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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. Im a veteran-officer too Served in Iraq (thanks to american lies about iraq has nuklear power but actually all USA wants was its oil) and then Afghanistan (9/11). I was not in usa army if that matters. I was in the army since i was 14.. military school then academy abd so on. When i was graduated as 1st LT i found myself in Iraq. I also just recently send my documents and info to ukrainian embassy in bangkok to join the foreign legion. But the guy told me my age may be a problem, 43. Anyway I just want to give/share few things about these fake idiots &a holes. So you can understand them in 5 min: If they claim that they are SEAL just ask them their Bud/s number. Most of them will say its secret or likewise. Thats the first bull sh it. Even for seals buds class training number is not a secret/classified information. If they cannot say it, just tell them they are lier. Thats it. If they say a number.. bare this in mind so you can do a conclusion BUDs 133 was fought in vietnam.. now in Iraq it was 155 or 156. Then ask them some of his mates in bud training.. another thing is most of these fake toy soldiers say they are snipers... another thing is when they tell their 'great war stories' they always use 'I' a real soldier always use 'we' because we know what TEAM means. Just tell them they are a toy soldier plus an idiot. Disrespectful to real soldiers abd also to fallen heros. This doesnt mean only for USA but fir all countries... Please be sensitive to this topic and matter... respect to real people. You like or not... Thank you
  2. i did my kitchen from homepro. Really nice one. They really did good job. I chose my kitchen set, they came exactly the time they promised and did the plan and measurements. Then showed me printed version how it will look like. Then again right on time they installed it. No water leaking, nothing. Very clean job too. i bought AC from power something i forgot the name now. Terrible installation, really dirty... total mess..
  3. didnt buy online. Went to the one in central westgate. after i bought the bed, you need to take the papers to the transportation section which is.. probably 1-2km walking distance in the same building. And not easy to find the place. And funny enough even they said the transportation is in the payment, the transportation section charge you again.. they said they are not with IKEA but private company. i dont buy these kind of things online. Need to see
  4. well as even you can understand, the topic is about thai DL. and yes, you have the right to drive with that visa type with your DL. International would be better. Imagine that a tourist come to thailand and rent a car... cannot? with your logic cannot. reality is, yes can yes thank you for the note. i didnt mention that because the topic is thai DL. though people can understand.. again thanks for making it clear. i didnt mean with NO driving license.
  5. would go with Index. bought few things from them and really happy. everything right on time too. So far quality is good IKEA is really stressful. I bought 1 bed from them and to do transportation just because of the paper work and other things it took really 1-2 hours just to order transportation from them. Quality is also not like WOW.. normal.
  6. its a 'friendly' scorpion. Dont kill them but dont let it come into your house too. They do good if they stay in your garden. Eat other small stupid animals which can harm your garden. Dont step on them also. 555555
  7. damn.. so they will pay back to him? someone must pay back to him.. thailand or Aus
  8. before covid my bill was around 1800 covid i remember it came 0 at least 2-3 months. (government help) after covid for a long time it raised to 2800ish this month 1800 again..
  9. You dont need a DL at all. you have a TR visa which gives you the rights to drive in thailand for 3 months. You dont need to show anything to the police. just tell them you are on TR and you can drive 3 months. If you get a new TR then again you will have 3 months.
  10. Hi, your visa ends the date on the termination letter. And IO will ask you to leave the country in 24 hours. Im not sure if its still possible but you can pay 1900 baht for another 7 days. If the date on the letter is before your departure, you may ask the school to help you and change the date on it. Some of them can help if you have really good relationship with them. Or you can pay 1-2 days overstay without a problem. I heard that they dont even bother to charge you if its 1 day overstay. For the work permit actually you need to go to the labor office with the letter form the school and again im not sure but with your paid tax documents. BUT most of the times school do the cancellation, if they are not lazy to do so. If no one cancels it, it might cause problems if you want to work again in thailand. I would make it super clear with the school that they will cancel it surely. If you want to play safe just do it yourself. It will take your 10min. good luck
  11. well, of course there is a age limit which is around 58 and up. But if your work place writes a letter saying they need you and you are a good teacher blah blah, they let it go.
  12. yes, and its so easy. just take a photo via your mobile and upload it or put a jpg file of them
  13. its up to where you are applying from. For example thai embassy in Cambodia asks for this letter, but Savanakhet doesnt want.
  14. for the letter, she can write that you guys are happily married and you want to come to thailand to be together and you and she would be very grateful if they give this opportunity. also dont forget to sign every document belongs to you. She must sign documents belongs to her. good luck
  15. hi, i was using an agency too. And same as you i left the country and came back to thailand in May. i was using my Non-o marriage visa via agency. But when i was coming back i got my Non-b for work. when i went to ChangWattana IO, every paper was ok. she was almost about to give me the visa then suddenly she stopped and ask me if i have my wife ID and marriage certificate with me. Now, the problem is i was divorced and i was still on my non-o like 2 years before leaving the country, lol. So i asked her why need because i came here with non-b not non-o she said yes, but we need to connect visas because you left the country on non-o visa and came back with non-b. i have no idea what is the connection.. well, she asked me if i have photo of them on my phone i can print and give her. Lucky.. i had. i copy and gave her. She did everything in 5 min. seriously. then i asked her if i need my wife (didnt say ex) infos again in the next extension, she sais no. only 1 time. next i dont need it. so why i told you this, i know yours was not marriage but just be ready for some small surprise. Hope you wont have any problem, good luck
  16. traffic alcohol check got one of my friends. the new law says 10.000 baht fine and im not fully sure but directly prison. So my friend called his wife and his wife talked with them like 5 min and then the police asked 7000 but they agreed on 5000... and he left the scene in his car. Actually he was lucky because the top ranked police was only sergeant so it was easy for the police to arrange this 'deal' otherwise he had no chance.
  17. the topic is not about corruption. but you help me to mention something. why we help it?
  18. well corruption is not the point. Its everywhere and every country. I know corruption in the UK very well. so.. forget about it. and also at some point who is responsible for corruption.. it is you.. because you let it go. and this is the point. thank you. about getting arrest.. well you will if you do something wrong, and you deserve it. nice point you mentioned. thank you
  19. First of all i was not sure where to start this post, i believe this is the place.. if not please move it to a suitable place.. thanks secondly, im not starting this post to start any argument, giving names, advertisement, no criticizing, etc. (so please stay on the topic) just seriously wondering about this and want to know. that been said. i was thinking this lately... so this forum is to help people with having some kind of problems. Thats great. And i love this forum. And as you can see people are having a lot of visa problems this or that reasons. And mostly asking about how they can get a visa or solve a likewise problem. So, many people are trying to answer them, help them regarding to their experience or knowledge or both which is great. but if im not mistaken, suggesting or directing people to illegal things/ways is not allowed in this forum. Then two things comes to mind... 1) fake plane ticket sites: I have seen many posts about this.. many people suggesting this way to people who thinks or know cannot enter the country if they dont show a return ticket. So, without saying too much, i want to check the reality: to lie an immigration officer is a crime, right? so the person in this case lie two times.. about the ticket and his intentions. question here might be fake ticket seller is legal or not. Well, obviously not (in my opinion) because at the end of the day, there is no ticket. just people found a way to show it like legal or ok. So i was wondering should we or you suggest someone to buy a fake return ticket? Do we do a favor to him or not a favor to the country we are living in? its a deep and detailed question. please think. 2) Visa agencies: well, obviously this is also a big thing. I, myself used agency too before. And tbh i regret. i hate what i did and used one. and i against agencies. because of many reasons. no need to mention here (not personal reasons). As you know suggesting to use an agency is the most common answer in this forum. then again the question here is are these agencies legal? again my opinion no. Because they get your visa via forged documents or no documents at all, bribing an immigration officer (here its not important IO is ok with this or not, action is important by you) also.. do you think its fair that someone pays some money and gets everything in days, but you really work hard to get it in normal ways? So again, is it ok to suggest people using them? so i could write more but i think the main idea is clear. I do believe that 2 act are illegal and its a daily topic in this forum. Are they life saver, yes. But really the correct way, no. so what is the red line in this forum.. what we can suggest what we cannot? is it right to suggest these things? thanks
  20. like i said.. that guy would be waiting you at the other side and would do a taxi duty and would get your 1000 baht. Thats another scam. thats the thing with agents. actually they cannot do a lot. good luck and again i hope your grandfather gets well soon
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