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Paradise Pete

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Everything posted by Paradise Pete

  1. I wonder if the server can press charges. Defamation, perhaps? Is that a crime in Thailand, or just a tort?
  2. This has to be an April Fools joke, right?
  3. What do you mean? Because people will be coughing more? It's a bacterial infection. Air quality wouldn't directly cause it.
  4. Perhaps the insurance companies got their advice from the forums here when they set low premiums for covid coverage. "These farangs say it's no big deal. Just a flu. So let's write these policies and rake in the dough."
  5. Expulsion doesn't require a crime. If 2/3 don't want you there, you're out. Doesn't matter what the reason is.
  6. I made that drive many times back in the 90s. For most of the way you might as well be on Mars. There is a short turn-off named Zzyzx Road. I had to pee, and thought it was quite amusing to take a whiz on Zzyzx Road.
  7. I used to do that. Now I go with stripes, for the slimming effect.
  8. Maybe it was the guy sitting next to her. The one showing his phone's screen to the police. Just a hunch though.
  9. If you're not filing a US tax return and have no US assets there's little point to registering the divorce unless/until you plan to marry someone else. You may or may not find it useful in the future to explain to someone who is pressing you for marriage that you can't because you're still technically married in the US....
  10. It's all fungible anyway. It's like national lotteries that claim that the money goes toward education. Sure, but then there's less money allocated from the general fund, so in practical terms it all goes into the same bucket.
  11. Exactly! I have a friend who is straight and it doesn't bother me one bit, as long as he keeps it to himself.
  12. You may it sound like they just make one randomly. They have to try to predict well ahead of time, but even 50% is way better than the 0% you get from not taking the vaccine. Here's the efficacy chart for non-vaccinated: 0 ____________________________
  13. Aseannow Step 1: Ask about a bus route. Aseannow Step 2: Two pages of heated arguments. 😀
  14. Same for me. Only one of my farang friends showed up.
  15. The fact that so many readers have laughed at this comment shows just how old we all are 😀
  16. I think a lot of it is ignorance. Many Americans simply don't know much about the rest of the world. Growing up, I didn't. Then I got a job outside of the US and my eyes were opened.
  17. I envy you youngsters who don't need to pee every couple of hours.
  18. I have. both the Impossible Burger and the Beyond. They're surprisingly good. Better than an average beef burger IMO. Pricey though.
  19. https://www.skype.com/en/international-calls/Australia
  20. If there are not enough Russian-speaking Thais then are Russian tour guides really taking away jobs? Seems like the tourist sites would welcome a tour guide who could steer the groups to their place.
  21. So many countries give 90 day tourist visas. Why only 30?
  22. Exactly. That's this forum's job. Typical by the second or third sentence of any article the entire situation is sussed out and posted.
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