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Posts posted by madmen

  1. For some perspective its the same  laws throughout SEA. Most definitely not just Thailand. Regarding civil Defamation Sydney Australia is the world's leader.

    get used to it boys it's everywhere !


    Singapore about to launch the same law as well 



    already in place in Malaysia


  2. 9 hours ago, JulieM said:

    What are you talking about? Gofundme is not limited to emergencies. Gofundme is primarily used to raise money from friends and family in any situation requiring financial help. Strangers can give as well, and often do if the campaign gets media coverage. Since the OP is willing to share her mother's image, that goes a long way to establishing credibility.


    Also, I agree with the comments that with the right visa agent, all of these problems will go away. 

    I know exactly what Im talking about.

    "It is estimated that there are approximately 44 million people worldwide living withAlzheimer's disease "


    Really everyone of them can try go fund me? 


    Thats not how it works.  the truth is she is well cared for with a wonderful family= zero chance of GFM


    GFM works with young tourists with staggering medical bills and not old folk in their 80's with age related illness


    • Confused 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:

    Interesting that you bring that up. I was in an expensive hospital room getting antibiotic drips every 6 hours and it was costing me about 20,000 baht per day. I calculated that I would drop below the 800,000 mark before my extension the following month.


    So I checked out of the hospital after persuading the doctor to give me a stronger single dose every morning and was treated as an outpatient for another week at about a quarter of the daily cost. But the main reason for checking out was to allow me to get to my computer and transfer more cash to Thailand to make sure I would be above the 800,000 mark. (I now keep a lot more in the bank.)


    This does raise a question however: what happens if you use up your cash on emergency hospital treatment just before your extension? Will Immigration accept a hospital bill/receipt for, say, 200,000 baht plus a bank book showing 700,000 baht left? I bet there are no clear rules for that!


    Whats the big deal. If you drop below you do a visa run and start again..not the end of the world 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    A great deal depends on your earning power if you were to return to Oz and have skills that are saleable.


    My point is that the reason why everything in Oz is so expensive is because all the workers - of all kinds - are paid so much! The 'minimum wage' is AUD720 a week (≃ $37K pa). If your taxable income is less than $67K, you get a 'low income' tax offset. The median f/t earnings is $82500 ... and so on.


    Without that kind of earning power, life back in Oz would be pretty tough.

    A lot of that would be tied up in house loans ,car loans, school fees, etc etc in fact most ozzies are in debt to their eyeballs.


    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Searat7 said:

    I still feel they are making the change in steps and Step 1 is to require insurance for O-A visas at their gateways (consulates in home countries). Step 2 would be to require insurance when applying for extensions of stay in Thailand. It would be absolute pandemonium if they did this all at once and I think they will have to give those on extension of stay more notice than a month or two. I am not a scaremonger , just expressing a common sense opinion.  

    Majority have 800k and THEN 400k all year exactly the same as O-A insurance coverage. Did you miss that?

  6. 2 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    if you think Airbnb is for the benefit of the everyday person, you are having a laugh. What has happened in countless Western cities is landlords kicking out long term tenants so they can 'airbnb' the apartments. This causes gentrification of areas, where locals are slowly kicked out and the life of the area is sucked dry. Add to this the rising rental prices for ordinary people, just so airbnb and rich landlords can make more profit. I am glad Thailand is trying to stop this.


    The immigration stuff about reporting address, that is another matter and is bs

    Trying? they do what they always do. Have a crackdown that last 5 minutes and go back to more lucrative income streams. As much as I would love to see it we all know how a crack down works in thailand

  7. 2 hours ago, bangkokequity said:

    I can not imagine a law more easy to enforce.  All you have to do is Google the providers of this illegal service, meet them at the scene of the crime, and arrest them. What is lacking is the will, certainly NOT the way!

    Easier way is simply for the BIB to make a booking on AIR BNB and organise a sting . They could do 10 a day and get the press there with them. Wait forget the press , no chance of tea money with those pesky cameras around

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