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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. Then just his initials BS, because that's what he is full of.
  2. Will you be cancelling your membership of AN so we don't need to hear any more of your moaning, please.
  3. So both SoCal AND Robert Smith have recently been to Hong Kong for financial resons and both say they are rich beyond their dreams. Same troll/ idiot I suspect.
  4. Rather a large range. my IQ Air app says 41 in Surat Thani up to 172 in Mae Mo. Who do you believe? 254 in Lahore, down to 13 in Vancouver.
  5. Yes, but not really relevant to what I was replying to.
  6. Depends on your way of life, what you are happy with, is your Mrs working, have you paid house, bike and car off. Kids finished school. How many foreign trips.
  7. Not one iota. Jealous of what, being able to make up stories like Hans Christian Andersen or the Brothers Grimm, or Enid Blyton.
  8. No, but it should be, if only to stop YOU!
  9. Preferably somewhere with NO INTERNET so you cannot bombard us with your BS, please.
  10. Barbasol works fine for me. Cheap and satisfying, if you can say that about a shave.
  11. My Gillette Fusions DO NOT say Made in USA. Nothing, so could be China. Will they be going up in price by Trumpies percent? I have said this before, but will repeat it. Keep the razor head in a small cup of vegetable oil to prevent the cutting edge from oxidising, which is what blunts it. I get at least 30 shaves from one blade.
  12. How long have you been in LOS? What's the currency?
  13. Even easier is to do an online transfer of say Bht 1000 from one account to another and then back again. Then update the books.
  14. And I have also read that Bangkok Bank, and probably others, WILL NOT, or are not allowed, to stamp anything which they have not printed themselves.
  15. Just as simple doing a WISE transfer every month, be it for 65, 40 0r 35k. And keep not so much in the bank. You still need money to live off (or is it live on?)
  16. Sorry, I meant taking from a Private Pension Fund at 55. Haha.
  17. Nah, he can still post from Spain. Where in this Wrold is there no internet........Antarctica South Pole....until Elon gets his birdies up there. Where????
  18. Elvis from Tupelo....555555. Joined two weeks ago, 145 posts = 10 per day, A SENIOR member with 10 badges already. What a shambles.
  19. So could Edward Lear, Lewis Carroll, Spike Milligan, John Lennon, the Rev William Archibald Spooner, Shel Silverstein and other ' nonsense' writers. Or Hans Christian Anderson, Dr Suess ,the Brother's Grimm, or Enid Blyton. Do you class yourself up with them?
  20. Plenty of sane 'major singers', it's the Rappers who are mad.
  21. OK sorry. It could have been Duke of York School. But I was too quick with my answer. Must have a search as to when it was built and opened. Sorry again. Now, what do they change it TO?
  22. And I said 'change the name FROM' what. A bit of Google Earthing, and here we are. I think that it could be a different Andrew after which it was named though. How about St Helena Secondary School.
  23. Shame the OP doesn't say what the name will be changed from, and to.
  24. I do the same, using Nuboon juices. After the juice arrives, it is in my fermenter within 5 minutes. I was using grape juice, but tried their Apple juice, 2 litres plus 6 of water, Lalvin 8111 yeast, no extra sugar. Shows 10% on my hydrometer and down to SG 000 in a week, drinkable after another 2 weeks.
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