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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. Just seen this on the WRLife website......believe it or not. BREAKING NEWS! Older than 65 - after 6 months - reimbursement for pre-existing conditions (inpatient) such as: Hypertension and cardiovascular disease, all tumors, polyp or cyst, hernias, hemorrhoids, prostate disease, diabetes, cancer, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, urinary tract calculi.
  2. A rep at AA in Pattaya suggested using WRLife, but I wasn't totally convinced. I took out a policy 6 months ago, but have now cancelled it as I am unsure whether or not they would be able to pay out a claim after reading their financial accounts.
  3. £211 per month for 7 months = £1477
  4. So you are saying that the updated driver could be the problem? What are those possibilities please?
  5. If the installed driver was working OK a while back, why would it stop working?
  6. Try connecting directly to your router via a CAT cable in order to eliminate the WiFi Adapter in your PC.
  7. Looks like Partick LORENTZ is the CEO of the USA & Oz companies. Eggs in one basket?
  8. The CEO of WR Life, Patrick Lorentz, sent me the phone number of someone in Pattaya who has had millions paid out by them for Cancer treatment, and had no problems whatsoever. But that's only ONE patient.
  9. Reply from WRLife (or is it WrLife) after cancelling my policy. This is cancelled, you are right better to pay a more expensive premium for the same service.
  10. When I was at Sheffield Uni, I lived in a b&b where Gerry Dorsey used to stay regularly.
  11. Got a reply from WRLife, simply Lorentz Capital Ltd, nothing more. On Googling it, I find it was a dissolved company in UK several years ago, something about Lorentz in Texas and Australia. I feel very unsure about this company, so I shall be cancelling the policy, lost £1400, but better than going long term with them as there are no references to claims anywhere on t'Internet. I shall 'self insure' or die!
  12. I have just this moment asked WR Life who is underwriting my policy. If I get an unsatsfactory reply, I shall quit the policy, which luckily I pay monthly on a Credit Card.
  13. Nothing to indicate any Company.
  14. Presumably wrong. No indication whatsoever who the Insurance Company may be.
  15. And those companies are??????
  16. As far as I can see, all paperwork is on WRLife sheets. Their email operators are very abrupt in their answers, with no-name signatures.
  17. I have had a policy since Feb 22 with them, £211 per month for Basic Serenity Cover up to £100,000. Are they any good? Well I have not made a claim yet. They assure me that my 'pre-existing conditions' will be covered. I am dubious of the company, but I still carry on paying my premium.....just in case!
  18. What did you buy, and what did you expect?
  19. It's a CAN of worms! 555
  20. You mean that those who find the ads annoying do not go onto Asean Now any more?
  21. Would highway patrols stop these speeding pick ups on straight roads overturning or skidding off straight roads? I think not, the patrol must be there BEFORE the accident happens and stopped the offending driver.
  22. The OP is not Thai
  23. This post IS in the Motorcycle forum. Sorry Neal, you got there before me.
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