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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. If your visa is a Non-IMM O (Usually got in country or from an Embassy in a nearby country) then you do not need medical insurance. If your visa is a Non-IMM OA (Always got from home country or a country where you have permanent residency rights) then you will need Health Insurance. I don't think you have to have a >6 month rental contract as I'm sure there are quite a few guys who are more long term holiday makers & stay in hotels, with partners etc... but you will almost certainly need a TM30 which your hotel should provide for you - If you're staying with somebody then they should be able to register online & do your TM30. When you leave Thailand your 90 day report requirements stop & restart at Day 1 when you re-enter so if you came left Thailand on 1st June there would be no need to do your 90 day report on 30th June & when you came back on 30th August your next 90 day report would be due 27th November.
  2. I am normally a cash guy but just back from a week on Koh Samet & found they’ve removed all (3) of the ATMs there so when I got down to my last few thousand THB I had to use my Banking Apps to pay the larger bills. Fortunately my 800K is in a fixed deposit account so doesn’t matter for extension purposes.
  3. why kill your current Visa / Run of extensions, why not “Simply”(Nothing simple when it comes to immigration) switch to using the 65K income method for your next extension? Edit:Whoops this advice is too late if you’ve already left the country without a Re-Entry permit.
  4. Reminds me of the Pie Barms we used to get when we went to Wigan to watch the Rugby…
  5. my Condo Gym overlooks the car park entrance & every morning I used to watch somebody smuggling their Golden Lab puppy out for a walk in a pram via the car park ramp. Needless to say 3 months later the dog was too big for the pram, no idea what happened to it or them but I haven’t seen either since. If you want to keep a pet then simpler & best for all if you limit yourself to places that allow pets.
  6. Now I think about it I’m pretty sure you’re correct & you need at least 400K in the Bank & at least 37.5K pm income.
  7. Technically it should be 200K in the bank + 50K pm income but It would help if you share which Immigration Office you use as not all are “Friendly” to using the Combination method.
  8. Pound to tip over $1.40 within a year, says Goldman Sachs https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/pound-tip-over-1-40-173040960.html Seem to be more about the dollar weakening against many currencies rather than GBP getting stronger.
  9. That must be on a contract… Base model starts at 29,900B… https://www.apple.com/th/shop/buy-iphone https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/promotions/recommend/apple/iphone-16-series
  10. (Excluding Phuket) Did they “Grandfather In” the non-Insurance requirements? I seem to recall a lot of reports of existing Non-IMM OA users exiting to return for a Non-IMM O because they hadn’t been grandfathered in & suddenly needed Health Insurance Edit: Only applies to “Retirees” guys on Marriage Non-IMM OAs don’t need the Health Insurance
  11. Assuming your new phone is an Android, you can now get Tags that can use Google Find My Device E.G. https://www.eufy.com/blogs/smart-tracker/eufy-tracker-works-with-google-find-my-device so it doesn’t matter what brand of phone you use. Obviously if you’ve switched to Apple you can just get an AirTag though I use the Eufy tags as they’re cheaper & offer some use to the GF on her Android phone.
  12. So what you don’t like about Pattaya is that it’s too far away from Hua Hin? The fact that it’s closer to >99% of the rest of the world (given its closer proximity to a decent airport) doesn’t come into it… It’s just too far away from Hua Hin…
  13. As an aside I got into Rap music when I was a coder as I found it helped me to focus my mind somehow. Since then I still enjoy all kinds of Rap music & think this guys parody of the different styles of wrapping spot on…
  14. Thanks for that, given me a few new things to look for on YT… Funny enough Ready to Die popped up on my YT feed last week (think it was this link) when I was on my morning treadmill walk… Did 2 hours 😊
  15. yes but did you do the do…
  16. I’ll be honest I’ve never heard of that guy but the documentary on Biggie’s life I watched showed Sean Coombs with no notable artists convincing Biggie to come onboard but that could well have been just to make the story more interesting. No doubt Biggie made him a global superstar & no doubt that he made Biggie a legend…
  17. Who did Diddy have at Bad Boy before Biggie? As I understand it he had nobody but talked Biggie into signing & so they sort of “Launched” each other, Biggie would have made it on his own, not sure about Diddy (I really shouldn’t be talking like this at 58 😳)
  18. “Mo Money Mo Problems”’comes from Notorious BIG… (Skip to 3:20 in) Helped launch PDiddy but in fairness he made Biggy a global superstar.
  19. I worked for a Bank & you would be hauled into the managers office if your account went a penny overdrawn! Sadly that didn’t stop me from running up a year’s salary in debt on 2 credit cards (would pay 1 off every month & then use cash back from the other one to get through). Same bank sent me to Glasgow on a project where they were paying all expenses & at the end of it gave me a year’s salary as a bonus so both Cards payed off & direct debits set up so I never owed on them again. Even managed to pay both car loans off on that one ( had a car stolen, got the insurance money, pi55ed it up the wall so ended up with 2 car loans) only debt I’ve had since then was my mortgage which I paid off in 4 years.
  20. 100% agree if there is no doubt about guilt but how many times have we seen false Rape convictions over turned. Not siding with Rapists or Pedophiles in fact I’d advocate the death penalty for both if proven beyond all doubt but would want to see similar checks & balances in place to prevent irreversible impacts on innocent people.
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