctica become tourist hotspots?
  9. They 'SHOULD' be able to move you on from pending over the telephone. However, I was once told (Not Korat) that there was a problem and I needed to attend their office. This, as I was later advised, is to force me to attend in the hope that they can get a tip out of you.
  10. If your Mrs were to take your pick-up to our bodywork repair man you would have change out of 1,000 baht. Very good job too. Important for you keep out of the way though!
  11. Good advice thank you. Something to think about. My Mrs lends her Pajero to her son and his wife for long distance trips because they only have an old pick-up. I very much doubt they have other than the basic insurance (if that).
  12. Thanks for your honesty. May it serve as a warning to others. My Mrs recently agreed to obtain a motor car driving licence. However, she doesn't feel there is any need to obtain one for riding her moto's (we have several which are shared by family).
  13. Last evening we were driving in unfamiliar territory, my Mrs at the wheel (as always) and myself in passenger seat. After my head had hit the roof 4 or 5 times I asked my wife if she could slow down for the speed humps and possibly try to steer around the potholes? She replied; "I would, but I can't see the road ahead". I have to admit I couldn't see anything in front of us either. Only then it dawned on me; we were driving on sidelights! I suggested she switch to dipped headlights and things then improved. Have to take 50% of the blame for not noticing myself!
  14. That is a fact! He fell at the first fence, an easy and cheap requirement. I can understand Thai Immigration having no sympathy. However, if he has developed physical and/or mental problems since entering Thailand then it would be the decent and human thing to make some allowance.
  15. I don't think this was the reason, rather that the bank staff are under instructions not to process transactions for anyone who hasn't got valid ID. Same happened to me in South America, a ticket office sales person checked every page in my passport before advising that as I wasn't stamped into the Country, I didn't have valid ID and consequently he wasn't permitted to sell me a ticket. He didn't care at all about me being in his Country illegally and, in fact, helpfully suggested I go to another seller who doesn't bother to check ID validity. This I did and the other company sold me a ticket.
  16. Wow! Have they got a special IT department?
  17. Just told my Mrs she should move her car, it's parked on the right-hand side of the road, facing the wrong way. She replied; "It's a one-way street". Plus, she is facing the direction of permitted travel. Only problem is many people disregard the signs and use our street in both directions. A policeman lives opposite and he too treats the street as two-way. Anyone know how we stand?
  18. Health plans are unavailable for me. Mrs has already taken out this Life Insurance. Premium 32,000 baht per annum. No payout in first two years. If I survive the 20 year term all premiums refunded in full. Pays out 300,000 upon death. Worked out if I die in less than two years = Total loss. If die within 2 to 9 years = Make a profit. If die between 10 and 19 years = Make a loss. If I live over 20 years I have given the insurance company an interest free loan!
  19. I can believe that! My Mrs has a friend whose falang husband recently died having destroyed his stomach and liver with alcohol. His widow had to find the cost of his funeral (150,000 baht) because he had literally drunk every penny of his savings and was living (or rather drinking) from day to day on his pension(s). That's why my Mrs has taken out Life Insurance (20 year term) for me.
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