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Posts posted by madmen

  1. I save my pension because I don't need it until the end of the financial year, when I transfer a lump sum. I don't know what relevance having your pension paid by the RBA has to the discussion. I know what I get and don't get too.
    Perhaps the difference is I go back to Australia every six months for medical checks, whereas you state you are living permanently in Thailand.
    When I changed to RBA I was declared a non resident. So I don't automatically get supplemental when I back to oz which every few years and no pension card until I reastsblish residancy

    I'm dsp but don't think it makes a difference
  2. I was my prefect fighting weight (12st - 168lb) when I came to live in Thailand. Now 15 1/2st - 220 lb.
    My wife was the chef in a Thai restraunt when I moved here, excellent cook. She feeds me like a pig. The fatter I am the more kudos she gets from her friends/family for "taking good care of me".
    Try explaining to a Thai about weight problems vis-à-vis health. Waste of time. Easier to keep shoving the food in my mouth.
    Same thing happened to me with the Gf .Always bringing over delicious food. And when I got fat she would constantly ask my me why you so fat? Duh

    Put a stop to that and started cooking at home based on keto and got my old body back
  3. I don't get it.
    If you thought that the extension had reset your 90 day clock, why were you doing a 90 day report 2 weeks later?
    btw, I was under the impression that an annual extension does reset the clock. at least it would seem logical.
    It doesn't. I got fined because I thought the extension would reset. They were only several days apart and the IO didn't say anything about it, just gave me the extension stamp.
    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

    Any topless women?

    Plenty hot topless Russian barbie dolls but they go to koh larn 


    I was impressed by the new beach in south Pattaya. First noticed the board walk opposit Mikes mall was filled to the top with sand. Used to be a 5 foot drop. It's seriously improved the rat situation as no more places to hide. It's the same all the way down to walking street and the beach frontage is triple what it used to be. Shame they can't stop the sewerage going in. 

    • Like 2
  5. Most  airlines are rip offs. Fly dubai cancelled their bangkok hub leaving me stranded with a fully paid for ticket 

    Obviously I refund was a fair request but oh no they kept coming back with you can change to any departure airport from our routes 


    How! The nearest departure airport is Dubai and I'm in bangkok!! You guys left me here without even a warning email 


    After about 30 emails and face book shaming they finally refunded after 8 months unbelievable! 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. Is there a sizzler near by? Skip breakfast and a couple eggs for lunch then go to town on the salad bar.. Tom yum chicken and the cheddar cheese which is super low carb and healthy salad only drizzled with olive oil and vinegar


    Greta value at 150 baht?



    • Confused 1
  7. Visiting Phuket, Patong for the first time. The place is like a ghost town, properties run down, scruffy, many for sale as many businesses closed due to the lack of visitors. The reason maybe is attitude, for example. I wanted to book a Grab taxi from Phuket airport to Patong, was quoted 1000tbht, high cost due to high demand, yet, my taxi would arrive in three minutes, clearly not so busy after all. It's a rip off plain and simple. Decided against a taxi at that extortionate price, went for the minibus option at 180tbht. 10 people boarded the minibus, which left one seat vacant. We were held captive at the airport for an hour while the driver waited to fill the one vacant seat. This was uncomfortable to say the least and extremely disrespectful to the ten customers already on the bus. Incidentally the eleventh seat was not taken after an hour, when we departed the airport.
    Patong beach; strewn with plastic rubbish, no litter bins in evidence, no sign the beach is cleaned at all, sea water quite dirty too, not at all inviting. 
    My hotel which is under 50% occupied is a basic Thai3 star, it's comfortable and friendly, located in a quiet soi, back street, that is until the bars start their open air shows at decibel levels deafeningly, desperately loud, in one supposes a vain attempt to lure non existent tourists in.
    Thankfully local laws now demand bars must cease noise pollution at 23.00hours.
    To give a reflection of the situation, Bangla Road bars capable of seating 500 people are virtually devoid of customers.
    It would appear Patong has priced itself out of the market. 
    Prices are now on a par with Europe, while the standards, hygiene, health and safety are most definitely not !
    Phuket is not an island I would wish to return to.
    Both Samui and phuket are waaay past their prime and travelers I know that have been going to both for many years will never go back.
    Silly thais will continue to ramp up prices to make up for the tourist short fall TIT
  8. Life would have gone on without a military dictatorship :dry:
    Doubt it.
    History has shown via the many coups that civil war is always simmering below the surface in Thailand.

    Prayut bashers claim they don't want civil war but as soon as a hand full of protesters appear your all jumping up and down gleefully declaring.. Yes this is just the beggining!

    And who will fill the Power vaccum after the junta are defeated? I doubt any of you have planned that far ahead.. Perfect scenario for anarchy!
  9. Dont think this would do you or any of us any good, but i bet it tastes nice , thinking about it maybe not so much toast though!
    Take away the beans as well plus the snags as they probably have sugar and filler and what's left is a near zero carb meal. Keto perfection [emoji108]

    There is a lot of debate whether hi fat or lean low fat is the best. Lot of myths debunked in the last 10 years, eggs especially.

    But no good for the OP. Thailand is tough to low cal diet as the smell of BBQ food is ever where
    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Cardiologist said no keto. Balanced healthy diet. I feel like I'm withdrawing from drugs. the thought of stir fried Chinese broccoli and a piece of chicken breast for dinner tonight makes me want to fly off the balcony. maybe I'll go see if the fruit guy is outside and I'll gorge myself on papaya.

    He said no keto? So low carb steamed Veges eg cauliflower and a chicken breast steamed or grilled is bad for the heart? 

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