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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 2 hours ago, mikebell said:

    I joined the queue at Da Nang airport.  There were three desks in operation: ASEAN; Viets; & others.  This latter got quite long (hordes of farangs casing out where to take their pensions?).  A smiling official opened another gate and halved this queue.  I felt welcomed, valued even.

    When I was there last year they all had that IO serious look that all countries have

    To expect them all to sit there fat dumb and happy is kinda ridiculous. 

  2. 2 hours ago, sirineou said:

    First it does not apply to me, I have top of the line Blue Cross Blue Shield that covers me in Thailand,  when and if it becomes necessary all I need is a letter from my insurance with an explanation of coverage. 

    But , unless I am terribly mistaken,  This health insurance is for long stay, Im I correct? 

    I could be wrong, I Travel often out of Thailand and don't require extensions to stay.  

    if I am correct then it will require an extension to stay. otherwise it will not be long term. And according to this video and other things I have read it applies to long term retirement extensions. 

    Now there is a confusion(again if I understand this correctly)  that it would apply only O-A obtained from embassies abroad, and not from O-A obtained in Thailand , that the video seems to contradict, and, again if I understood this correctly only to O-A extensions to stay based on retirement and not based on Marriage.

    Please correct me where I am wrong. I like to know since I will be retiring from work in less than a year and would be getting  an extension to stay based on marriage with multiple entry permits so I can travel, and In three years when I turn 65 I plan to drop BCBS and go on medicare and thus lose my BCBS Thai coverage. 

    I appreciate someone who knows more than I do correcting me as I am making future plans based on my assumptions.  


    HH immigration already confirmed through the nation news/ TV interview that it does not include retirement extension and the word retirement extension was used.


    But if you want to listen to an ambulance chaser through his youtube advertisement declaring his hypothetical scenario then go right ahead. No doubt when it comes to retain the services of lawyer you will remember his name , his counting on it ????

  3. 3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    the OP took the time to post it for no benefit to himself but because he thought it might benefit others.I think he might think twise next time, and there goes TVF down hill.

      No one says you have to watch it, or even reply to this thread. Simply that before dismissing it, one should have at the very least watch it. How else would you know what you are taking about ? Pro or against. 

    Nonsense. Nothing wrong for calling it for what it is and that's an advertisement.

    Now you have seen it and seemed pretty excited so how about you post the link that leads to immigration announcing health insurance is valid for anything other than O-A..No? didnt think so.


    Why would anyone watch it past the first minute where he says its speculation..plenty of that here with TV immi experts 

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Only after you have sold it, or rented it out. I prefer to have my capital earning income in Australia, where I can sleep comfortably in the knowledge I am not going to be subject to capricious rules changes, and can liquidate easily.

    Brexit has nothing to do with the fall in the GBP? News to me.

    So your happy watching your money disappear into thin air as the baht continues to climb and the AUD is heading to 15bht???(historical low). had you have moved your money over here and invested in property or the Thai stock market you would be WAY better off and would have made a killing on currency exchange alone but instead your holding a currency that is in the toilet..GOOD move mate good move!! :coffee1: 

  5. 12 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    If you are married and doing the 400k/40k, NOTHING HAS CHANGED. There are no tearful goodbyes at the airport, the family is not getting broken up by a ruthless and uncaring Thai Government. Its the same amount of money for the same amount of time.


    If you are doing retirement and 800k/65k, leaving 800k in the bank to meet the requirements, NOTHING HAS CHANGED, leave the money in the bank, no tearful goodbyes or families being torn apart at the departure gate.


    If you are doing retirement and 800k/65k, drawing down the money then topping back up from home country funds, relatively speaking, NOTHING HAS CHANGED. You can still use the funds at home to live off, top-up etc. if you were spending the 800k to live each year, where was the next 800k top-up coming from ?????

    "where was the next 800k top-up coming from ?????"

    Without doubt from stat decs and affidavits (the infamouse 4). Was a painless top up until the house of cards collapsed.


    Its sad but surely those gambling there families future on it must have known it wouldn't last forever

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, sirineou said:

     As I understand it from what I have read , It is not for those who are here on extensions based on marriage. I think it is for extensions based on retirement. But I could be wrong on the retirement part.Anyway we will know soon enough.

    But regardless of requirements or not, IMO ,one should not be without some insurance or the funds to self insure (min 1 mil baht perhaps more). Even though one might have great insurance back home, the occasion might arise where one might not be able to travel. Suppose you had the symptoms of a heart attack,  you certainly will not get on a plane and fly back home to have it checked. and if you don't have insurance or the funds you might not have it checked here, You might think "hey maybe it is only gas" do I want to spend my last baht?  But if you had the funds in the bank, or had insurance you might be more proactive.

      I am not being  critical,I understand all the pressures we all face, I live in the same world you all do,   but these are all things to think about. 

    IMO it is not unreasonable to be required to have a $13k buffer fund, Not having any insurance is a sucker dice roll, and the required private insurance that does not cover preexisting conditions is crap. Why not be able for long term residents  to buy into the Thai government health plan?

    Been discussed in a 1000 posts. Retirement extension already has the 400k in a Thai bank for emergencies

    O-A dont have the 400k so they must buy it.


    Either way you have the same coverage but the 400k for retirement extension doesn't cost 50-70k a year so that's the way to go for sure


  7. 19 hours ago, JackThompson said:
    • Many don't get income-letters any more, after immigration started a beef with their embassies.
    • Many who do have the required income, don't transfer all of it here every month - have other expenses to handle (not burning all bridges back home, etc).
    • Many who do have the required income don't get it all from a "government pension," and some offices demand proof of this, to force applicants to their agent-partners.
    • Many who do transfer that much money here, have been doing it in less-frequent increments or via ATM-withdrawls, etc - and some immigration-offices are now demanding 12-mo of xfers, even though the rules only started this year, to force applicants to their agent-partners.
    • If one payment gets screwed up, the IO will almost certainly not have compassion - and will force the applicant to their agent-partners.

    It's just a matter of time before something goes wrong with income xfers; immigration knows this - just biding their time for a problem to befall you, so can become another "payee" into their agent system.  And, once one has used the agent, there would appear to be no way out - the purpose of "post application seasoning." 


    As regards going out and coming back to start over - and who knows if they will blacklist your application for a year or more for "failing" the last test.  In one report, an IO would not provide a new extension, until the applicant "re-proved" everything used for his last one.


    Yes, as was done in the Philippines.  Lovely service there - polite, kind, same rules every time, no tricks, etc. 

    Nonsense your just being a drama queen


    Many don't get income-letters any more, after immigration started a beef with their embassies.


    Most never had the money in the first place and told porkies


    Many who do have the required income, don't transfer all of it here every month - have other expenses to handle (not burning all bridges back home, etc).


    That would be a minority. Solution? transfer it here and straight back home again..


    Many who do have the required income don't get it all from a "government pension," and some offices demand proof of this, to force applicants to their agent-partners.


    Its already stated that it DOES not need to be just a pension...try to keep up!!


    Many who do transfer that much money here, have been doing it in less-frequent increments or via ATM-withdrawls, etc - and some immigration-offices are now demanding 12-mo of xfers, even though the rules only started this year, to force applicants to their agent-partners.

    If one payment gets screwed up, the IO will almost certainly not have compassion - and will force the applicant to their agent-partners.


    What are you on about ??

  8. 8 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    I think the whole chinese hotels and resturants is one of those urban myths, wife has family that own hotels and restaurants and they do very well out of Chinese bus groups, nothing to do with any Chinese ownership.

    Go round to Ninja BBQ on second road jomtien, its full every night and it seats 200 people, they just put the price up by 25% and its still full of chinese bus groups, they actually send the buses to hotels to pick up chinese customers . All Thai owned

    Why destroy a perfectly good myth with facts ? Every new TV member will repeat the term "chinese zero baht " on average of 11 times in the first year and then the baton is passed down to the next newbie...rinse repeat until it become indisputably true

    • Like 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    Thailand sucks the way it is.   Freedom is stymied.  Bangkok is boring and getting more expensive for what reason ?  Bangkok is a dump with lousy, over priced mass transit compared to many cities in Asia; China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore......  Strong leadership in yours and many uneducated Thais minds comes from a barrel of a gun.  Congratulations of trashing western participatory government in favor of armed buffoons in green.  Did they teach civics where you come from ?  


    Your change of mind comes with the non pondering the great advances of Thailand's Asian neighbors like Malaysia and Taiwan.  Both countries do not have military conscripts, unlike Thailand.  Both Countries do not have coups, but rather functioning governments, unlike Thailand.  China has more freedoms for Farangs and Chinese than Thailand.  What cave do you live in ?


    Liberal left ?   Thailand ?   What sort of social safety net is there ?  There isn't one.  You are worried about liberalism where most do not enjoy a decent education, freedom of expression and are barred from certain industries. 

    Well gee if you cant afford an average of $1 per trip on the MRT or BTS then your doing it pretty tough and that's reflected in the anger emerging from your post


    Dont you live in cambodia or some hillbilly village somewhere? from memory Im think you do

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