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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 10 hours ago, Guderian said:

    People confuse a second wave with localised spikes and resurgence of the original "wave" of infection. There is no proof at all that a "real" second wave of infection will happen, but people are terrified of the prospect because of the dreadful consequences it had during the Spanish flu. Little is known about what caused that second wave and why it was so much deadlier than the first, but there's no reason that it's bound to happen with SARS-COV-2. This guy doesn't think it will, and he knows his stuff:




    True, the "Spanish Flu" that actually began in China... 

  2. 23 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

    As I have said several times the reality will hit in December.  With factories shut down and many more closing soon exports will crash in the next report.  And with no large number of tourists the hospitality sector will be gutted, dead and buried.


    One bright spot maybe increased food sales to China.

    Now is also the best time to get a half decent looking Thai lady, rather than the wide foot ones usually on offer when the economy is good. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, johng said:

    With Tesco and Family mart withdrawn from Thailand consumer choice and competition is much reduced..I'm not even sure who owns Big C now ?

    The ethnicity of Thais who dominate business don't play by any rules. In fact, wherever they are in the world, they seem to almost uniformly cheat. Just like we are seeing now with the global backlash against them. 


    In this case, the Thais cheat and run western owned and foreign Asian owned businesses out of the country, keeping the assets. 


    Hopewell, Kin gsgate, Tesco, Big C, so many others. The Thais deserve a destroyed economy, and they will have it very soon. Foreign tourists are done for at least a couple years, and it will take 10 to rebuild IF we have a efficacious vaccine in the next couple years. 


    Thailand will hurt. ????

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  4. 7 minutes ago, greeneking said:

    Sorry, but I can not believe how unimportant a lot of the posts are on here while Thais are taking risks today to do things which matter a great deal.  Why isn't this the number one story?  Thai visa complains about citizen's apathy, and ignore them when they try to make a change.  Probably 10 to 15,000 people there, not all students.

    aug 16.jpg

    What is their message? 

  5. On 8/14/2020 at 8:40 AM, herfiehandbag said:

    I was in the company of a couple of educated professional Thais (senior nurses) yesterday evening when this business was being discussed on the TV. Their anger at the obvious corruption was palpable, as was their contempt for the police spokesman and frustration at the apparent inability to do anything about it.


    As one said: " money, only money".

    Yeah, they know all the right things to say, but I can almost guarantee you they'd be happy to be similarly wealthy with similar power. Most Thais I have encountered, rich to poor, aspire to the same culture. 

  6. 1 hour ago, phungo said:

    Bangkok Post has an article a couple of days ago that says that tourism chief is proposing to end dual pricing and to create new promotions for expats. 


    (I believe I cannot link to article directly but you can google bangkok post dual pricing within the last week to find it.)


    If what Bangkok Post report is true then that means at least someone in Thai gov values us foreigners. This is great progress.

    Kind of. It does not likely mean any of them value foreigners. It likely means they are panicking and can see no way out other than going against their nature which is to treat foreigners (and especially white foreigners) as poorly as they can get away with. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Acrylic said:

    Maybe this is blessing in disguise. Thailand should move from mass tourism and make things easier for investment. 

    Easy to say. Difficult to do. Thailand has a horrid educational system, a terribly corrupt judiciary and constant political instability. 


    The country is ill prepared to transform itself. And, the Thais can thank their Sino-Thai brethren who run the country as their personal playground and keep the brown Thais impoverished. Oh, and they can thank their Sino-Thai's cousins from China for the rest of their pain. Maybe one day they will wake up but probably not. That pearly colored skin is just too much not to admire.. 


    As many of us have said for years and years, if the tourists ever stop coming, the country is in serious trouble. And here we are. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Agree, in fact China owes reparations worldwide.  Look what their Wuhan-19 has done.

    They will pay for their Kung Flu biological attack on the world. All major economies are decoupling. Now, China is talking about keeping the economy afloat by domestic circulation which will not work as most of them are poor and conservative. 


    We will get to see them suffer ????

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  9. 20 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    Horribly "wordy post" but there is some relevance. I have posted on numerous occasions now but in summary,,, I think a wise step would be rather then throw dead money at propping up the industry that is not going to recover anytime soon it would be better for the government to spend that money more creatively with government projects to improve the countries infrastructure. Roads, public transport, health, building etc,, that way they would be preparing the country for future investment and business and keeping people employed (who of course spend and return a portion back into the state coffers). 


    They have to do something because it looks like the industry will not show any real signs of recovery this year of next.

    Great fantasy. They won't do any of that. Because they are corrupt. And Thai culture does not hold them to account. In 50 years, they will have progressed in no meaningful way. 

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