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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. lol first time you not suggest thaivisa youa re aware that siam legal is a law company right? not an agency
  2. is it too difficult to take new 2-3 pictures and print them? better to be safe instead of headache or sleepless nights or post on forums just for some pictures...
  3. i have 2 friends using the same agency for 2-3 years they had never any problems. but this year it took 6 week for them to get their passport back it seems its normal. i wouldnt worry. whoever i talked or asked, they told me it took 6 weeks.
  4. i feel the OP but this is thailand. the IO cannot be the same with just 60km distance another IO. i think we all know that whats written on the website or on the other sources are really doesnt mean anything till you face the IO. i know its sad and not good but its the reality. so i suggest dont read and trust any website telling you what you need to do. go to the immigration and ask them. like i said things are not same. here everyone says you dont need to but IO says you need to. so what to do? you will print out comments telling no need and show to immigration? or print out the immigration website and show? tell me if it works. here and websites you can have some ideas... but always go and talk with the immigration to be sure.
  5. i dont know for the UK regulations i dont think you need financial evidence for a 90 day visa. which is single entry. i would prepare 20K baht just in case. play safe. i would give them or keep ready my bank statement for 6 months ( i dont think they will ask but again play safe), her house book, ID (better she signed them) I would also get a signed letter from your wife inviting you to thailand. i heard some embassies are asking for it. im sure people will correct me if im wrong but i dont think you will have problem with money. i think its only a standard option in online form
  6. hotel is doing your tm30. if you leave the hotel and go another home or else you need to do tm30. hotels do tm30 for you. its their responsibility. if you are already living in thailand with your wife, its ok again. when you go to the hotel use your thai wife Id as register. most of them ill not ask your passport. if they ask still no problem. they will do TM30 online. if you live in thailand when you get back home you dont need to do TM30 again
  7. if you are staying in a hotel, hotel do TM30 for you. so you dont need to do. if you will move to a house or rental after the hotel yes, you need to do TM30 at the immigration or online if you already had a visa and left thailand and come back, you dont need to do anything. UNLESS you changed your visa. if you changed your visa type yes you need to do TM30. if your plan is really staying in a hotel for 2 weeks you dont need to do anything. but if you change your staying you have to, thats it
  8. you can ask them to cancel your cancel visa stamp. because you didnt cross any border yet. I did that at nong khai immigration. they have to do that if you ask it specifically. they didnt do because you didnt ask for it the way it should be and probably they were not in good mood. and yes when you are leaving the IO should warn you and ask you if you want to get a re-entry so it is 60-40 it is your visa and its your responsibility to follow it and do the necessary things. 'i forgot' is really nonsense. its the most important thing. so you get 40. IO made a mistake about not warning you about the visa but actually and technically its not his duty. Also he failed about cancelling your cancelled stamp. As i said i did it. i went back to thai border and i told them i made a mistake and i need to come back at first he was like <deleted> you are talking about then i demand he cancel the cancel visa and let me in. after talking with his superviser he used a blue ink stamp on my exit stamp and saying CANCEL. so he canceled my exit stamp. and reuse my old stamp before exit. he write a note in blue to explain the situation under the stamp. all good. so IO get 60
  9. 17 years in thailand.. did visa extensions many times and also different type of visas and in many many cities.. never ever asked or mentioned about money.. i have zero friends asked money or help. im so surprised when im reading these kind of posts. im not saying lie or i dont believe. i dont know its up to the city you are doing or not, but as i said i did my extensions in many cities and really small ones too.
  10. topic is TM6 from airport... you are asking for land crossings... decide which one is your situation. immigration will look at your last visa and how you entered. they will not check your ex visas. also you couldnt enter the country if they want TM6 but you hadnt... also if you arrived here without that form (not given you by the airlines or the immigration) and you are already aware of this.. why is the topic?
  11. hi obviously you are that one of the trying to live in thailand as long as you can type. so instead of doing funny stuff i suggest you to get a valid visa like people working here or retired or has a wife or studying.. i suggest you cooking classes. because probably you will try all options. at least its fun.
  12. Probably i got it wrong but have a question: How can you apply to non-o marry your non-b in thailand? You mean you change the reason of extension?
  13. Wrong. We are talking about the ones working at restaurants or restaurant & bar. I agree there are some trying to do their best and earn money (250 baht per day) and send it back home too. But soon most of them from these somes, relize that there is no way it will be better. So the other way which they learn and adapt is sucking other's blood. I totally respect your idea and opinion. But my 17 years in thailand and being in most part of the thailand showed me that. Its all about time they relize they can do better just a little bit being sweet to someone. Also if they are lucky a good relationship which will save the girl and her family. I feel what we are on is not the topic of the OP. so i will end this one here.. no need to make it longer. Thanks
  14. Thats why i used most likely, most of them.. etc. Didnt mean ALL but most od them..
  15. Well there are many posts and i read some of them because all seems to be same. I also know many waitresses in same position from laos, vietnam or myanmar and cambodia. Im close to some of them in a friendly way. And being very careful. Because they know how to suck your blood very well. And they are very professional in this im sorry to say but most likely your laos friend is the same too. Anyway, when i asked them about workpermit or how they can work in a restaurant while we farangs cannot. They explained to me there are 2 or 3 ways. 1 is they dont have workpermit, they do 90 days visa run just like many other farnags doing. Because of ASEAN i do believe its easy for them. 2 is they have some kind of yellowish paper which allow them to work for a month or likewise. 3 they find a thai husband marry but continue single life and using the visa. Now the agency shes using is most likely the same agency other farangs using. And its probably very cheap to do. One cambodian girl told me its around 3000 baht. In your situation if she is using an agency that means most likely the employer has them illegaly. I know many restaurants here providing them legit workpermits. I would suggest her to do 90 day visa run if her employer doesnt want to do it. Yes, they can speak very good thai because other thai stuff teache them. A friendly reminder: these girls are there to do work. I know they look very innocent and naive but trust me they are not. Soon or later she will have a sponsor or some number of boyfriends. Otherwise there is no chance she can survive. So my advice is dont be that sponsor or kiks. Your story shows this is exactly where its going to. I know you want to help her but trust me let her do her own business. Another thing is if they are so hopless or helpless why almost all of them have the latest phones and so on. They make something between 250 to 350. When thai waitresses are making aroubd 450 to 600 per day. So how come they can survive. Not related to the topic but i was at one of the places where girls sits with you and talk (yes only talk) if you want and 1 hour is 500-1000 baht. When i asked her how much shes making per month she told me if shes lazy around 50K if not 70k easy. This amount is double time then one of my friends who is a teacher and working hard like a dog.
  16. OP bro is living in thailand but in another dimension.. no info about TM30.. can do his 90 days where ever he wants.. IO doing everything for him... IO can speak english... no masks (i think mask is a must and i agree)... the only surprising thing in that dimension of thailand is they took his photo...
  17. you wont have any problem. just carry the document saying your applied for the new passport also (if you have one) if they can see the stamp and the first page clearly... no worries. although i just cannot understand how a person can wash his passport, seriously.
  18. check your history.. and the way you act just because you had to answer few question. you are a joke bro
  19. you are aware that he got the wrong stamp at his entry point. so i was wondering how i can be incorrect when yo and me are saying the same thing?!
  20. well i think i understand what you are saying. but i just cannot understand how an embassy willingly help to someone not legally staying here. This is not about the other country immigration law. its like.. you are helping a criminal. in my opinion to get a service from embassy, you need to show or prove that you are here legally and have the rights to do things. joining what you are saying.. if i were the embassy stuff.. i would not accept the passport and tell him to go to the proper place to fix the issue then i can help. if he feels he cannot fix it, as my duty i would offer him what he can do in this situation. but when im aware hes not legally in thailand and i will do some official things with him.. nope, i would do anything. actually you know what i would call the immigration and send a car to the embassy because i just caught someone over staying. i think its part of my duty. i have seen on youtube that the UK embassy calling cops on people who are giving fake documents. so whats the difference here?!
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