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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. On 10/15/2020 at 11:17 AM, fruitman said:

    The WHO had said that lockdowns were not necessary anymore. But today we have new lockdown in Holland for 4 weeks.


    Why do some countries not follow the advice of the WHO? They also said that the deadly rate of corona is 0.13% which is the same as a normal virus.....


    So who's crazy now?

    Is that the same WHO that helped China cover up the virus and send infected Chinese all over the world? 

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  2. On 10/16/2020 at 6:07 PM, Flying Saucage said:

    Poster ukrules just posted this interesting paper in another thread: 




    This is a scientific article which unravels quite well some of the mechanisms why other countries with other climatic conditions have different numbers of seasonal flu infections, and it seems quite viable to extend these insights also to the Corona virus. It gives some hints why Thailand regionally might be in a more lucky situation as well.


    I have some doubts if this "expert" Yong ever reads somehing like this, otherwise he would debate on higher standards and should feel quite embarrassed himselve by his dumb weekly gossip. Reading his gossip between the lines shows again his strong and hardly hidden anti-western racism and his aim to boost xenobhobia against caucasians in Thailand. 


    Throughout most of southeast Asia, they are aligned with China. They after afterall, mostly ethnically Chinese. They have a deep seated inferiority complex and savor ever opportunity to claim Chinese are better than Westerners. 

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  3. On 10/6/2020 at 11:34 PM, ross163103 said:

    That worked out well for Venezuela (insert sarcasm).......Thailand needs to be careful.

    The Thais try to do everything their cousins in China do. What they don't understand is that Thailand has almost no leverage as the country is critical to nobody. Rice can get elsewhere. Can also train any population to assemble goods. Can even get decent HJs in other countries. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, rumak said:

    Over fifteen years we have rented our small houses out.  Most tenants have been american . We choose carefully but i would still say that 80% would definitely go in the "entitled" category.   Three nightmare tenants were all american  (to be fair, 2 have been very nice ! )


    I definitely do not like stereotyping...  but damn if one can refrain from my experiences.

    Three best tenants :   Canadian          even the guy my daughter married is really nice.  (Canadian)


    It's not about entitlement I reckon. America has very strong consumer rights culture and is very litigious. It is one of the reasons the country has been so economically successful over the last century. They demand a certain level of service where many other nationalities don't. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Yes. I remember trying to send 100 quid to my brother in England. I thought it would be simple but the procedure was ridiculous. I was told this was because of money laundering. Yet when I transferred a very large amount from my Thai bank account to my missus' account, no questions asked at all. Not even the obligatory, "Where did this money come from?".

    Many such issues encountered in Thailand are because the international banking lists Thailand and transactions originating here as high risk. 


    In many countries with better banking oversight, you would have less trouble. 


    Thailand is on a bunch of risky lists. 

  6. On 9/22/2020 at 6:57 AM, jonclark said:

    Hate to say this but did they perhaps interview Thai children under that age of 13 to get these responses. I do not think adults gave these responses in all seriousness. Unless it was an online survey with fixed responses. 

    I have to disagree. Having lived here on and off for decades, one might actually expect such responses. They are perfectly aligned with Thai 'sanuk' and 'maibenrai' cultural foundations. 


    Thais, for some good and some bad, don't take life very seriously. Of course they go shopping or eat as primary methods to deal with stress. 

  7. On 9/21/2020 at 3:04 AM, webfact said:

    Entering a free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union would boost revenue from some Thai exports but at the cost of Thailand having to import more products from the EU, according to a study.

    The use of "but" multiple times could be a sign that the Thais are surprised that they have to give something in the trade relationship, rather than simply ripping off the Farangs, I mean EU. 

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