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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 19 hours ago, thedemon said:


    I'm not sure who I feel more sorry for; the thousands of employees that have lost their careers and are now struggling to take care of their families or someone that obviously has such a miserable life that they would make a comment like this.

    My life is wonderful. I despise bad people, and THAI are generally bad. A perfect reflection of the worst of common Thai national characteristics: arrogance and incompetence 

  2. 56 minutes ago, 2long said:

    So, looking at a live feed on FB there's a lady saying that it's banned due to some of the people on film not giving consent.


    So, for other similar websites, where all actresses give consent, do any TVF members have any suggestions?


    Asking for a friend! ????

    There was a massive ip webcam hack last month and lots of minors and breast feeding young moms across Southeast Asia ended up on porn sights naked or masticating and whatnot. Big big hack 

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  3. Those of us in the know, might be aware that there is a series of videos on PH and other adults sites by a lady called


    Search: nueng




    Search: thaiprinc###


    Note: the search above has absolutely nothing to do with topics which must be respected. It is the PH site username of a PH actress. 


    Some of the uploaded videos with her in them referred to her as "Thai Prin####" which would instantly get the entire site blocked. 


    By the way, she's good. Check her out. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, steveyinasia said:

    Some aviation collectors will go for this, not such a bad idea.  Sure its not going to save the airline and it probably isn’t planned to do so, just making use of materials which would otherwise end up in scrap.  Several companies already sell food storage units as furniture and even aircraft skin made into luggage tags.

    Yes, but doubtful they start selling stupid trinkets before developing a plan to reform and restructure the airline. Trying to equate Thais with the developed world almost never works 

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  5. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    The Bank of Thailand report acknowledged that tourism is, or more accurately was, 20% of gross domestic product in Thailand. 

    Finally! All you silly farang who believe all thr Thai nonsense see it now? An admission. 


    And, as I've said for decades, if you add all the gray and black economy spending, like the sex trade, you could very well arrive at upwards of 30% of the Thai economy! 

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  6. 6 minutes ago, onebir said:

    China isn't even doing that much covid testing (tests/1m population ranks 84th of 197 countries reporting).

    Agree. A person has to really be willfully blind to trust anything that comes out of China. I mean, their trustworthiness was suspect for decades. But, now? After they have nearly collapsed the whole world... Still people trust them? Wild 

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  7. 4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    I thought the Chinese government had clamped down on the ability to take money out of the country.

    I recall reading about it creating problems in Australia particularly Sydney where potential Chinese buyers were unable to complete the purchase of apartments for the above reason.

    They try... Then you see stories about Chinese using nominees to get over the 50k USD limit and using all sorts of other mechanisms. 


    Some countries, like Australia, perform rigorous source of funds reviews to discourage illicit money. Thailand is most certainly not one of them. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Probably a lot of western real estate developers who would be happy to sell some of their garbage urban property to the Chinese. The Chinese seem to be faring relatively well.


    Not sure how anyone could believe the Chinese after seeing how consistently they lie. 




    Do we also believe they their covid reporting? 

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