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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. This comes down to inadequate training, when i was taught HGV driving, I was told no matter what you pass even a pedestrian on a foot path, ( they could jump under your truck) check your mirrors to make sure you have passed safely, but TIT with no real test or capable instructors.
  2. An old 'rival' or an old boyfriend ? either way this young lady needs to change her circle of friends.
  3. Are you aware you will need from your embassy an Affirmation on freedom to marry, and translated into Thai to be registered with the Thai authorities. You can't just go out and get married.
  4. Just asking are you applying in Bangkok or another province, sadly not all immigration offices use the same rule book. But the money in the bank is always 2 months.
  5. But that's the problem with most high profile investigations here, its the cops who want to be in the limelight normally with re-enactments, PVC boards and the most important pointing.
  6. Yet another incompetent Thai driver and more construction workers killed and injured on Thai roads. I'm counting about 25 killed and injured this year alone and that doesn't cover the 'illegal migrant job seekers' who transport went off road. It's no wonder there is a labour shortage.
  7. The story is not clear weather the City was making a U turn but My take, Honda City making/waiting to take U turn, M/C decides to go around on the inside to be next to or get in front, as they do constantly, maybe even sees the Pajero coming, to late and clips the Honda City. Or just decided to go across all lanes to make a U turn as they also constantly do.
  8. A lot of 'Parents'/guardians are in on it and even arrange it, going by previous reports.
  9. All of this spouting off about weed in Thailand is utter nonsense, as is A NUT IN government squeezing as much PR out of this as he can, spending so many resources on this matter is utterly shameful.
  10. ALL and Every government authority office in the land run their own shows be it police or otherwise, making up their own rules as they go along, mainly bcoz they don't know or understand the rules/law especially the older ones who don't bother to read or understand new rules. One example being told you can't register a car using your yellow house book.
  11. ???? Now they have an excuse to raise it say 1k to help any tourists caught up in a war.
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