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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 7 minutes ago, watgate said:

    I didn't feel like reading 16 pages of replies so forgive me if what I am about to say has already been posted. I attended a heavily attended expat meeting in chiang mai and there was an owner from one of the visa agencies. He is an atty and is widely respected. He said that although the mandatory health requirement is currently only for those on the OA non-immigrant visa the handwriting is on the wall. He said there are many more O visas and extensions of stay and he is of the belief that it is only a matter of time before these retirees with these visas or extensions  of stay will also be required to have mandatory health coverage. He said now that 7-8 insurance companies are circling their wagons and licking their chops over this potential new windfall it is quite apparent that all retirees will eventually be forced to have mandatory health insurance.


         On another note, if  ALL tourists entering Thailand will be hit with this new tourist surcharge of 100 baht the thai authorities are stating that this will go a long way to covering the shortfall Thailand is dealing with whereby uninsured tourists are obtaining health care services and are not paying the bill. If this new tourist tax is going to remedy this ongoing problem why will mandatory health insurance coverage still be required for retirees? That was the reason for the mandatory health care coverage. It sounds like a potential cash cow and I wonder in whose pockets all this new found revenue will wind up?


         One potential possibly good solution according to the visa agency owner was if individuals can not obtain health insurance coverage due to their age or pre-existing condition(s) a plausible scenario would be a requirement that a retiree must keep  the whole 800K in the bank as an insurance policy for future health care coverage.


         Lastly,  a scary scenario is one that an insurance broker talked about concerning obtaining health care coverage with pre-existing condition(s). He said it is definitely not beyond the realm of possibility that the health insurance carrier collects your very expensive premiums but when it comes time to pay out a claim uses the policy holders pre-existing condition(s) as an excuse to not pay out the claim. I wonder how many health insurance companies will play that game and write a policy for folks who have pre-existing conditions knowing full well when it comes time to pay out a claim they will deny it based on the pre-existing condition. It would actually be better to be denied  coverage, especially if the prediction about having to keep the whole 800k in the bank comes to fruition. At least this way you know you at least have these funds in case health care services are needed.


         To quote a famous person. These are the times that make men and women weary. Fasten your seatbelt. It's gonna be a bumpy ride I am afraid.




    You lost me after "well respected insurance salesman" ????

  2. 2 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I believe that is correct but i am wary of agents tbh.

    A poster on TVF, Captain Jack, had an issue doing exactly that and got into a bit of a pickle !!
    So much so that he ended up trying to relocate to South America but in the end went back home to the States.

    Probably many on here that do it that way but I’d rather not take the risk, I have the money so no biggie !!

    captain jack was a failure whilst trashing Thailand..typical loser. He left because he didn't bother to read up on health insurance before a life changing move. Went back to USA and then SA and ran back home again. He is where he needs to be and thats the USA

  3. 5 minutes ago, fresher said:

    Yes, very helpful thank you TV. For many years I have been travelling to Chiang Mai twice a year for roughly 12 week stints Sept-Nov and Jan-March. (My home is in the UK.) So the Non-Immigrant O-A Multiple entry visa is ideal for me. I always have a high quality comprehensive international travel insurance in place. My questions are 'how and when can I know that this particular insurance policy is acceptable to the Thai/CM authorities?' and 'Is there a risk that I won't know for sure until I arrive at the Chiang Mai Immigration desk?'


    You will know when you apply in your country.

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  4. On 5/20/2019 at 1:26 AM, garyk said:

    I agree, I am kinda curious what else they will do to extract money out of the expats, and long term hanger owners. I thought 800K was a stretch, then the 400K hit, that one caught me completely by surprise.  Now the insurance!  Damn, we need to start a pole to see who can guess the next thing they will hit us with... haha

    Read the OP again, you are confused. 

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