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Everything posted by UWEB

  1. I guess you are wearing also a Alu Head?
  2. The Chinese are knowing that much about EV Batteries that Tesla is even using them, beside that Toyota just announced to start using BYD Blade Batteries.
  3. Yes, some people are here just to post negative comments on all threads they can find. Seems to be they have their Computer as Friend only and nothing else to do.
  4. Yes, I hope so. You can make a start and delete your Account.
  5. I just have used my Yellow Housebook and pink Card to register my new Car.
  6. That's correct. May be you have to pay Taxes on remitted Money to Thailand, may be not. If it's old savings prior to 01.01.24 you can transfer them Tax free to Thailand, is it income from this Year you have to pay taxes. But the amount of Tax is pending on the amount of Money you are transfer and your personal circumstances.(Thai Tax Resident,your Age,Married, etc) There is a Thread from Mike Lister here on AN in the Finance Section, may be worth to have a look.
  7. Soon I will get my EV Charger installed at home for my Seal. Here I have the options to get a single or 3 phase Charger installed, but for now I'm not sure which one to take. What are the pros and cons if I go for a 3 phase one? Somebody else has installed a 3 phase already?
  8. You have to have a yellow Housebook to get a pink Thai ID Card, but you don't need to be married for.
  9. Have done it for years without any problem, but on my latest I don't get any response at all. Have deleted the first one and created another one with the same result. No response, next week I have to do it in person.
  10. Both are drugs, but better stoned then drunken. If Putin and Zelensky have had a nice Joint for sure there wouldn't be a war.
  11. Strange that people drinking 5 bottles of Beer every day but never smoked a Joint are commenting here.
  12. Not good for the environment only , also not good for the ICE Car Driver
  13. Usually it takes 2 or 3 days only to get approval, but now I'm waiting 10 days already without response. Somebody else has the same problem?
  14. Look for a Shop with this sign, they do the Inspection and arrange Insurance and Tax for you for a small fee.
  15. Wondering why people are posting a comment here while not even living in Thailand.
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