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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Just now, Destiny1990 said:

    All my friends are saying that Selling takes years some sales happen but with 30%-40% discounts from original purchase price. finding long term tenants is nowadays hard too.

    Don't trust these unfounded stories here of folks selling within 2 weeks bla bla bla.


    So if its sold twice its 60 to 80 % loss and 3 times = a six pack of leo ?


    You have any idea how idiotic your bar stool analysis is ????????

  2. 27 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    A friend of mine who is a regular visitor to Pattaya just arrived in BBK en route to Pattaya. He was detained by immigration for an hour who accused him of working in the LOS.


    He finally convinced them he was just on holiday. But the female IO who spoke rudely to him throughout the interview finally slapped his passport down on the table and snapped at him "Go".


    While he was waiting he started considering flying on to Vietnam.


    I know him well, he holidays in Pattaya, has done so for years and has no need nor the inclination to work and has never been in trouble nor overstayed. He realised there and then that they simply don't want us here any more. And that's just the authorities. It makes you wonder what the service staff, the bar girls and the Thai people in general really think of us.

    Nah people tend to stretch the truth to make the story dramatic its just human nature and your friend isn't 'different"

    Not doubting the story but more like a quick question than some major interview and what dope head would fly all the way to bangkok and consider paying top dollar and hours of inconvenience to fly to another country WITHOUT being denied entry..your mate played you like a fiddle


    No different in the west where they will ask you qualifying questions especially in oz while the beagle is doing circuits of your suitcase

    • Like 1
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  3. The Thais are getting on with their lives just like they always do especially now they have a PM 

    The only protests I have seen in the last 5 years are idiotic farang convinced the natives must follow their big bwana version of democracy and so ironic that Thais are trying to squeeze out the big white man through immigration pressure yet still farang insist its their way or the highway.. too funny.

  4. Just now, atyclb said:


    that one is believed to spread most commonly by the feco-oral route therefore it would mean an employee with poor toilet sanitary habits simply handling the food and or plates.


    "most infections are believed to be through direct fecal-oral spread "


    Those that practise TIB with the local ladies would strongly disagree. A friend told me that 

  5. 9 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Compared to other branded coffee shops now, they are better value IMO. They might have been a bit higher years ago, but the other coffee shops have caught up in price... especially when you compare the size of cups. Another plus, if my wife doesn't feel like coffee, which she usually doesn't, she can sit with me unbothered by waiters and relax whereas at other coffee shops you feel compelled to buy the extra cup even if it is not wanted, making my experience at Starbucks about half the price

    Not true there are a number of coffee shops at 40% discount and served in a big white cup same size as as starbucks and the one I like is on the 3rd floor central world, cafe Amazon cappuccino 60 baht and its nice n strong how i like it.


    Waiter pressure at a coffee shop? Your kidding right 

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