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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 3 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    I've been to Phnom Penh a few times and loved it each time.



    Everything is cheaper

    Less foreigners (less competition, if you know what I mean..)

    The bars are more laid back with less patrons

    Food selection good and cheap

    I felt safe there - didn't encounter any begging or scamming personally

    Good English level in the bar area

    Riverwalk is nice for a stroll or lunch

    Main currency is USD which is convenient and cheap to exchange from baht



    Quieter and smaller, only 1 real club (Pontoon)

    No real condos anywhere near the bar area

    Hotels are a bit expensive for what you get

    Frequent power outages - a few hours at a time but it gets annoying

    Girls constantly catcall you in the bar area (not sure if that's a pro or con lol


    Overall I could see myself spending a few months there, but not living there permanently - it's just not big enough and would get old quick.

    There are countless child beggars in cambodia and plenty doing the restaurants on the tourist strip. How did you not notice ? Also relentless hawkers



    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

    Get a cat. You will soon find the only cockroaches you see are the ones the cat brings in to play with.  Also of course the rat population will disappear pdq. The downside with the cat is the odd damaged bird they will bring in!

    Unless your cat can squeeze into 1 cm crack under the sink into the nest then Im afraid kitty is a bit useless

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    but two weeks later you have another lot, cockroaches are part of Asia, I had a friend who viewed a new flat in Hong Kong, nice fitted kitchen, never been used, he opened a cupboard and out came 3 or 4 cockroaches. I just live with them, there aren't that many and you don't see them during daytime.

    The Borax powder remains for years so its an ongoing solution.

    I made my own bait using borax eggs and sugar moulded into marble size balls ,they eat it and go back to the nest and die where they are eaten killing the others.


    also found several nests in cracks that I plugged up and sealed the front door. You dont have to live with roaches if you take active measures most important is locate the nest and plug for the quickest solution, for every roach you see there are 50 more in a nest some where. They carry disease and are disgusting

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

    Looking forward to going back there, have never encountered any problems on any of my previous visits over a 20 year period. Never saw 1 junkie, though I don't move in those circles, never saw any lawlessness or never needed a cop. Fascinating history.

    Its a well know fact that westerners travel to Cambodia because of its drug culture due to its lawlessness where they can score crack, smack and coke. There are bars and one is called the red fox that roll joints and sell them to westerners who smoke them in the bar , they also can get you any other drugs including heroin.


    You are in serious denial

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I ate Thai food for years and didn't put on weight. However, I didn't sit in a bar all day sucking on a beer bottle and I was active all the time.

    Thai food is better is cooked at home, but even from a restaurant is probably better than western food from a supermarket- chockaa with sugar, preservatives, salt and various chemicals.

    Heard on the radio that life expectancy in the west is going down now- probably because food is so bad for us now.

    "better than western food from a supermarket- chockaa with sugar, preservatives, salt and various chemicals."


    what food would that be? A typical meal for me would be quality seafood or beef with organic steamed vegetables, can assure its not chocka with chemicals. In fact Thailand uses insecticide and chemicals that have been banned in the west.  You got it all back the front! Your one confused puppy



  6. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The question I have to ask is why do westerners want to live like westerners in LOS? If one wants to live in a completely foreign culture why not live like people that are that culture.

    Why eat western food? It's unhealthy and makes us fat. Local food has hardly risen in price in 30 years.

    Utilities are a one off, and things like laundry are dirt cheap done by a local. If one wants utilities, there are cheap ones.

    Car- why? The roads are sooooo dangerous, and local transport is cheap. Most Thais don't have a car. I never had one, but I still managed to get around.


    Can live like a rich westerner, but it's a choice, not an essential.

    You will gain weight much faster on unhealthy thai food loaded with sugar msg and boiled rice..carb loaded crap. I was in restaurant last year and could see in the kitchen where there was a large potato type sack with msg stenciled on it. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

    The loitering penny pinching free riders use to hang out on the promenade until most of the seating was cruelly removed....Public seating is not a privilege it is a basic human right.....Pattaya need lots and lots MORE public seating not less...

    Why so thais can claim them for a 2 hour sleep session, so hawkers can claim them to sell honey or watches from? There is good reason why there is nowhere to sit along beach rd or second rd, even the rare seating in 7/11 is taken buy school kids sipping on water for an hour while playing on their phones enjoying the icy cold air con

  8. 3 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    Business idea: Escrowservice for rent deposits in Thailand, everything judged by a third party after contract end -.-

    Give it twenty years and it may catch on. In the meantime for every rip off story your read on TV there are a hundred others that are to embarrassed to discuss it. So in reality you leave your 2 months deposit fully expecting it to be a donation. Renting here is a mugs game

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