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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. Falcon Sterilized Recombined Flavored Milk Falcon Sterilised Recombined Flavoured Milk. 'Original formula of recombined milk developed to become the fitting combination of Thai-style tea, coffee and other well loved beverages with deliciousness, lightness, creaminess and smooth texture without masking other flavours.'
  2. You wonder if she spoke out against the war with the Ukraine. Or did not support the current regime? That could get her in real trouble and Russia's allies would not be lenient with her. Whoever those allies might be.
  3. For sure, Putin has Donald in his back pocket, unlike sleepy joe who busted his chops. Take your pick as to the real reason Donald will turn turtle and do some boot licking. A) Russian oligarchs tied to Prince Vlad, Investing in his golf courses, resorts, starting decades back. B) The promise of hotels, golf courses & resorts in Russia. Donald cannot resist the money. Selling T shoes & bibles ... here's some real juice, not chump change from credulous mooks. That After a successful conclusion of a war Vlad initiated, but pooch screwed, thanks a good deal to sleepy Joe. C) Providing the hacked info to Wiki leaks & Julian Aussie Assange, from Hillary, critical to putting Donald over the top in 2016. D) Donald was indeed honey trapped all along. A person with as little self control as Donald Trump, would have been easy target for ex KGB/Stassi agent Vladimir Putin. However given how bad the Russian military was mauled, and remains a basket case, I believe Prince Vlad will want more than a good settlement, with Ukraine at his mercy. He will want a stake in the heart of NATO also. Getting in a altercation with a NATO member, like Denmark might be the lever needed to dismember NATO. Likely that was what Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump were talking about in those 7 phone conversations they had in the last year. Republicans have used 'commie this and commie that' for a hundred years now. Many say their support of and aid to Joe McCarthy in the 50's was not about communism but about dismembering as much of Roosevelts New Deal as they could. It was always a scam. Still, It will be amazing watching their president get bent over and pounded, willingly, by commie Vlad. To the collective cheers of all those Republican hypocrites. Some will call it treason ... high treason.
  4. Cardboard box supply store - Chiang Mai Packaging supply store 27 Ban Pea Rd, Tha Sala Sub-district, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand +66 87 184 4018 Open Mon-Sat 9am-5pm If you use the title & chiang mai in google it will pull up a map. I could not attach the link for some reason. Inexpensive & you always find the boxes you want.
  5. Ontario will pull all American alcohol from its government run liquor stores on Tuesday.
  6. the previous administration told Putin to invade the Ukraine. The previous administration told Hamas to attack Israel. What bull excrement are you peddling today 🥱
  7. Another Ultra Monarchist rent a mob?!
  8. Canada & Mexico have ordered retaliatory sanctions. How long has Trump been in office .... Two weeks now.
  9. Any real info or the usual right wing hyperventilating lies?
  10. Greece 2019. They were plenty PO'd about the US, suddenly turning 180 degrees and allowing Kurdish allies against ISIS, to be attacked by Erdogan's Turkey. Thank you Donald Trump. The Greek people themselves were fine. It was the security, immigration arriving and leaving . Heavier still if you were crossing the land border, Istanbul to Thessalonica. All it took was a phone call from Erdogan and Trump was licking the bootheels of a ethno populist strongman. One which, it should be noted, had allowed, made money from ISIS oil shipments plus funneled Syrian/Iraqi refugees through Turkey to the EU. How this would play out with four years of a raging Trump administration is guesswork. Expats would be advised to have a plan B (and C). As years go by the once friendly locals might start throwing rocks.
  11. That in 2019. The DNA only confirmed the photo match made by the Thai family. British Police did came to Thailand to interview the suspect in 2023. He refused to talk. Two years later and here we are. Granted there has been a lot of late night car door slamming in Kirkby Overblow to police, still.
  12. Having a "liberal bias' is one thing, propaganda another. FOX by legal definition in the US is a media entity that gives 'opinions about the news'. That means they do not have to report anything if they do not want to. That is beside what opinions they hold. Opinions and lies can be the same thing.
  13. You get news from RT & FOX? Two media entities which are nothing more than a propaganda outlets
  14. Good way to fracture NATO Being that Donald Trump is not smart enough to understand that, by himself. Those five or was it seven(?) phone calls to Putin, during the Ukraine conflict, helped him with this idea.
  15. It has taken the Brit police twenty years to get off their collective flaccid bums and finally do something. Now, I have always been impressed by the Thai Police's laziness & general incompetence, but I doubt they can match The Yorkshire Plod .... in this case.
  16. Hoping to get clarification on this. If under the 60,000 Baht threshold for assessable income. You don't have to file a return. .... BUT 120K & 220K ?? Can I get some clarification on those two other limits posted? IS that based on age, work or lack of work etc. Is that for the same thing - when to file and when not to file? Thanks greatly.
  17. Bangkok Bank, but a friend had the same experience with sending to KrungThai.
  18. Prince Vlad is laughing his ar-e off. Biden tightened up NATO before he left. Trump thinks outside the box. If the US goes to war with a NATO member, NATO is roadkill. Vladimir Putin scores two. A successful settlement to his disastrous invasion of the Ukraine and NATO dead. Guy is doing backflips. Was it just investing in Trump golf courses? Promising Trump hotels in Russia? Or was it something else. Did he really honey trap Donald a decade back. Whatever, everything is coming up roses for the ex KGB man.
  19. Wise for 1 K, works fine but ... . Two months ago, sending 5K, then 2K, in US dollars. More than 2 days for the 5K, BTW. Annoying, and as sending a larger amount ten days later. I did a wire transfer direct from my US bank, to be positive of the arrival date. I'm sure it cost more than WISE. I would do it again for any large amounts.
  20. He bleeding links or cut & pastes from the New York Post & a few other right wing tabloids. Does he ever post anything original? Posting right wing tabloid froth on a right wing forum .... "great personal risk" right, It is tough to do that, he is living on the edge. BTW no idea where he actually lives, but I picture him up in Shasta county, maybe even Shingletown, frothing with the frothers.
  21. Thanks to the OP for putting another piece of the Thai tax puzzle in place. As this thread is going the way of all the other tax threads ... Friends & I, are not filing. No taxes owed by Thai tax rules on the book. Records will be kept, if ever the Thai government gets their wind up about it. Much ado about nothing. .
  22. 12 yesterday, & 13 at 609 AM, in CM this morning. Likely a bit colder than that in the 'eastern suburbs'. As in next to a rice field outside of San Khampaeng.
  23. They keep that pretty quiet. TIT. Easiest overland route to attempt. They were heading to Malaysia when caught. The overland borders up by Sinkiang (Xinjiang) province, China, are heavily guarded. Lethal force routinely used.
  24. Or a smoke screen to conceal Chinese economic recession & less international tourism by Chinese, across the board. TIT.
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