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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. Disney is vile ... maybe. They probably should settle if it is small as 50K but ... "The companys staff" The Raglan Road Irish Pub & Restaurant, where the food poisoning occurred is owned by two businessman from Dublin Ireland. The restaurant and owners are directly responsible for food preparation and allergy guidelines. Of course they have been sued. Disney is not the owner of that Pub/Restaurant, has nothing to do with the staff, the training or allergy food guidelines etc. They are the landowner, that is all. They do make sure all business have insurance for incidents exactly like this. This lawsuit & is a secondary, just trying to mine more money. Not a Disney fan, but you can assume Raglan Road Irish Pubs Insurance has already provided a payout for the claim, a significant payout.
  2. Yes, but they knocked down his proxy. They wanted to remind him who was boss, just in case he gets too full of himself ... again.
  3. The Deep State brings the T Man back to spike the MFP's win, then turns on him. You gotta admire the audacity of their double dealing deceit.
  4. Another judicial coup, and what fun! The Deep state smacks down the T man's proxy after putting MFParty down for the count. All in a weeks work. That's a power move. Thankfully I have a large & strong cup of coffee this morning. I'm going to need it. BTW, our offensive line is coming along, but that defense is going to tear helI off the cross this season.
  5. A chance to be righteously angered cannot be ignored. Righteous outrage being a critical element in Thai culture.
  6. WSJ - Wall Street Journal. Owned by Murdoch. It used to be a right wing, old school moderate Republican business paper. Looks like they got the notice; mound of sound is in trouble, need to step up & start pumping. Good to see they're well on their way to full propaganda outlet like FOX & RT.
  7. He adlibs as it a struggle for Donald to read the teleprompter or anything else. He barely reads at a 6th grade level. Donald does work at it, who can forget his valiant sounding out of Yo-Semite, for Yosemite Park. If The Donald did not adlib, it would be painfully obvious how near to a functional illiterate he really is. Adlibbing can be dangerous though. Trump can veer off unexpectedly. Like the crazy weird rant attacking Governor Kemp at the Atlanta rally last week. Expect more of that as the campaign heats up.
  8. Transfer on Monday. Arrival date of August 9th, BKK Bank. Happy to get an e mail, money arrived late today. Only Four days. I exchanged e mails with customer service regarding this and a previous transfer during this last week. Their response was 'this is the way it is', nothing more & no explanation of why now. I have been a satisfied customer for years and will stay with them for now. However, I will also look at other options more seriously than I have in the past.
  9. I picked up liver flukes years back. I assume from Lap Gnu or Laap Mu (with the uncooked blood) consumed with copious amounts of alcohol, back when young & dumb. I'm older now. Can you get worms from street food? Sure, and a lot of other places. However excellent chance you will not get them if you pay attention to what the heck you stuff in your face. Over a decade, no worms or parasites. They are out there though, and parasites can be tricky little f--k-rs.
  10. You have to like JD Vance at the GOP convention blaming Biden, Senator Biden then, for the Iraq WMD invasion poochscrew. Republicans howled in support. Bush, Cheney & Rummy; The Deathstar Twins, Neocons, etc. were completely ignored/forgotten as if they never existed. A classic Republican moment. Fake news and ball face lying is so much a part of what Republicans stand for these days, why not apply it to, and rewrite, history?! JD Vance understands this, and seized the moment to expand the BS-ery. A man for our times.
  11. Like Always ,They Try / Want to Play Big Brother over Everyone. This week MFP leader Pita L. met with ambassadors of 18 countries in Bangkok. Interesting the Thai MSM chooses this article about a US Senator, but does not mention that meeting. Or the fact that the German Embassy invited MFP leader to lunch last week. Say what you will about the MSM, they know by publishing this article and ignoring the other events happening here in Thailand, they will get a kneejerk response from the usual mush heads. Further they connect up the MFP and the USA in peoples minds. Building the narrative before kneecapping the MFP.
  12. And .... 'Thanks for getting back to us. I understand that your payments use to go faster, however, the process has changed due to Direct Debits running on the three-day systematic cycle and so take at least three days to clear. The 4th working day is when we should receive the money and transfer it to the recipient. When our system communicates with your bank, it checks to make sure the balance covers the total amount of Direct Debit transfers we’ve requested in the last 4 business days.' 😀
  13. I just had this happen - I stopped the transaction. Tried to set it up again today and same thing. Sent a couple emails asking about this and yep same thing, with them saying 2 to 4 days and the last transaction would take 6 days, 5 now. Like what????? First time in 2 years or more.
  14. I have just been told by e mail from Wise, transfers will take 2 to 4 days. As for the one I tried to send yeaterday.. 6 days!! This is only a 1000 US ACH transfer, which has been going through in seconds or a couple hours at most for the last two years. Has anyone else had this ... Again the above information was in response to an e mail I sent regarding the 6 day transfer date (!) Could not bloody believe it. Thanks
  15. Wall St dropped 600 pts on Friday. There was a sell off the day before that & jittery for the entire week just ended. That certainly affected $ to B rate.
  16. Only if you are to the right of Hitler.
  17. 143 million baht per month makes one wonder who the main users of the on arrival duty free were. Sounds like Kone Thai might be the real target of this, not international tourists most of whom never knew you could buy duty free on arrival. 'it's a money loser' ... 'overpriced' ... yada yada yada. Popular brands were no bargain; Johnnie Walker, Glenlivet, JackDaniels etc. However if you had something you like, less than popular, great deal. Say Meyers Rum for 500 B a liter at duty free arrival. Same price for over 15 years. Show them your onward flight ticket, even from Don Muang, they would wrap it, seal it, and you could carry it on domestic flight to your final destination.
  18. Great way to extort money from unaware tourists. Thailand & SEA has a winner here.
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  20. Jenga & Connect Four too immature? Why not, Hide The Nazi?!
  21. My wife will upchuck if she eats beef. An involuntary response. I know a number of Thais who react to beef that way. Sounds like a heads up marketing move. They can always bring in beef if & when the demand is there, making sure it is clearly labeled.
  22. Miguels changed the portions, or the cook, or the recipes for a couple dishes during wuhan lockdown. Not sure exactly what happend but after a decade plus of going there, I do not, anymore. I'll give Taco Bell a shake. Work it in with my Peera Pharmacy trip.
  23. Wow, One amazing post. That said it is Saturday morning and if you want to really do any shopping at Airport today or Sunday best get their before 1100 (it opens at 10 on weekends) as it will be heaving all weekend long. It will also create a bleeding traffic jam on Mahidol RD halfway back to the river before lunch hour. I hate that. As mentioned, CM can't support five malls, still the three that are left seem to be here to stay, even with online shopping taking a bite. Many were more worried about Maya Mall which seemed to have a tough time coming back from wuhan. That said more Nimmaen people are using it, and more chinese tourists BTW, so it looks like it is doing all right. Also a new shop selling Keens (!) out there. As for strange tales of expats leering at women in Swensons airport. Really?! It sounds cool, in a demented kind a way, but really, a group of disheveled old geezers rubbing their privates while looking through the glass at Swenson waitresses?! Where do you come up with this excrement anyway?
  24. "What happens in Finland" ???? They get scammed by Thais in Thailand. if they can get to Finland, good chance they can make money. Why they believe Thais selling them visas, is a good question and one the news media seems to hide. Again wonder why these scamming Thais get protected by the media and government. It could be, their position in Thai society protects them even though they do evil scamming.
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