This is how they force Thais to do one of the things they hate.... be responsible!
Staff are told that if the till comes up short the missing amount comes out of their pay.
Leaks are found using ultra violet light which shows up the gas as a green colour where the leak is.
This is one time where I would not use the genuine Benz part. Copy parts will do and cost less.
Retrospective payments (and penalties) would be requested for the intervening period.
I recall the fine is 7 Baht / day.
If you go over 3 years then you will need to have a new blue reg book.
I have done it, no problem.
Brings a whole new definition to the words "short time"
I'll believe it when I see it.
Meanwhile, those of us on a Retirement Visa will still have to spend ages at Chaengwattana.
There is a trade off between sports handling and ride. Also, the lower the profile the harder the ride. I found Dunlop to be softer and quiet.
If you want sport try Pirelli P Zero or Toyo Proxes TR1.
Look on YouTube for tyre reviews.
Number one likely cause.... master cylinder seals. Do not try to replace the seals, just buy a new master cylinder. Do it now before you get to the point where the pedal goes all the way to the floor.... no brakes!
Other main causes..... air in brake lines or old contaminated brake fluid (it is hydroscopic.... absorbs moisture and causes spongy pedal). Change fluid and bleed system.
This is why you rent a condo, never buy. Once bought you are stuck with any problems that come along. Noisy neighbours are a very common problem here.
Get your landlord to complain on your behalf. Do NOT confront the ladyboy direct... this ends badly unless you are a Muay Thai kick boxing champion. Your only other way is to become a ladyboy.
As a former car salesman it was part of my job to appraise trade ins. Yes, it is possible to tell if the car has former accident damage but you need to be expert at it. The Thais are too good at covering up damage with bodged repairs. Either take an expert with you or buy a new car.
Like all farang in Thailand, I have had some odd experiences, including one sales girl who said if I bought the car she came with it. Most expensive short time ever!
As for your own experience, take your business elsewhere.
Is there a finance company's stamp in the green book? Go ask them.
The book, and the name in it, is also proof of ownership. If her name is in it, get her to sign over ownership to you using the DLT transfer paper.
I have just done mine after 2 years away. Had to pay 2 years back tax plus a 300 baht fine.
Only had to pay 650 Baht for the PRB. There is no fine or back payment on this.