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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. I agree 100% the point i was making if you read my post, is, you will be risking your life, to travel there and back just so one can legally have a smoke. Sorry if i was not clear, the carnage on the roads is increasing. Fact. I did not suggest smokers will make it worse than it already is, drunk or sober Thai drivers are the worst in the world if all deaths were included that die in hospital or even weeks/months later from injuries.
  2. It all sounds a bit crazy to me, if they only have certain 'sandboxes' that means those that are not tourists and fancy a smoke, will either have to travel away from home, and with the carnage on Thai roads increasing, that is not an option for many, or move. I can see land prices escalating in those areas this is all about the $$$$$$ to be made. No tegridy whatsoever.
  3. Do they mean Marijuana and Hemp ? I don't think so. Cannabis is Hemp ???? and then they go on and say this Whoever writes these reports needs to make it clear what they are talking about.
  4. So Tony was right, he knows more that is happening in Thailand, than this bunch of clowns in Power.
  5. My Missus told me last night, that we can now grow ganga, I tried to explain to her, NO you MAY be able to grow hemp, but first you'd have to register with the govt, then they will take the flowers and leave you with leaves and stalks. Then I asked her "would you eat the leaves and branches of the Durian trees, but not eat the Durian ?" Her eyes glazed over, and off she went to clean the kitchen. LMAO.
  6. If they laid off the bong for a while, the smoke would clear, but smoking hemp wouldn't get a fly high, Why oh why don't they know the difference between hemp and marijuana, if they did then they would realize, the govt could make more money with less plants. ????
  7. The victim being an eye specialist, I wonder if the cop would have had the charges brought against him if the victim had been some poor person, just saying. RIP Doc. Lets hope the 'law' puts the cop in jail for the appropriate time.
  8. This link looks good, though a tad expensive, it is very convenient, it has a phone number also, along with LINE and E-mail. I passed this on to a friend, who will be departing next month, so any feed back could help others. Thanks Treetop who posted this.
  9. My GS battery shop, in Trat has got me new and second hand spares in the past for my old NV which is now 23 yrs old. They are on 'LINE' & speak good english. My wife and I call the glove box, the 'Tu Yen' (fridge) as the steel A/C tube runs inside at the back and keeps drinks cool I have used hot glue in the past to fix the cracked dashboard. I know they defiantly sell new catches for the glove box. When looking for spares remember NVs are the same as the Nissan Sunny except for the body.
  10. Couldn't agree more, I think i'd have mental health issues too, if someone was playing loud music at 3am, especially if they had been asked to turn it down.
  11. No lerlly. Remember when they were going to ban mini buses and use the larger ones. Photo from that time years ago.
  12. Oh PLEASE stop your blathering on about a subject you know completely nothing about, as with Nuts-in government, They are NOT going to legalize MARIJUANA ! they are talking about legalizing HEMP ! at no more than 0.2% THC you'd have to use 100 grams just to get mildly stoned. As you say 'I know nothing.. Sgt. Schultz .'
  13. Can anyone enlighten me on what the political 'lip service' actually involves ? Glad that was pointed out, who'd have thunk ?
  14. BTW, I know the agent as a friend 20k first time, 15k second time. End of.
  15. What do you have to hide? Why pay 20k, instead of 1,900. Yes he is a good agent but I personally don't need him as an agent.
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