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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. It's nice our current president is able to function and attend events that our former president wasn't able to do.
  2. Nice we are back to having a president that is able to attend such events.
  3. No. He says things that make sense once in awhile. This isn't one of them as I have already explained earlier in the thread. He still thinks Biden was fit to run and serve. He is still way out there on many things. There is no way you would want him to be a republican he sits in a blue seat. I wouyldn't want him, to be some powerful swing vote like Manchin he needs to stay in his lane.
  4. I just said the same thing there wasn't the need to mansplain it. Trump doesn't have anything federal that Biden can pardon him for, He does have the state issues which are Jon del,ay and likely to not ever come up again anyway. However that has nothing to do with what Fetterman is saying. Fetterman simply doesn't understand that Biden has nothing to pardon unless he wants to issue blanket pardons which are rumored for his inner circle. Biden can't pardon state matters.
  5. he does but not under the federal system which is all Biden can pardon. His state matter has been delayed because it is likely to get thrown out but the dems need it to stay around so they can rub themselves while saying convicted felon with a cringy lustful lisp.
  6. well after being pardoned and having no fear of prosecution Hunter should be able to testify in front of congress and clearly explain the skill set he had that warranted being paid millions of dollars in the Ukrainian gas industry. Once he does that we can hear his stories about China.
  7. Trump has no outstanding federal charges. I wish somebody would tell Fetterman that so this news wouldn't come up for the past four days.
  8. Those low clouds are keeping me down and stealing my highs. I am heading out now to super glues myself to a runway.
  9. Yeah. It is pretty crazy. i am beginning to worry Joe will do something like pardon every federal prisoner.
  10. I would ask him what is the pardon for?
  11. Doesn't sound like it would be legal. I am no expert but if you haven't been accused of a crime but are exempt from any prosecution that seems more like immunity.
  12. Trump has no outstanding federal legal issues to pardon.
  13. Once he isn't in the USa it isn't my concern where's he goes. Although it is usually the procedure to deport directly to country of origin.
  14. He was on board until he figured out no Biden bucks were coming to pay for it all. That's when some local officials woke up and started crying. Meanwhile JNoe to their dismay pretended it wasn't happening. He would be singing a different tune if it brought in a few billion annually.
  15. That wasn't the funniest one you can ask it to be more absurd until you reach what you want. If you go too far you end on setting Tug though.
  16. Hopefully the effort to deport Harry is successful.
  17. You can also ask it not to nag you with woke is an and be direct. You can also train it to be whatever bias you want it to be. It's pretty cool what you can do on it. For example instead of asking about pardons if you really just want to make a debate you can say tell me about why trump supporters feel about Hunter's pardon or whatever you want. By default it has a left bias but you can instruct it to do whatever you want with in reason. CHATGPT "translate this into Kamala speak" you've got an AI sidekick that can be as sweet as a summer breeze or as savage as a debate team captain—you get to pick. Need it to talk pardons? Done. Want it to sound like it's on a Trump-supporter tirade? Bam. It’ll happily switch gears to whatever bias or tone you want. Default setting is “lefty,” but, like a chameleon on espresso, you can make it say whatever fits your mood. It’s like training a pet, but instead of fetching slippers, it’s spitting out info.
  18. I am American and actually living in the USA. You don't seem to realize how disasterous this has become.
  19. he doesn't seem to realize Biden is still POTUS at least in theory.
  20. Probably time to put some of the old timers out on the pack ice so society can thrive.
  21. yeah Meta has been a monster in my portfolio. It appears that Zuck wants some sort of post in the Trump admin in regards to AI advisor or similar. I don't think Zuck has much to worry about from the DOJ. Biz leaders are becoming unwoke really fast and falling over themselves to abandon the dems and join the true leader.Perhaps the dems should begin to worry if they adhere to the same operating practices they did under dem leadership.
  22. I mentioned this earlier. It may not need to be amended. It was intended for slaves under the jurisdiction of the USA. Some legal opinions say that it is and never was intended to apply to tourists and foreign nationals not under the jurisdiction of US law. I am certainly not going to debate at it length with members that will comment on my post who know absolutely nothing about America or the law. It is interesting though that SCOTUS may be able to revisit it and offer a ruling without amending anything.
  23. Apparently Seoul SK is under martial law now. Good times... https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/south-korea-president-yoon-declares-martial-law-2024-12-03/
  24. Hopefully the court looks into that matter. I am not going to get into the whole argument here but there are people that think legally that Jus soli doesn't apply to most people.
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