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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. well like i said i had F before F is very special visa. given to government employees or diplomats. OP mentioned he was a diplomat. Dont know for official work or not. If not official work yes no problem. But if it was for work no way he can come back like a tourist so fast. like 1 or 2 days after leaving thailand. its a government thing. dont know how to explain happened to one of our employee. thats the basis of fact. BUT as i said.. i say again it was many years ago. If it changed i dont know.
  2. hi i had F too before now im using non-b instead of F. Im still working with Royal Thai Airforce. yes, F has lot of great advantages but not always. I dont think you can come back via land border. Most likely you need to fly out and stay there for a week then can come back or apply for a TR visa there and come back. What i did is left thailand and got a new TR visa. and had no problem entering BUT this was really many years ago. So its still can i cannot be sure. good luck
  3. well.. every one in this post said you can and it was some kind of unlucky day. If i were you i would try again with some kind of different paper from the hotel? or new printed version of it? i totally agree with Chinese and Russians thing. Thats why IO takes things seriously.. good luck
  4. Hmm.. so why the IO didnt do then? Was it OP's unlucky day? If a hotel tm30 is enough and have examples showing this then i think IO should quit and get a new one
  5. so, do you think what i wrote will be difficult or the IO will think different even though its your first extension. Will it still make sense for IO that you will live in a hotel in your retirement?
  6. With all respect to your life and living style it very makes sense that IO didnt accept your immigrant extension. For the IO it doesnt make sense that an immigrant is/can live in a hotel for the rest of his retirement life instead of can rent a house or condo with more cheaper rent or else.
  7. if its under consideration doesnt it mean that you already gave them all the documents and they already checked them? if so, i dont think you need to give or show them anything. Just go there and get your extension.. but if you want to play safe just prepare all the same documents you alredy gave them. I would take my wife with me for sure.
  8. all government buildings are off due to songkran holiday most likely IOs too
  9. You need to get your termination letter, then go to labor office with a copy of the letter and give the letter + work permit. Then go to immigration and cancel your visa showing the termination letter. I dont think you can do this at any IO. You must cancel it where you extended. But like i said if you arrange your new school to get ready all documents, the same day at the IO you can get a new extension or continue. So no need to leave the country. I have 2 friends did like that. They said its so easy. Now.. for another province. My friend was working in udon thani and started work in bangkok. Now he didnt want to leave the country. Like i tried to explain you. Same day all done thing. So at the udon thani immigration they wrote a document for bangkok immigration. Saying he has all the doucments ready and he will do all paper work in the same day. He showed this document to bangkok IO with his new documents.. IO called udon thai IO and confirmed the story. 10 min later he had his new visa and so on. So you probably need to do something like this. If i were you i would make it clear with your IO now. Tell them the situation like my friend did. If you dont want stress.. do the proper slow way: go to labor office cancel work permit, same day go to IO cancel visa get 1 week for 1900 baht. Leave the country get your new non b and welcome back I strongly suggest dont just leave! Good luck
  10. Maybe because you left with 'multi entry' ? Well like i said i wrote what happened to me and my friends.
  11. im also victim of online form download. Sometimes forums are not same. some follow old type some follow new versions. Its always best to fill them at the IO. you will lose only 5 min to do so. safety first
  12. 2) yes you have to because the address on your driving license will be your old address. 3) many people do that. because you moved there. My friend bought a car from another province and the changed the number plate first thing. 1 & 4) after TM30 i dont think you need to get a new extension immediately from your new IO. i think you can wait till it exoire and time to do new extension. Better ask this to your new local IO. good luck
  13. When you arrived to thailand you need to report where you are staying in thailand to IO this is called TM30 you can do this via mobile app or going to IO by yourself. you need: house owner ID copy / your passport copy / rental contract copy
  14. Well im in thailand for 17 years and happened to me 10 years ago trust me if you not cancel properly, it will haunt you
  15. This is what happened to me many years ago and also happened to my friends in few years ago. Just writing this to tell what happened. I dont know if its still like this or not. But it was when happened to my friend.. i think 3 or 4 a year before covid started. So he had a non-b work extension. He wanted to leave the country without cancelling it. He went to land border (not airport / not fly) at the border IO told him he cannot leave the country without a re-entry OR work termination letter from the work place. There are many reasonable reasons why they dont let you go. I will not write them and make this post longer. Now if you fly its another story. I read from this forum that if you fly no one asks questions. I would definitely go to the labor office and cancel my work permit by myself in your case. Because if its not cancelled properly it will create problems in your future job. Another option what my other friend did is, if you can arrange all paper work and documents from your new school you dont need to leave the country. You can do all in 1 day. Of course you will need termination letter from your old school. What important on that letter is the date of your last work day. Its also your last day in thailand. Things you need to consider: in your next extension labor office will ask your tax from the last time. LO or IO may want to see old school termination letter at some point because you left without cancelling your visa from IO but leaving the country (not same things) If i were you i would contact with the new school asap and ask them to prepare all documents before your days out. so you can do all in 1 day without leaving the country. if i wrote something wrong im sure other people will correct me.
  16. now i dont know if its the same thing for tourist visa or visa exempt. I came back with non-b work as i wrote. And in my EXTENSION she asked about my wife because she told me i left the country without any re-entry OR cancelling my visa AND i got a new visa type. That was the reason. There are many reasons i can think of why they want to see wife and marriage documents and one is: waht about people like you and me did? lol i think you got the answer. im again not sure how to explain it im sorry but technically you didnt cancel your non-o marriage with normal ways but leaving the country without any reason. This is how it looks for them. In police they say dont listen or look at the people but the evidence. In this case simply all evidence shows you left the country without any reason and cancelled your non-o visa and plus your coming with a tourist visa.. so the chang wattana immigration told me ' we have to link or connect the visa' thats all the reason i can tell you. thats what she said. This might be to protect the wife? protect you? or people maybe using the visa till it expire because Amphue not inform the immigration?! yep.. you got it now. So trust me if you are not lucky they will follow it. my mentioning this also mentioned by another post. just be careful trust me we were on the same boat. nope. im talking about non-o (wife) and what happened when i tried to changed it to non-b, as i clearly mentioned in my reply everything was almost same with the OP. so.. there is no way i confused with non-o retirement... if i was confused i wouldnt give the example what happened to me. I told what happened to me and gave him i think a good suggestion. no risks at all...
  17. i see... well worst thing prepare 20K and told them you didnt know, you think you could keep the visa till expire. please inform us good luck
  18. suggestion: get your visa out of thailand. do your forst extension using an agency. Then do it by yourself in your second extension. This way you will bypass that stage immigration will ask you to see your wife and documents. they dont need them anymore in your second extension
  19. 100% correct what happened to OP happened to me 3-4 years ago whatever visa OP gets immigration will ask about non-o and want to see wife plus marriage certificate with KOR2 (new date on it) like i said happened to me. there is no way he can avoid... it will haunt him
  20. Hi, this is exactly what happened to me in covid times. i was divorced and asked my ex to show like we are still married because of covid. she agreed. the thing is no one (immigration) will not know you are divorced unless you or she inform them. Normally the day you divorced you need to go to immigration and will get 1 day to leave the country if there is no kids. If have kids you can change your visa and can stay. what i did is i stayed on my non-o for another 2 years till people can fly again. I went to airport and when i was leaving the IO told me i still have date in my visa so if i will come back i can go to the IO in the immigration and make it re-entry. i simply told him i will not come back so no problem. left the country. i got my non-b working from the thai embassy. no problem. i entered thailand no problem. now the problem started when i went to extend my non-b at chang wattana.... the lady was ok with all paper work from the work and everything. she was almost going to stamp it then.. ta ta.. she noticed that i had non-o before and she asked me where my wife is now and not with me. i told her its non-b not non-o so why she needs my wife, and she answered me she needs to connect or link the visas. no idea what its or for. But later i found out that they simply dont want to get tricked by some way (which in my and your case we were trying lol) well i told her that shes in another city working. for some reason it must be her best day and she asked me if i have her Id and our marriage certificate with me. luckily i had photos in my phone and i asked her if its ok i copy them now and she said yes. I must admit i was lucky. dont know why and how... just lucky. if she was not in her good day i was overstay 2 years plus other charges such as illegal visa (i used agency to get my other 2 years extensions) the moment she asked me where my wife.. i felt like i started to see things black.. i felt i have a fever.. i felt the game is over... But like i said i was very very super lucky. she took the documents and extend my non-b for another year. with all the power i left in that 5 min i asked her if she is going to need my wife again for the next year extension she said no, it was only for this time because i changed my visa by leaving the country but not in the country... or something like that. so... there will be no problem till you leave the country. you can leave safe. BUT in your next extension for any kind of visa... be very very careful. they know... it will haunt you, sorry. Most likely your not cancelling visa will be a problem and they will ask to see your wife OR want to see marriage certificate.. good luck
  21. dont know the earliest but this was the documents i did: - passport details copy - need non imm visa - old driving license - residency from immigration or from your embassy (eng lang is ok) - health certificate from any clinic (150-200 baht) - watch the 1 hour video online and save the QR code that was it
  22. yep, so far for me and many others it works fine... tbh im surprised 55555
  23. my 90 day was on 7 april i did it online 1 april i got my new 90 days report via email 3 April i got a warning about my 90 days will expire on 7 april via email. i ignored.
  24. without seeing inside cannot say or cannot give any suggestions plus what i see in the photos and what you draw seems not same place.. in the photo your house has an extension to left.. but not in your drawing.. at this point i strongly suggest do some google search
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