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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. - Thailand Pass system will not permit registration less than 2 day before departure date. (to ensure smooth journey it is highly recommended that you plan your travel at least 7 days in advance). In case of emergency travel, please send your request / supporting documents to [email protected] -


    from their website, this might be your problem? maybe applying early?


    Documents required for registration

    1. Passport and Visa (if required)

    2. Certificate of Vaccination

    3. Insurance with minimum coverage of 20,000 USD for medical expenses (not required for Thai nationals / foreign residents in Thailand can use social security or certificate from their employer)

    4. Paid Reservation Confirmation from SHA Extra+ / AQ Hotel for 1 night (Day 1). The price must include the fee for 1 RT-PCR test, 1 ATK self-test kit and airport transfer.



    again from their website. Maybe any problem here? its also asking for visa.. 



    this link has the lists of hotels from their website again.. maybe want to try one of them using their website?


    but i read some posts saying they got their pass really easy and in short time.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    Morning flights are less likely to be delayed than flights later in the day, and I am someone who is willing to accept some risk. I would probably be willing to assume the Thai Smile flight would give me enough time if I am well organised. You need to allow for applying for the visa-on-arrival (if not using e-visa), getting through immigration, waiting for a taxi, getting a couple of photocopies, and travel time. On average, I would say it would take around 90 minutes, and you would be unlucky to take over two hours. If risk averse, assume the extra day.

    yes, that thai smile departure seems not bad. Also can save 1 night at hotel. Thai Smile is 2800 baht one way and gives +20kg free baggage. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Thai Smile 7:35 -> 8:50 if that helps.

    Thai Vietjet 8:30 -> 9:40.

    Bangkok Airways 8:15 -> 9:30.

    All from BKK (Suvarnabhumi).

    Just (Google) checked Monday.

    (errors excepted)


    Late returns might be the problem.

    Only bloody expensive Bangkok Airways.

    thanks i already checked these.

    The problem is visa application time in cambodia 9:00-11:00 i dont know how far the embassy is so i dont know if you can make it if you arrive 9:40 i wouldnt risk. im sure there will be many people. if you miss that will add you another day plus you need to change your coming back flight. Visa collection is 14:00-15:00 there are no flights back after 15:00 all flights are 13:00 or 13:30 there is only one 17:45 but that will ad you another 2 nights in cambodia its only 1 day in a week that time if i remember correct.

    thai smile looks better but then you need to find another flight to get back because their thailand is again 13:00 or 13:30 if i remember correct. 


  4. As everyone mentioned cambodia is the best way. But make your plan before. If you will apply for tourist visa it takes 3 days to get it, if applied on monday will get your visa on wednesday. If any non-o type, 5 days. If you apply monday will get next monday. This info is confirmed by my emailing with the thai embassy there (also confirmed by my friend who is getting non-o since monday)


    Also flight hours are not very good. You need to fly 1 day before application and 1 day later after get your visa. Im talking for airasia btw. I also checked other flights and almost same. 


    This means you need to book your hotel for 8-9 days. That will be around 4000 - 6000 baht. 


    I cannot remember tourist visa right now but non-b and non-o are 80 usd. For non-b if you apply on monday they will give you an appointment (whats this about i have no idea. My friend will go that appointment on friday, maybe he can give me nore info then) and then if all ok you will get your visa on monday (this is what my friend told me)


    For cambodia all you need is to be fully vaccined, e-visa, hotel book papers. 


    I cannot remember any other details right now.

  5. 46 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    You already have given advice.

    Basically supporting idea of having wife "taking care of it"

    At a point in time op looking at overstay. 



    well at least i read the posts.. you dont. you didnt even read that she has a thai wife...  and more, you called me nonsense when i gave a suggestion or tried to help because he has a thai wife.

    there are some other threads you did the same.. so... i repeat myself; we need to be careful when giving advice and we must read the posts.


    like i said i will stop responding you for the sake of this post and the OP. because again you are making a thread longer and add many pages. thank you

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  6. OP also there is something you need to consider.

    im not in medical but i heard that even you are - after + it takes 2 months to get rid of the virus. So actually you still have the virus for 2 months. I dont know it will or not but this might affect your entrance to other countries or thailand. 

    you need to get a recovered report form a hospital before leave thailand. i think that would be wise

    • Sad 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Yes indeed corrected my post re wife prior to my mistake. 

    Bottom line is that won't work re sending wife off to immigration imo he should use agent.


    we need to be careful when giving advices in this kind of situations. please

    i stop on this topic because i dont want to waste people's time and make this post longer. thank you

    • Sad 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Say what. 

    The agent was a suggestion only.

    BTW agent I mentioned is sponsor of AseanNow. 

    Many others provide similar service. 


    The rest of your other post is nonsense.

    OP never stated that he had wife of even gf. Stick to the facts. 

    i just cannot understand what is the relation to give a sponsor agency name when still OP doesnt ask for one? if you want to make a suggestion you could just mention it and like many other users you could say you can send the name and details to his direct message. 


    Also OP said he has a wife and she is working on it. As a moderator wanna be and posting all and yes all threads (sometimes just to post) here you need to be more careful please. 

    • Sad 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    With evidence that you are Covid positive, it should be possible for someone else (probably your girlfriend would be a reasonable choice) to do the extension on your behalf.

    yes, in these kind of special situations i think immigration helps a lot. i also think he might get some visa extension.


    Another thing is he can go to hospital and get a covid + paper work and the wife can take it to the immigration.. dont know but maybe it might help

    • Sad 1
  10. Hi, im not expert with retirement but i used agency for my marriage. Its the same logic though.


    1) for me they put the money into my bank account for 1 or 2 days. Then withdraw it. They have the atm card and bank book. Its wise to open a new account and zero money in there when you are giving them to the agency.


    2) this is a one in a million situation. If this happens and if this is not agency mistake yes of course they will come after you. But trust me this will never happen if you are not a criminal or likewise situation. Also the money will not stay there that long.


    3) for agency time is not important. Just to show money in the bank account is the thing here. Yes, its basically bribe immigration police but again they are trying to do things as legal as they can. 


    All you need to do is give the paper work what ever they want. 

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  11. 38 minutes ago, BusyB said:

    I'm surprised to see this one pop up again ... if you mean what I think you mean I have to tell you that  getting a new passport does not wipe your immigration history. Even the Thias have it all on computer now ... as well as a smart BMW ;

    as i mentioned before he never been to any immigration. All done by an agency last 2 years. And not even the same city he is living in. He has no records with the immigration in bangkok. 


    Now if you are saying that when he go there with the new passport and the new non-o, bangkok will see him in the system and his extension even its done by an agency in another city, then OK. Then whatever he does, there is no solution to his situation. 


    So his decision is to go back to his country and get a new passport+ non-o and come back. 


    This most likely will make things easier then doing things on the same old passport while the ex visas are still on it.


    he can get non-b because he is working. Thats my suggestion to him instead of non-o. If he changes to non-b there will be zero questions at the immigration or no more future problems with the visa. Sadly you cannot change you non o to non b in thailand. Dont know why


    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    You make "marriage" sound like going to 7/11 for a coke.

    Don't think OP even mentioned a gf. 


    I just gave him options. He also didnt mention about his previous ED visa. So, maybe he has a girlfriend not mentioned yet. He asked his options and i told him what i can think of. This is also an idea for the future too... 

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