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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Again ! More workers injured on Thai roads, no wonder there is a labour shortage.
  2. Just a bunch of unemployable lazy free loading bums with very dodgy ethics and backgrounds. IMO
  3. Considering that the vast majority of construction workers are NOT Thai then why would that be rational if the odds are they were not. You still missed the point of my post.
  4. It is not stated, but i can only presume the construction workers were not Thai, so 4 more to add to the list of foreign labourers injured by a Thai drivers this year. Heads up to the Burmese wanting to come here, it may be safer to risk the bullets at home than be on Thai roads.
  5. The victim was a well known, respected doctor causing it to be a high profile case, so he won't just walk, which probably would have been the case had it been a poor person. He might even get a token jail sentence, stranger things do happened. Also interesting to know that driving a M/C without a side mirror is an offence (not properly maintained vehicle) Jeez their are thousands of not properly maintained vehicles out there BIB !
  6. As already posted people learn by example, there is a young girl just turned 12yr lives near me, and allowed by her parents to drive a M/C with no helmet. Another neighbour young single mum, drives with 3yr old as pillion and ALWAYS staring at her phone, and i mean ALWAYS no helmet of course, lives with parents who also never wear helmets.
  7. Also the fines are high, I can remember in my youth, I got fined for a bald tyre, the fine was more than a new tyre plus of course i had to buy a new tyre. Lesson learnt.
  8. Balcony rails are defiantly too low, and as for suicide or toppling over IMO it will nearly always be defined as suicide because of mitigation to the builders/owners etc. I was nearly going to buy a condo one time, and i can assure you the very first thing I would have done would have been to fit an extra rail to above my waist line.
  9. Trat office used to have their list in Thai, the first time I obtained it about 3/4 years ago, I asked the young officer ''how many Thais need a marriage extension ? It should be in English"- " your wife can tell you'' -''but her english is not too good''. Anyhow i made my application and when i went to pick it up, the young female officer, came running up to me all smiles, with the list of documents written in English. Sometimes we can make a difference. #14 on the list
  10. This is worth reading the full story. Prayuth dismissed the issue and moved on to other matters. Savage is what the MF MP called Prayuth, when asked to remove that remark he refused. Good keep chipping away at Prayuth, eventually he will crumble, with luck and courage Thailand can Move Forward.
  11. Dissmisied the issue savage It was all over the news when it happened so its general knowledge.
  12. We have done similar, AFTER extension is granted, bunch of vegies from our garden if available, in fact last year when i picked up my extension, no veggies, wifey stayed in the car outside, the officer came out with me and gave my missus a bag of dried banana chips. ???? swings and roundabouts init.
  13. It is the same at Trat IO , it must be the same day. I often wonder how people with Bangkok bank manage this as I have heard reports of them taking days to issue the letter where as my bank takes 40 min.
  14. Just be aware that changing from marriage to retirement, your marriage ext. and vice versa, will end the day you apply for retirement extension so you could loose a few weeks if applying earlier as an example.
  15. Oh yes they are soo skilled, and do work to such a high standard, one of their best skills is very basic geometry, diagonal measurement differ by 28mm ! on all 4 ! fly screens, measurement across centre is 15mm narrower than top and bottom ????. sarcasm mode off.
  16. I feel so sorry for the UK monarch not being the richest in the world compared to ....oops nearly.
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