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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 56 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    I prefer to apply logic & think beyond what is printed into the news.... 


    There's a pile of sand over there to bury your head into if you choose to do otherwise.


    Edit to add he was wrong off the bat... these regs 1st came in for the Non-OX so how can anybody believe they only apply to a Non-OA... 


    Your gonna have a heart attack LOL

    Go for a walk dude. have a beer, rent a girl , get out into the real world away from your PC your a bundle of nerves right now

  2. 6 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Huh?  Who made the original announcement no longer relevant & how is this one more valid (I understood the 1st one came from a more senior / official source).


    The reason I quoted it was to show that these official announcements cannot be relied on - how is the guy from HH Immigration going to impact a Non-OA Visa Issuance in Timbuktu?


    And... again... If it's only  Visa's obtained in your own country WHY are the Thai Insurance companies the only ones listed on the "Official" approved insurance list & can you even apply for one of these if you don't currently live in Thailand (Which I would imagine a large proportion of the Non-OA Visa applicants wouldn't)



     The original release said that you can also get Insurance from your home country as LONG a sit meets 400/40k. But anyone wanting the local insurance can go online and buy it..Internet is pretty amazing these days


    What do you do with your time outside of being a pro scare mongerer ????

  3. 9 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    If you believe that then I have a bridge for sale... 


    Joking aside, how can anybody say that it makes any kind of sense for somebody to prove they have insurance when applying for the Visa (In their own country) but not when extending it... and if this were the case why would the Thai Companies get involved (Can you purchase 1 of the approved policies if you don't live in Thailand)? 


    Or are we saying that people who get a Non-OA in their own country have to have insurance & maintain this when they get their yearly Extensions but insurance is not mandatory for people who are on a 1 year non O ME Visa (like me) when they get their 1 year extensions?


    Sorry, you may believe the word of the guy in Hua Hin but I'd put good money that by the end of the year he is proven wrong.




    HH guy is just  confirming it. The original announcement came from higher up. You've been told twice now but still prefer your crystal ball?

  4. 2 hours ago, myjawe said:

    Why even thinking to commute when it's possible to have a house ANYWHERE, and especially close to where ANYBODY works.

    Ridiculous in my opinion. People living in Thailand a so bad life as they were living in the west.


    The guy doesn't want to live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by industrial estates and has mentioned beaches

  5. 2 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

    The fact that the Minister of Health referred to 38 million A-O Visa holders leads me to believe that

    1. The Minister should go back to playing with tanks because he obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. And

    2. Once they figure out that only 1% or so of the visitors to Thailand are O-A Visa holders they will expand the rule to all expats who are over 50.

    Nah as usual the real numbers were lost in translation. Reporters are woeful here, happens time and time again

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Lots of folk are happy working in 7/11, and can afford to buy their own homes.

    My 30yo son back in the UK works in the Co-Op and is happy enough, but will never own his own home.


    Education isn't for everyone, some just aren't interested, some just aren't bright enough to benefit.

    Sure but manual labour here is poorly paid where in the west it can pay huge $$. Think of plumber or electrician , Air con technician ( just paid 800 baht for a repair)working in the mines, even painters get A thousand a week or more

    These are all paid peanuts here .so much more opportunity for children to prosper in 1st world there is no denying it.


    Once they finish their education they can go back to Thailand to live if they want so have 2 choices

  7. On 4/19/2019 at 12:49 PM, NancyL said:

    I've made several day trips in Bangkok in the past few months planning, designing, ordering and changing the order for items from IKEA Bangna.  The IKEA is open 10 am to 10 pm so I don't have to leave CM at the crack of dawn.  It an easy taxi ride from Swampy to the MEGA Bagna Mall where the IKEA is located, they have a nice cafeteria in the IKEA and I've spend several pleasant days getting to know their product line and returning to purchase after designing a condo remodel with our architect.  Soon, they'll deliver to Chiang Mai and install with their people and our contractor eager to observe and learn their process.


    One big thing that makes the day pleasant is that I fly Bangkok Air, not in an Air Asia cattle car, so I can enjoy their passenger lounge ahead of flights and Swampy is a nicer airport than Don Muang.


    I've not spend any time outside the IKEA at the MEGA mall, but it looks very impressive, with all known retails stores in Thailand in a huge location.  One could easily spend a weekend there seeing movies, shopping and dining.  

    Just so you know Ikea is online now so no need to go there

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    • Haha 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Pravda said:

    I should have left my wife a souvenir. Life is truly too boring without a kid. Who am I going to leave my half a million dollar condo in Canada. I don't have any family.

    don't worry to much, just like in oz the canadian property bubble is imploding.


    • Haha 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

    Landlords don't need to advertise that much...word if mouth is sufficient. However there are several Samui Community facebook pages you can start from 

    I could put you into a 2 b/r house today if I thought you were a serious punter.

    I got a house BEFORE I moved to Samui fir less than 9000 baht per month.

    I dont need a house the OP does! Telling him to hit the ground marching around dragging suitcases trying to chat up people asking around for some cheap rent is just nonsense . How about one of you guys with boots on the ground help him as he is newbie!


    'Landlords don't need to advertise that much"


    You must be kidding!  unbelievable!!!



    • Like 1
  10. It wont last just a blip as usual. next month the Us or the brits will announce a drop in employment rates and the OZ dollar will for no apparent reason fall to its knees again. 

    AS the saying goes when the world sneezes the oz dollar gets the flu

    • Like 2
  11. 41 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Its one thing to think a thread useless and not comment on it... its a whole other level to think it useless, be critical of the post count and then add your own useless comment to that count !!!... 


    But we don't need to make this stuff up... you'll not let us down with your golden droplets of banality....

    What are you blabbering on about? It ain't rocket science. Does his condo non rental = the collapse of the entire bangkok rental sector or not? 


    • Like 1
  12. Well I dont know.. after reading it all Im not getting warm and fuzzy feelings about Samui. The insane airfare cost to the mainland, the 90 minute ferry, transport costs, crazy traffic, accommodation posters swear by but not a single link because for some reason the cheaper landlords refuse to advertise ??? huh?

    I spent 7 days there after being warned off by mates it wasn't worth it. Well they were not wrong. but that was many years ago so thought it worth a read but not getting better ..just my opinion


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