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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 1 hour ago, Cali farong said:

    Why would it make a difference what country you come fro if you test negative and you quarantine?? 

    Because the whole thing is risk based. The tests are statistically unreliable. The 14 days quarantine period is not fool proof as Some people are documented to be asymptomatic for a month or longer. 


    So another variable they use is how bad they think the traveler country is. 

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, leicesterguyuk said:

    Oh, 1 person? I won't panic just yet. 

    4 months on, hardly long term. 

    And who's to know that covid caused her problems? 

    Let's go with the other 99.9% of people who have had the problem (and not died) and have recovered just fine. 

    What do you think is a reasonable likelihood that tens of thousands of the brightest scientific minds across the world have it all wrong and you have it right? 

    • Like 2
  3. On 8/25/2020 at 7:50 PM, sandyf said:

    No one has ever said that one will replace the other. The ratio is about 40% domestic to around 60% international and it is about time you and your like accepted the reality of the situation.

    Only the self deluded would think that constant infantile whinging is going to change anything.

    Seems like Thais are out of money or just being sensible. Like I said, people are not in holiday mood. People are deeply worried about the future and if they will be able to work and earn. See? 



  4. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Pipat needs to be replaced within the next 24 hours. If the toxic army cared one iota about the Thai people, they would be searching for a competent and creative mind to lead the tourism ministry, rather than this mental midget. 


    ALL people from ALL nations should be allowed to come, as long as they are willing to subject themselves to quarantine. Period. No other requirements or restrictions. No heinous, punitive, or humiliating requests for permission from the overseas consulates. Who are we? Kids begging for play time? Or tourists willing to spend a bundle to help save Thailand's economy? 


    This is the time for the arrogant ministers and members of this toxic administration to be humble. Is this possible? Is this not a reality check and a wake up call? Are these guys capable of learning and adapting? 

    I agree with you. However, this is a challenge I don't think they can solve through their own effort. 


    Even with perfect policy, tourists are not likely coming in the short to mid term for all the other reasons mentioned on this and other threads. 


    What the Thais should probably be doing are things like 


    1. Planning new industries to move away from such a heavy reliance on unsustainable foreign tourism 


    2. Training the Thai population for the new industries 


    3. Taking strategic stock of their tourism industry and doing things like


    a) simplifying policy 


    b) improving core infrastructure like the airports and roads and beaches 


    But, all these things are difficult and Thais don't like difficult things. Difficult things are not 'sanuk'. Not fun. 


    They will be crawl along as they have been for decades, making negligible progress. That's the national character. 


    • Like 2
  5. 48 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

    There are a couple of things to consider. There is an increase in domestic tourist income because Thais are not spending money on overseas trips, and, more importantly, the domestic tourism distributes income to the hardest hit tourism areas. It may not be enough to generate profits for all tourist businesses, but may help some of the stronger businesses survive until international tourism starts up again, and provide some jobs to Thais in the tourist industry. 

    Agree that there are many things to consider. 


    I would bet the downward pressure of job losses, depressed incomes for those still working and hard hit exports to be dull the relatively small Thai domestic tourism spend for now. 


    At any rate, without the actual data, we are all just speculating. The reveal will be whether the government is still crying and begging daily for foreign tourism solutions as they have been for the last 6 months. 

  6. On 8/23/2020 at 10:02 AM, ThailandRyan said:

    Ouch, you went there and on a Sunday morning too.....well well well.  The sting of that comment will truly get a quick response for ......bye bye

    I tend to support my fellow Farangs but there is nothing more disgusting than those self-hating Westerners are fooled by smiling Asians that mostly are at best indifferent yo them and at worst (and often) despise them/us. 


    No doubt he's with a bar girl up in Nakhon Noplace. She's convinced him in her pidgin English that everything in Thailand is wonderful and his country no so good. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Chelseafan said:




    Until the two week qurantine is removed from the equation there is no way I am going back and that's coming from someone who's wife and family are in Thailand.


    What sane person books a 2 week vacation in Thailand when they have to stay in a hotel under quarantine.

    Why the hell don't these fools get it ?


    Personally I don't think they have any intention of relaxing the borders, it's just hyperbole for the masses.


    Thai logic not same same you farang logic na ????

  8. 7 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Oh great, here comes Fex Bluse again to lighten things up with his random nasty and bitter wishes upon an entire nation of people for no good reason!!

    What a horrible outlook you have, truly awful. I wonder what made you like this.   

    You hope the economy caves in.  You hope Thailand hurts.  You hope Thai Airways goes under and everyone loses their jobs.  Never come across anyone as bitter and nasty in my life.  How could any one wish to celebrate such catastrophes that effect good common people?  "Thailand will hurt" with a thumbs up.  

    I hope one day you can get better, maybe find a friend or a companion, maybe try being nice to someone and see what happens.

    No idea what you're on about. I'm quite happy. What makes you think I'm unhappy? 

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