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Posts posted by madmen

  1. I have been living with a foam mattress topper for many years in my rented condos with cement beds. But eventually, it just wears out. I have been saving these guys for a rainy day. Memory foam is awesome but expensive. Still, I think worth it.
    Doesn't memory foam lock you into whatever position Your laying in making it difficult to move around and what about heat?
  2. Dangerous (life threatening) alcohol withdrawals can result in seizures, stroke and cardiac arrest. Your comment would be comical if it were not so ignorant. Do some research before you opine such nonsense.
    I do believe there should be a dense poster of the year.
    I'm talking taper and your actually talking cold turkey
    Your dangerous or just trolling
  3. You still don't have a clue about diet, its always about burning more then you consume. Thus eating less be it with keto or otherwise. Keto does not magically change the laws of nature. I wish you and other keto fanatics would learn some basic science.
    You only lose weight if you eat less then what you burn. No need to be hungry when you restrict calories keto does it and your not hungry other diets do too. It also depends on the deficit.
    Exercise always helps and works in synergy with diet. Exercise might not help burn many calories but it does help with insulin and it helps with body re-composition. 
    Once processed foods are gone it does not matter much if you go keto or an other diet as long as you stick to it.
    Nonsense. Educate yourself on ketosis and then try again

    Lost 20 kg on it by eating MORE than I did with high carb based diets

    Untill you understand the science of ketosis you will just sound silly.. Sorry
    • Like 1
  4. This is great. Thanks for sharing your success story on weight loss. Eating less and exercising on a daily basis is really a must in order to achieve a healthy body.
    Not true you don't need to eat less,. Calorie restrictions leaving you hungry are bound to fail long term.

    Exercise is great for health but if you are eating the wrong foods it won't help much in losing weight.
    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, johnarth said:

    the way I see it the closer the Thai Baht gets to the Australian Dollar the cheaper  everything in Australia becomes Australians working for big Dollars now will finish up with a big fist full of Dollars worth nothing their properties and houses worth a lot now will drop like rocks in other words Australia will become a third country

    Australian expats living off  rent money have taken a double blow with the crash of the market and Their offshore income getting mauled by the baht. Very hard to sell property in OZ now and being a buyers market nobody is rushing in to throw money at it. All doom and gloom from analysts 

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, BestB said:

    What on earth are you going on about. 

    Maybe I got you wrong. I thought you believed the baht was manipulated ? In any case for those that do the comparison chart I posted shows The Baht trend is in line with its neighbours which disproves the Manipulation theory 

  7. 8 minutes ago, BestB said:

    What does dong or graphs have to do with my comment or response ?


    do you not know different countries perform differently? Some run budget deficit and some surplus , some have billions in reserves and others have less. 


    "It’s called currency manipulation which is often punishable "


    You mentioned manipulation, I mentioned manipulation , That about as direct a response as you can get to your comment. The chart comparison is to show the THB is pretty much in line with its neighbour Vietnam, I guess you just ignore facts


    Just proves that manipulation is complete nonsense. You have any proof or you just going to run with a mythical TV mantra? 

    proof please


  8. 2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    It is easy to blame the strong baht. And it is definitely a factor. But, there are so many other factors. The army, Prayuth, and the biggest joke spent five years sabotaging Western tourism. Now, the damage can be felt, and people are worried. Millions of jobs are at stake.


    Also, the unwillingness to tackle the scams, the traffic and public safety issues, the environmental issues, and so many other causes, are all having an impact on tourism. The decision to turn away from Western tourism, and focus almost exclusively on Chinese and Indian tourism was a mistake of historically monumental proportions. 

    Nah you're over cooking this. Tourists don't even know who the <deleted> Prayut is.

    Deflate the baht and watch them all come back in an instant

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