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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Firstly I check to see if they use the right nozzle, not long ago I clearly said E20 please, E20 is clearly marked inside the filler flap, i leaned over to pick up my wallet, and then looked back just in time I shouted SIR-TOP ! as she was just about to use the diesel one, then recently got filled with 95, I got out and pointed at the sticker E20, they seem to be in a dream world, reluctantly getting up from staring at their phones, to serve someone. If they place themselves between you and the pump blocking your vision then I get out. Edit; Then you've got the idiots who come in from the exit side blocking access, to lazy to drive another 10mtrs and most leave their engine running.
  2. Then turn it on, press your start button without foot on brake.
  3. Is it necessary to have your phones Roaming on to make a call to the UK ? I have been through hell trying to contact Nationwide Bank for 3 days! and before anybody asks yes I did use all the correct digits and not the cheap rate prefix. Got through on their 'if phoning from abroad' number that is for reporting lost or stolen cards; It rang and got the robot press 1 , 2 or 3 depending on why you are calling, what ever number i pressed after a few seconds it cut out. So I decided to use my AIS sim to ring them this morning (1 am uk time) and low and behold got through first time to an extremely helpful lady who sorted my problem out in minutes (i couldn't log into internet banking). And yes it was a happy ending .
  4. 25 years for ganga what ever that is, is it like GANJA ? is very unlikely and no where even in the full story does it mention ganja I would suspect a class A drug not class C.
  5. I have the opposite Flash is the worst on Koh Chang, Truck was full will come tomorrow etc etc, the Kerry driver is a local always comes and rings my bell and when sees me opens my gate and brings it right to my door but I only ever pay COD.
  6. On Koh Chang there are steep hair pin bends, the big cement trucks manage to keep in the lane, but small cars can't, or if new to the island stall on the first steep bend, and its not just Thais.
  7. So The father would have not gone to cops had the compensation sought been payed, which leaves the question 'How much did the father want from a 14yr old ? '
  8. Mr Flip Flop just realized the 300 baht, won't cover hospital fees, more tourists attraction infrastructure and have any left to line the pockets of him and his cronies.
  9. Hick% I'm more official than you ! who do you think you are Hick% I don't need to carry ID 'coz everybody knows who I am and my father Hick% ..
  10. And no fines imposed for non-compliance of an order given ???? that stinks.
  11. Ah those dreaded bends, most Thai drivers send me round the bend constantly even on straight roads. ????
  12. What an utter load of b0ll0cks, these over paid TAT hi-so and so's, need to stop with this nonsense, trying to come up with ideas to LURE tourists, How about come to Thailand and relax on a beach maybe smoke a joint, or vape, go to a bar/pub/park, pay the same as Thais, go to a shop at 4pm to buy alcohol, etc etc. The ironic thing is they will be going for a world wide jolly, and mango season is about to come to an end in a few weeks. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at one of their meetings. Circus theme song.mp4
  13. I know of two people who's dog saved them by non-stop barking when they had a fire, but no flames and a lot of smoke maybe from a/c motor which could also get so hot to release the gas, it may not have been a single split unit sounds more like a central unit,
  14. Not condoning the drivers actions, but Australians are very paranoid and over zealous about paedophiles to a point i wouldn't even say hello to the kids playing on our street, and even cross over just in case "Mum a man said hello to me".
  15. There are walk in doctors in the UK where you just fill out a form and see a doctor, on my last trip i did this, to have a mole checked for skin cancer. Just outside Brighton main station. . Many people on a holiday outside of their home town may need to see a doctor. just saying. I had not visited a UK doctor for 20yrs +
  16. Other charges could have been brought, dangerous/reckless driving/driving without due care and attention, putting others at risk and given a court appearance.
  17. The smell must have been horrific even through a coffin, he didn't want to be parted from her yet kept her in storage, did he ever go there for visits ? A burial would have been better and cheaper than 21 yrs of storage.
  18. Only if your money is in USD otherwise every other currency is <deleted>.
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