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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. I kind of understood why they banned alcohol sales over what would have been the Songkran holidays. Along with cancelling the holidays and making public transport unavailable, it probably helped prevent social gatherings and thus the spread of the virus.


    I just don't see any real benefit in extending the sales ban. As people need to remain locked down at home for quite some time, let them have a drink at their leisure!


  2. 3 hours ago, Paul Laycock1 said:

    As my 90 day trip is due soon at Savannaket that’s exactly what I thought.

    I reckon they are open for trucks, fuel tankers and the like so why not cars.

    I hope you're joking. You will be able to buy booze within Thailand LONG before you'll be able to cross into Laos and back.


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  3. 3 hours ago, EricTh said:

    I thought a while back that Thai government require each 'tourist' to have at least 20,000 baht. This should be enough for at least two months if they don't go to massage places.


    Unless these people have been moonlighting on teaching English at private schools.

    I can see how it can happen even to a bona fide tourist. Blown their holiday money while things were still okay, ready to fly back but their flight got cancelled. Some even booked another flight only to have that cancelled as well, still waiting for refunds.


    That said, however, international bank transfers work just fine. Instead of becoming a burden to the locals, some affected tourists should - in my opinion - try harder to get funds sent from family or friends back home.


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  4. I appreciate that Thais go out of their way to help stranded foreigners. That will be remembered.


    But considering that there's a lot of hardship among Thais as well, I think stranded foreigners should try very hard to get funds transferred from family or friends back home. Accepting handouts from locals really should be the very last resort.

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  5. 4 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

    I understand them cancelling Songkran, but cancelling the public holidays so people still have to work is taking the p***

    A few days off work might have helped slow the spread (not including South Thailand)

    You're probably right from today's point of view, with all those inter provincial travel restrictions (and lack of public transport) now in place. When they cancelled the public holidays outright, I assume that their main objective was to prevent people from traveling home.


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