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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. We have to supply one with us on the bed, and they have made us do it again on home visit, one really weird officer went outside and took it through the window ! one time they wanted the witness my mate's wife also to sit on the bed with us ! I refused to be photo'd on the bed with my mates wife, he is a very big young bloke LOL selfies not allowed at Trat I.O. TTBOMK
  2. Another day on Thai roads..... a car immediately pulls out in front of you from a smaller road.
  3. So is it only the grandfather who has lost touch, what about the rest of the extended family ?
  4. If you want a Marriage Visa/extension then to the best of my Knowledge you need to register your marriage at your local Amphur to get the KOR 2. Benefits are less income needed/money in the bank you can spend.
  5. It depends on what your visa/extension is for, if it's just a retirement visa my friend just gives his agent, Passport, one photo, BBK bank book (with small amount of funds) , and fee 20-15K. Doesn't sign anything.
  6. 71 and on Marriage visa, and full access to the 400 K the day after extension. Retirement extension all 800k must stay in bank for 3 months and 400k for the whole year. Immigration officer to me "you have enough for a retirement extension" me "Nah thanks, we need a new fence and she 'wants' a car''.
  7. Oh so it was TAT that invented full moon parties, who'd have thunk that. Most of what Tourists do and enjoy has naff all to do with anything TAT dream up, entrepreneurs will always find a way to attract tourists, even temples.
  8. I think you'll need to employ a proof reader first, before continuing with your journalistic "skills".
  9. We brought one of these pumps from Lazada for 50 baht, rechargeable from any phone charger, you can empty about 60 ltrs + before recharge is needed, had ours for more than a year no prob. They fit any bottle.
  10. That has happened here more than once, gun crime is on the rise in Thailand, weekly we hear news of shootings, M/C taxi drivers, Parricide, Filicide, Jilted jealous lovers, rival Tech school gangs, the list is endless.
  11. Is it official now to charge 200 baht, they were free.
  12. When someone smelled the dead body? It is unclear, his friend found him dead, so whether he opened it and left it open or not, or whether it was open when the friend arrived, guess we'll never know. What we do know it was open when the cops arrived.
  13. Yet the RTP have 100% poor vision on continuing having checkpoints, they have never worked, and yet continue in this forking waste of time, insanity indeed ! Road patrols are the only way to stop these idiots, but the problem there would be their poor vision out of their heavily tinted windscreens.
  14. Oh not again with your 'legalizing weed" weed is NOT going to be legalized for recreational use EVER ! and hemp won't get a fly high at 0.2% THC. Do more research. Those that like smoking decent stuff are already doing it since the beginning of time.
  15. Where I live my neighbours run there leky from the 'main' road some are only neck high, when we told PEA my wife said i'll send you photos, "No DON"T take Photos ! " was their reply. I live with it as I don't want to fall out with my neighbours. PS our small soi is a government road. But here is photo anyway.
  16. Agree absolutely, The village gossip to me was, my mates father was taken away dead in an ambulance, I asked several 'locals' "are you sure" "yep him dead" I rang my mate to offer my condolences, he told me he was not dead and had been talking to him in hospital and hour ago. Never trust gossip 'coz that's all it is, they love gossip.
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