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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 21 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Benz! Would be interesting to know what her monthly salary is??? As opposed to her monthly income, that is!



    Corruption is a way of life in Thai civil service. We all know that. 


    However, what is also true is that the corruption is so pervasive that it's also very common that people have family wealth for which much was gained through corruption. Don't think anyone will deny that. 


    Finally, hiring into these civil service jobs in Thailand is also rife with corruption. 


    A society where corruption is the rule, not the exception. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. With tourism being 30% or more of the Thai GDP, it's no wonder they are begging now. Many of us longtimers know how much it must hurt certain arrogant, parasitic and xenophobic government officials to even acknowledge that foreigners, and especially 'Farangs', are important to help the economy. 


    Having to admit and be nice to Farang is a Thai xenophobe's worst nightmare. No wonder she is frowning. 

    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Chiang Rai was never really a centre for large scale foreign tourism. That has quite simply gone. It was however a very popular destination for domestic tourists. Their numbers have fallen dramatically over the last six months.

    That's very strange because I have a reliable source that predicts the Thai domestic tourism will make up for the gap left by lack of foreign tourists.

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

    expatriates ? by reducing the double pricing in national parks to locals' rates ?! most of us wrote off visiting that stuff long ago when we figured out what the thais were doing; 

    and when we did, it was Permanent

    Exactly and most of the Thai attractions are very bad anyway. Easier to sit at the condo and have a beer. 

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Why is it that all those people in high places find themselves compelled to predict the future and talk rubbish? the Covid didn't change people's preferences as to where to travel, it only stopped it for a while, once a prepare vaccine will be found things will go back to normal, now, when is this going to happen? that question no one can answer not even the biggest and the most revered doctors and professors of the world...

    It's a very common trait among Chinese. The leader must know, or pretend to know, everything. It's related to the childish concept of FACE. 

  6. If a farang is worried enough to carry a weapon,


    1st, I would say, might as well carry a more useful one than a knife. Most of us slow, weak and inflexible blokes will not come out well from an encounter with a much younger, fitter Thai trying to gravely harm us. 


    2nd, know that if you ever do injure or kill a Thai, your life in Thailand will be done. So, you'd better have a air ticket ready as well. 


    That's how it goes here.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Colds will continue of course as they have done throughout history.  It's safe to assume that these people just have any one of a number of different types of viruses that we collectively call 'a cold'.  


    It does rather highlight the futility of masks in confined areas in my opinion.


    But actually the cure to covid19 could be other competing viruses, and they also boost the immune system with general antibodies.

    Agree with this. Covid is actually from the same family of viruses that the common cold is caused by, actually. But, that aside, I think masks, even in confined areas, is still useful. There have been studies about keeping the 'innoculum' low. It means that exposure to more virus is worse than exposure to some virus. It's not like some things, like HIV, where if you are exposed to any, you are done. Less is better, and masks help. 

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