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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. RFK jr, the ex heroin addict, will be a great influence on global health. Nothing wrong with a little bloodletting.
  2. The US has nuclear capable planes, & likely real nukes, at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. B52's based there can deliver AGM - 101 LRSO, or AGM 86 ALCM cruise missiles from hundreds of miles offshore, which could strike targets anywhere in Iran. This has been the case for decades, as Iran certainly knows.
  3. Really? This only comes up when the Yellows, ultra monarchists, AKA the Democratic party of Thailand try to stir up trouble. Like they did when they funded Sondhi & then later, Suthep. The last time this conspiracy theory made the news, was when Yingluck was PM, surprise, surprise.
  4. Tough decision for the Dems. If she does fall ill just another chance for right wing to pack the Supreme Court with another judge. Get them on the Clarence Thomas, right wing, billionaire payroll.
  5. They used to have groups stay at the hotel, likely they gave a reduced, or group rate. School groups used it, flooding KSG for food & fun, that back in the early aughts. They have lost that business now. A couple people still recommend its pool. Although with those facebook posts, your never sure if they currently use it or did once 15 years ago.
  6. On second thought, in 4 or 5 months when I visit Europe, likely Donald Trump will have thrown the Ukraine under the bus to Vlad Putin, so likely ugly. The imminent destruction of NATO, leaving Europe to fend for themselves, all for personal game; the rights to build some Trump hotels in Moscow & St. Petersburg, and or, whatever Putin has on Trump. Putin definitely has something. Putin is ex KGB after all and would not miss an opportunity to ensnare an ignorant foolish man, who has the self restraint of a child, like Donald. It seems like a movie but it's real. Explaining Trump is the easy part. Explaining why Americans would elect such a dangerous despicable person another altogether. On the other hand, the fact that I live OS, since another Republican nutter invaded Iraq & effed up the region (& US reputation) makes it easier. I have experience explaining the idiot winds that sweep across North America.
  7. Another Thai artifact, stolen by Thai thieves, sold by Thai middlemen, is returned free of charge. That is a great little racket they have going.
  8. I'm not concerned about Thailand, or in CM. However imagine I will have to deal with it next year in Euroland. On the plus side, lots of non MAGA Americans will have been there before me, and with me. So that should ease things up a bit. Easily three quarters if not more, of US tourists to Europe are non MAGA. Dej Vu all over again. Traveling in Greece right after Trump betrayed the Kurds to Erdogan and Turkey in 2019. As expected the Greek's were hot about it. Person to person, it was not a problem. I have traveled to Greece a lot, so in ways easier to deal with there. No way to avoid it and never good to over compensate. If it comes up I tell them the truth, otherwise keep it to myself. I'm not on a trip to talk about ugly things. Now I did get blowback from border and security people. Not much you can do about that.
  9. Amazing! Thanks for the post & links. I knew it was bad, just never knew how bad. I recall after the bombing the Thai police literally were clueless, no ideas, what was worse, that fact was apparent to a lot of Thai people. No real idea how to conduct a real crime scene investigation too. People saw that. Criticism mounted and then after 5 days or a week of silence. The Thai police flooded the media with information. One to three releases per day, per week, months. So much information, they confused everyone with what was real or just made up. Something claimed, then dropped, then another theory. Finally an arrest, again multiple theories, a confession, but a confession by torture. One of the biggest furballs in recent Thai police history and that is saying something. Still A gaslighting tour de force performance by the BIB. A new standard was set. With the final arrest and case put to bed. No real belief that was the guy or that he was even involved. Like the two Burmese workers on Koh Tao, patsies were needed.
  10. Thank you - I do not exceed the assessable income threshold ..... even though I am a tax resident. So even that is up in the air. Thanks I personally think this is all a big nothing BUT ... Going by the rules that are already out there, I'm fine. Still, I'm keeping a folder with pertinent documents; investment fund yearly statements, money received in Thai accounts, etc. on computer. In case questions arise. It's all I can do. - ----And not filing unless the Thai government clarifies the tax guidelines & demands one.
  11. This topic can go on forever. One Question. Going by a popular notion that the 'tax rules are already on/in the book'. If by those rules I do not owe any taxes, do I still have to file a tax return? Thanks
  12. DeNiro said he was going to leave if Trump was elected? Any links on that or wishful posting? Only thing I could find was Robert De Niro saying 'Trump would never leave office if elected for a second term'. Sounds ominous.
  13. And Donald has a proven record of being the most spitefully vindictive President post WWII, if not in US history. Nixon is his only challenger. That is why Bezos, Washington Post & LA Times made no endorsement for president. They were scared of what he might do to them, if he won, but it is what America wants; A vindictive nasty man with a seventh grade education level. These poor runts that elected him, have no idea how bad he is going to eff them, and the US, over. BTW, some days it is not bad thing, being old.
  14. Wasn't Hulk Hogan on the Diddy list? Wait, my bad, that was the Bubba Love Sponge list.
  15. Last month I tried to transfer 5K USD - 7 days. I was able to stop the transfer. I then did 1k, in seconds and again, but tried the last 3K as one transfer. That 4 days. I should note after the above I then had my usual 1k amount came up with a 7 day time estimate when I transferred. It got here in 5 - yippee skippy. As I was about to send over a much larger amount. I needed a date up front. No real answers, after an e mail conversation with them. I ended up doing a wire transfer from my US Bank to Bangkok Bank. And if I had to transfer a larger amount again that would be the way I would go, not through WISE. Although obviously WISE would be cheaper. I've used them for 5 years. Great service. Now, could be here in seconds or days. No clue as to why.
  16. I doubt many poster here thought different. Fascists do what fascists got to do. Its part of their nature.
  17. I reckon Putin will get the first go at Uncle Sam. Bend over and pound. Then Celestial Emperor Xi will want his turn. All the while Donald proclaims, Peace in our Time. It's what the people want. Hope they enjoy the show.
  18. Glad to help a WA state voter. You are a WA state voter?! Or just a right wing woofer, who cuts & pastes others info., as you have little knowledge of the USA, and/or too lazy to find out yourself. Sad, but common these days.
  19. Newsweek, essentially a right wing shill today. Perhaps a presidential candidate can negotiate and with a bit of give and take to defuse the crisis, that Newsweek claims exists, but doesn't. Perhaps giving Ukraine to Prince Vlad Putin. Dismantling NATO, then proclaiming 'Peace in our Time" What will right wing shills will come up with next. Giving Taiwan to Celestial Ruler Xi?!
  20. Only article on CNN that I could find was Trump’s plan to radically remake government with RFK Jr. and Elon Musk is coming into view Nothing about gaining power or traction ... in fact a highly sobering account of tearing up of checks and balances in the US. Amazing what AI rewriting can do.
  21. Almost get the idea that US troops invaded the Ukraine, or attacked Gaza, but no. Only US troops in action are a result of invading Iraq, and destabilizing an entire region. Just another Republican air head did that.
  22. You were up to your eyeballs in it when Jr Bushman led the Charge for in Iraq. Now magically morphed into peacenik & fiscal conservative. Fah, it is all right wing bull excrement. You only care about the debt when a democrat is in office, otherwise its open the spigots full on.
  23. Like when Jr Bush invaded Iraq in search of Osama, Saddam. Destabilizing not just a country but an entire region, Basically taking a big excrement on the USA reputation both by lying to the world about WMD to invade a country, then giving the OK to torture?!Working in the sandbox back then so remember it well. Oh, & Phil Graham deregulating the banking industry, setting up the 08 meltdown, an apt way for that regime to end. 'We need to free up the banking industry', cut those regulations .... The last time they did that was the savings & loan disaster of the late 80's. Until the 08 wall street meltdown the biggest banking disaster since 1929. Basically you let right wing Republicans loose and they will F up not just the US, but the world. God only knows what Trump will do, if elected for a 2nd term.
  24. I agree. However this article, plus the links in it, to older Thai Examiner articles about expat tax, could cause our resident TAX expert shop talkers heads to explode. With luck they will never know this article & the others, exist. A potential nightmare has been averted on Hallows Eve.
  25. Not sure if this qualifies for what people think online voting is. State of Washington; you can download your ballot, must be printed out. You can then, fill it out and mail it in, if you so desire. However you can also take pictures of it, with your phone, all the pages. And e mail those in. I assume it is statewide, but do not know for sure. It may be the county you are registered to vote in. Note - This must be set up beforehand, designating you as an absentee/overseas voter.
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