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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. 1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

    Well why shouldn't the immigration folks like you? You are willing to give them (after agent's cut) 10-20000 or more baht for a service for which they should receive only 1900 baht.

    pattaya immigration takes 20K for non-o extension with thai wife. 2000 agency takes. 22K total. 500 for 90 days and 1000 for 90 days if you are not in pattaya. i just confirmed this 2-3 days ago from a pattaya agency. 


    I know a guy working at nonthaburi immigration he lives 3 houses from my home. He just bought a new BMW which i cannot effort to buy even i save money for years. His wife has the newest Mercedes also. 


    The agency i talked at pattaya told me now tourist and normal local police are very angry because they cannot make money but immigration police makes crazy money.. I was like, damn couldnt decide if she was serious saying this. But sounds like she was. Example is the guy i just mentioned from nonthaburi immigration. 

  2. 15 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    I asked this in post above...


    "The OP has not indicated if 50+"


    You ask for advice and now cloudy statements that details of marriage have issues.

    As I stated some agents don't even touch extensions marriage.

    Since your situation is not straight forward I would suggest that advice in AseanNow would be pretty much useless.

    Talk to an agent. There is no charge for that. 

    I understand your request for privacy but seriously asking about agents with little info is a waste of time. 

    Two agents you could start with in Bangkok are TVC and Bangkok Buddy.

    Your OP suggests that you have a price from agent already and looking to undercut that.

    Your wasting your time.

    Talk with agents and find out if anyone can help.

    Personally I'm doubtful. 

    In a nutshell agents cover the financial requirements.

    That's about the extent of it. 


    Hi again and thanks for the advice and the 2 agency names.


    As in my first post, all i was asking an agent in bangkok. Im not over 50.


    But it seems i will wait for 1 july. Seems thing will be better like old days or almost. 


    Thanks to all comments again



  3. Well thanks for the comments, not being rude really but i know i can do it by myself and i know actually it is really easy to do and i again know that its cheaper. 


    But there is a reason why i need to use agency, otherwise i wouldnt ask for an agency. Last time i used an agency and there is a reason why i just cannot do it by myself and the reason is the dates. My non-o and that time expension reason and this time expension reasons have a problem about the date. I will not give more details sorry its personal thing but all i can say is that if i go and do by myself and if they check the dates on my marriage certificate date, thats the end of my life in thailand at least 5 years. At this point i have only 2 options, leave the country and get a new visa ( soon or later this will be done no questions) or 2nd is to use an agency and wait for a good time to leave the country (seems 1 july) and get a new visa.


    Thanks again

  4. 5 hours ago, chilly07 said:

    That's why Immigration take photos of you and your wife when you apply for a marriage extension as well as those you supply yourself plus copies of her ID and up to date kor for 2. In addition they do random visits. Best to start again obtain a new non 0 outside the country. Better safe than sorry.   

    thanks for the comment but immigration dont visit you if you use an agency, you can use the same family photos and also just give them all copy of your EX wife does the magic. thats how he did... 

  5. 13 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    1. He has been on a overstay since the day his divorce was finalized and the ones after that were done fraudulently.

     He should leave the country and re-enter with a new non-o visa after he gets married.

    2. How has he been doing 90 day reports. Others have had to submit a TM30 form to do their reports in Bangkok after the extension was done in another province.

    3. He may have to do that to avoid getting caught for doing his extensions fraudulently after getting a new non-o visa.

    4. That would not help since immigration will link his old and new passports.

    He may be into big problems if he is not careful.

    Not sure how the agent was able to the extension without a new Kor Ror 2 marriage registry after he got divorced.

    agency is doing his 90 days report. And he has 90 days report papers too. 

    he gave the old kor Ror 2 he got probably 1 year before the divorce. he did his TM30 via mobile app 2 years ago. (this was done when he was still married and he not touched it since then because he never left the country).

    the agency he is using is really good one. but only problem is they cannot do it in bangkok. if you are living in bangkok and use that agency your extension will be some Esan area city. 


    well after your answers, this is his plan; to extend it again using the same agency with the new marriage papers. Then he will leave the country when everything get backs to normal and get a new non-o with a new passport and do his extensions using salary method.


    thanks again

    • Thanks 1
  6. Hi guys, 

    Lets say someone married with a thai for a long time and extended his non-o using an agency. Extension is not the city they live in. Then after extension he got divorced a year later which is almost the time covid showed up and the leaving and coming back to thailand was not clear. 


    So he decided not to report his divorce to immigration and extend his visa 1 year more using the same agency with ex wife documents with the knowledge of ex wife.


    Now this year (july) extension time. He is about to get marry again with his girlfriend and before july. 


    He can extend his non-o using salary income method in bangkok. As you can see he will extend it just like continue the old non-o, not getting a new one. He is planning to leave the country and get a new non-o when there are no more tests needed or else, hotel, etc.


    Questions are here:

    1) as mentioned non-o extension was done by agency in another city. First time extension was done when he was married. Second was done when he was not married. He will be married again in march just before the new extension. Do you think immigration will notice the date of marriage and they will be like wait a minute, how come? Or they will not even look at the marriage date.


    2) if number 1 is not a problem, what about last extension was not in bangkok but another city, any problems here?


    3) if 1 and 2 are not ok, his plan is to use the agency again with the new marriage papers and extend it 1 year more then if things get normal go out and get a new non-o also a new passport.


    4) would a new passport trick work after he got married in march and can get an extension or what can he do?


    Any other suggestions or advices are welcome.



    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  7. If you have good relationship with your employer, you can try to ask them about your job termination letter. You can explain them the situation and ask them if they can change the last working day in the termination letter. So, you dont need to leave the country. But you must be ready to do all the paper work at the same day with your new work.


    Another option is to take a tour to Laos and try to get a visa. Cambodia seems the best option at the moment so far. But Laos was the easiest for visa always. So your choice.


    Although there might be a small problem. Some of my friends finished their contract and went to Laos (before covid) and asked for tourist visa so they can look for another job, though at vientiene and savanakhet told them they will not give them tourist visa because they lived in thailand long enough! Yes, this happened to 2-3 people in different times. Actually one happened right in front of my eyes at savanakhet (didnt know the poor guy). So i would check this first. Best way might be to give a call thai embassy in savanakhet and vientiene explain the situation and ask them about it. safety first.

    • Like 1
  8. Interesting topic, i was thinking about doing the same thing for cambodia.


    Although as some mentioned it doesnt worth the risk. Yes, it has long time almost 3 days but think like this; covid test aim is to see you have it or not. So when you go to a new place or different place you might get it from there. So you need a new test to show you dont have it. If the thai immigration doesnt accept it, it makes lot sense. 

  9. On 3/5/2022 at 8:52 AM, Hummin said:

    If I owned a shop, I would reserve the spot right outside my shop for myself and my customers, or Im wrong even think that is my rights? 

    I guess everyone here would have done exactly the same!


    totally agree, im also pretty sure if the OP has a bar, he would do the same.

  10. Well this is 50-50 situations.

    He is right, because it is his business and its business area. So, people see it and come. Technically you are closing the view of the shop both from inside and outside. Also it looks better and some other marketing reasons. it is always good to have open area in front of your bar. Also, that area is kind of belongs to the patrons, people who come to sit at the bar. To be honest if you were the bar owner you would do the same thing, trust me: tell people to park somewhere else because you want people who comes to your place park there. And again some other reasons. 


    You are right, because as you said that area is public area so anyone can park there. 

  11. i would look at a mirror and ask the question to myself: why i want to stay longer in thailand with a tourist visa, to find a work? just trying to live on tourist visa in thailand? .. etc. 

    i would give the answer to IO


    Although i think the question here is will the embassy give you a tourist visa? you already stayed here long enough. There are people working in thailand for years and when they have no more contract they need to leave and get a new tourist visa in 1 day or a week time. And trust me i have friends their visa application rejected and the reason is they stayed here long enough. one example is a british guy (one of my friends rejected) was working and living in thailand for almost 10 years. this rejecting thing started maybe 2 years just before covid. I hope the embassy will not count that covid visas like real visas. 

    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Brick Top said:

    This is always like this in Phuket , I  really dont know why  as they stamp the new extension in front of you on the day you apply but then ask you to return after 1 PM the following day to collect your passport. It is I may add very inconvenient as you then have to make a second trip to the immigration office.

    Hmm ok. Thnx didnt know that

  13. 6 hours ago, Brick Top said:

    I wasn't there to my 90 day report , I was there to do my retirement extension and they always take my passport for that and have to collect the following day. They always do a new 90 day report when they renew my retirement visa for some reason.

    Ok.. so whats the reason they take your passport for 1 day. Im sorry im asking because never did that but also never heard that they keep your passport for 1 day. Whats their reason for thet?


  14. 12 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    As ubonjoe pointed out above.

    Lot depends on where you live.

    In my case Bangkok.

    Easy 30 baht trip to DMK.

    On arrival Saigon airport jump on yellow bus 109 to Bui Vien district 1.

    When their you won't need any tour guide. Ripper place.

    A bonus is the very efficient helpful Thai consulate. Very short bike trip from Bui Vien.

    I've been to Laos couple of times which is ok as long as you take some "no-doze tablets" 

    BTW where do travel from to go to Savannakhet. 


    BKK - SGN airasia is 4150 baht + hotel + expenses = i really dont think its cheaper than savanakhet... 

    my whole non-o trip to savanakhet is not more than 5000 baht and im doing it from bkk

    • Haha 1
  15. 13 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Never understood why anyone would even bother with Savannakhet. 

    Old days with cheap flights to Saigon and imm office so handy to Bui Vien st, the choice was obvious. 

    savanakhet is one of the best place to get your non-o visa. For many reasons. the best reason is its really easy to get it, also its almost walking distance from esan area... im sorry i dont know what you are talking about cheap flights but its so easy for the people living in or around esan. I dont know Saigon but it takes a night stay to get your visa in savanakhet (1 day application, next day take your visa). you are still in a known atmosphere, laos and thailand is almost same. Thai embassy there is really friendly... like i said many reasons... my home is in Khon kaen and lived there 10 years but now also bought another house in BKK and still do my visa non-o at savanakhet. 


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