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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. Hi,

    first of all its sad to hear 12+ marriage might end. but trust me its not the end of the world.


    second, as long as you guys are officially married you dont need to take any action. After divorce yes, you need to inform this to immigration and do what you can do to extend your visa. If you change your place, i would do a new TM30 nothing to lose but it will be good for you later. safety first.


    speaking first hand, i strongly suggest not to stay marry but live separate and use the marriage visa. Thats what one of my friends did and it didnt ended up well for both sides. Both legally and personally. Had lot of issues and problems. 


    you have mentioned you can extend as retirement, do it. it will make your head and minds clear about the visa which is the most important thing actually. also you will not stress yourself with what will happen IF questions. also you will get your visa freedom. 


    I must say if a couple started about divorcing, there is nothing to do more. soon or later most likely it will end. So if i were you i would ended before breaking both side's feelings more... ended as a friend, thats better. If it comes to this, i strongly suggest to sign a contract for both sides sake. I know 12+ year wife and who else you can trust more. right? well its not like that trust me. after divorce if there is a house,car,etc. believe me it will be a problem, soon or later. but for sure. unless you sign a contract and decide who will take what. if there is nothing at all then no worries.


    good luck

  2. 1 hour ago, userabcd said:

    The RD website has most of the info how to calculate tax, you could attempt this yourself if you know the detailed personal financial affairs about your friend.


    Some would call that being a nosey parker and none of their business.


    thanks for the info


    i kind of can predict her salary because she started 2 years before me. i will check RD


    yes, i know it looks not nice but couldnt control myself hahah

  3. Hi,

    I know this is not a good one but i cannot hold myself. Sorry


    So today by accident i found out that my co-worker paid 60k for the tax. Account department cuts 750 baht from our salary every month for the tax and 500 for the social security. There are some other cuts if you use some services provided by the work.


    Its close what i paid also.


    I dont know the math here. Can someone tell me what's her salary ^ ^



  4. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    A couple of points, firstly it has nothing to do with immigration. If going to another country, it will need to be shown at airport checkin or to airline security. Here in Thailand it would be the Disease Control Officer at the airport. I have also been asked to show boarding the ferry to Koh Chang and at hotels.

    You do not need the "book", can't quite remember who actually does those, MOPH?, but certainly not immigration.

    A print out from your phone is as good as anywhere else provided the QR code on the printout is clear, if you scan the QR code it will take you to the certificate on the public health website. This is what a foreign agency may use for validity.


    thank you for the info

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, sandyf said:

    There should be no problem showing your phone, I have done that in the UK.

    It is worthwhile however to have a hard copy. I have been caught out twice with the app not opening because they had done an update, belt and braces so to speak.

    As has been suggested the better option would be to get the International certificate which you can then print off from your phone.  

    thank you,

    i think yes, i will apply certificate from the app. That should do the magic.

    Also thanks for the info about that showing the app is working fine with the immigration.

  6. 10 minutes ago, cnx1204 said:

    Why not take a screen shot and print it out yourself?   If the QR code is sharp, it should be be as good as a hospital printed copy.     


    Or get the Covid Passport the govt will make for you.   


    this is also what i was planning at first. Then i was not sure if they will accept that screen shot or print of it. Because there is no signature or else, but its coming from the app so must be legit. 


    I can get that book too, but im not sure if i get it the same day i applied. I dont want to go come back and go again like immigration lol

  7. 11 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    On the Mor Prom App in the bottom left there is an ‘international vaccine certificate’ tab. 

    Select that and apply for an international Vaccine certificate - that will be in English and show all your vaccines to day (IF your vaccines were received in Thailand, you can’t add vaccines received overseas to this). 


    There is no need to go to hospital have have them sign an print out of your vaccines (unless your vaccines don’t show up on Mor Prom). 



    [Note: this is not the yellow book - which isn’t really needed].


    I think this is what i will do. Although i just want to be sure that i dont need that yellow book when im entering any country including thailand. Thanks

  8. 5 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    You used the same number of units both months??


    Please post a scan of your bill with personal details redacted so we can try and sort out what's gone awry.



    im not sure about the units, sorry about that. But all i can say is i used exactly same things and same way. My life in the house is very routine so i didnt use any extra electrical thing. I have 25.000 BTU ac which is on almost the whole day + 12.000 ac in the bedroom -on only when sleeping- , hot water for the shower and my computer. nothing more.

    again sorry i dont have the bills because i pay bank auto way.

    but i will keep them for the next 2 months and lets see whats going on



  9. Last month my bill was 1700 baht and this month its 2780 and i used exactly same as the last month. I asked to my neighbor and he told me there are times government help because of covid.. Dont know its true or not but my electric bills are getting higher little by little.. I use a lot because of covid and working from home for a long time but never had 2500 up whatever i did. if i work at the office my bill is usually around 1500-1800

  10. Hi guys,


    So i have this Thai Mor Prom mobile app for the vaccine info. 


    Many countries including Thailand wants to see your 2-3 vaccines certificate or whatever its called when you are entering a country. And i read in many posts people say 'hard copy'. 


    In my app i have this Digital Health Certificate option and then covid-19 vaccine certificate. There i can see all my vaccines dates, info, etc.


    So my question is, is this enough if i print this out somehow and show to the immigration when entering any country? Or i should go to a hospital and ask them to print it for me? Or is it enough just show them the app info from my mobile? If non, how to get that certificate.




  11. if you are working and have salary 40k you can extend your visa too.

    if no, cambodia seems the best option for you to get a new non-o but i think they issue only for 3 months, not 1 year (i might be wrong but their website says only 3 months 80usd)

    other option is an agency. they will do it for you something around 15-24K if need one i can give you a nane, please contact me.


  12. Im not very sure but from lazt time if i remember correct they will not accept to do it if you are not in the timeline to do. But if you have a special situation, you can try to explain them and see if they will help you. 7 years ago sri racha immigration helped me with 90 days something close to your situation. I was there for a meeting and was my 90 days time too. So i explained the situation, showed the evidence, great help. They gave me my 90 days with a note in thai explaining  why i did and why they gave 90 days to me in sri racha.

  13. 13 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    You will take this as being critical.

    Not the intention.

    There is no such thing as a retirement visa or marriage visa.

    There is a non immigrant O visa.

    The visa itself is not extended.

    The visa grants a 90 day permission of stay.

    That POS can be extended.

    The extension needs to be based on something.

    Usual suspects are Retirement and Marriage.

    You can change the basis of your extension.

    Some guys change from based on marriage to based on retirement or visa versa. 

    Thanks for the info

  14. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    You are wrong. The visa cannot be changed while in the country. But the reason for a extension of stay can be changed.

    A extension of stay only requires a non immigrant visa entry to apply for it.

    So.. if someone has non-o retirement.. this person can extend in 2 ways: Normal retirement extension OR showing working reason? I thought people cannot work with retirement visa.. if so then OP can do that way, then no problem at all.


    Because he has non-o retirement visa. 


    Thanks ubon

  15. I dont know if you can change your retirement to marriage non-o in thailand. I think no. Im also not sure if you can change your retirement extension reason to working reason. Sounds like cannot. Because you get this visa because you are retired. And with that visa you cannot work


    To work like ubon said you need non-b or non-o marriage. Both will do. 


    For non-b you must be hired already. For non-o marriage well you are already married. I would go with non-o marriage. Many reasons. The best reason is if yoy lose your work you dont need to leave the country and get a new visa. If you lose your job with non-b you need to go out and get a new visa. Also you are still not hired. 


    If you are planning to do in the very near future, cambodia is the best option to get your visa. For both marriage and work  it will take probably 1 week time in cambodia. If you apply on monday you will get on friday afternoon. My friend is doing it right now. 


    Probably you already know the rules how to come back to thailand.


    If its not urgent, i would wait for june. It seems there will be no more 1 day hotel and the test anymore. Just ATK when you arrived to thailand.


    Good luck

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  16. 1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    Where did you get your insurance from? What does it cost. (I am thinking of just 30 days cover as I will use 30 day Visa on entry).

    i have work permit and working so i have thai social security. that counts as insurance, so i dont need one. sorry

    but there are some company lists on thai pass webpage if i remember correctly with some hotel lists.

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