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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Interesting stuff. I know i can live in Thailand more cheaply than Australia. Although the Philippines is apparently better than Thailand.
    But but but -what about the quality of life? I understand food in the Philippines is dreck.
    Australia a bit different to the rest. Free Medicare. Free meds on PBS. RENT assistance whether you share or rent alone
    Plus a bigger pension with subsidies back in
    Plus a dollar is a dollar and not getting slaughtered here

    Shop at Aldi Veges and fruit around the same price as here but much better quality.

    Meat is real meat and can be bought and stored in the freezer when marked down

    Wine and cheese at a fraction.

    Rent is the big one but if you stay out of cities eg up north in WA YOU may even qualify for a petrol subsidy

    Owning my condo in BKK means no rent so very comfortable but if the AUD keeps tanking like predicted I will sell it and kill on exchange rate and go back to oz and come here as a tourist.. Sounds good actually
  2. Is that as in 65k back to outside Thailand? Remitting in that direction needs extra arrangements with a bank, one of the multitude of reasons I never transfer any more $ here than I immediately need.
    There are 3 rd party companies like dee money. Or even western union to a family member to redirect. Probably a lot cheaper than agents that the corrupt TI would prefer
  3. 6 minutes ago, bushwacker said:

    I have put off traveling to BKK for a month now due to the poor quality air.  Not sure when I will go as there is something fundamentally wrong with visiting a place for a holiday when the air is unhealthy.  I would not eat food that will make me sick, and breathing the air does the same thing only maybe takes longer.  The idea of my hard earned retirement cut short because of breathing in soupy air just does not sit well.  Clean air is a basic necessity, at least in my opinion.

    Air purifiers are cheap these days. If you live here. It will provide around 70% protection but we all have to go outside so unless wearing a mask you will be exposed to the other 30 %. That's acceptable for me 

  4. Yeah, well, at least he (she) locked in the land at X rate years before, so when they decide to sell and return to civilization, they can probably get their money back (plus some) on the land value. 
    The house itself is probably a write off. 
    Doubt it. After they pay interest over the next 15 years they will be in a hole.

    Seriously or your kidding? Who goes out of their way to buy houses on remote stretches of coast unless it's phuket?

    This ain't the West coast of the USA or the east coast of oz

    I wish him a happy life if that's where he will retire.. But his door getting beat down with offers is non existant
  5. In the end, suspect the land is worth more than the house. 
    Edit: Assuming a McMansion in Nakhon Nowhere could even sell. 
    Not by much. His wife has borrowed the money and I guess he is paying for.. Not many farang in that position as we all paid cash no loans

    Payments are $400.. You can work it out from there. He is on some remote stretch of coast line. While it may be nice to retire to it holds zero appeal to investors

  6. And for further information the specifics for the plan I selected:
    Thailand is in zone 5. Note that the premiums quoted are monthly premiums. You can choose to pay monthly or yearly, there is no difference in the cost.
    I was going to look into it but a Google search shows no feedback to negative feedback



    feeling it was to good to be true. 38 million baht max for a measly 50k baht per annum? You struggle to find even a few reviews in Thailand

    Good luck with that .. All the charts in the world are meaninglessness when trying to contact some company in Isreal for emergency in Thailand

    Pass!! Wouldn't touch it for half the price
    • Like 1
  7. Nonsense.  Perhaps if you ever visited Thailand you might be pleasantly surprised.  The Detroit of Asia has been here for quite a while.  I had a home there in 1968.  It has changed a bit for the better since then.  
    Been here 13 years bought in BKK Asoke back then.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but that just looks like any farang house in isaan or by the sea 20 kms from the nearest mall. Same all over thailand except phuket. Krabi is dirt cheap also

    They are dirt cheap for a reason.. Probably the house is worth more than the land.

  8. My point was you don't have a clue.  91% done as we speak.   


    Ban Chang? No wonder you kept it a secret. It's a heavily polluted dump and good luck with the Rd being finished.. Ad another 4 yearsAnd the Thais working in the industry there will be sleeping in 3k rooms and not buying amazing houses 

    Talk about Dreamworld !



    Ban Chang is the poor man's Pattaya and that really says it all

    The fact that you had to get finance as a retired farang absolutely proves it.


  9. And for further information the specifics for the plan I selected:
    Thailand is in zone 5. Note that the premiums quoted are monthly premiums. You can choose to pay monthly or yearly, there is no difference in the cost.
    I will check it out in front of the pc tomorrow. Smartphone to small for that chart
  10. I guess you have never been to the East coast of Thailand.  It is the new industrial center of Thailand and housing is appreciating very quickly.  The new roadway is almost completed and construction has started on The 224-billion-baht high-speed railway project will connect Don Mueang, Suvarnabhumi and U-tapao airports on a 220km route. The route will end in Chon Buri province. 


    Come to Thailand and have a look around before posting about things about which you havn't a clue. 


    The East coast of Thailand is the industrial mega center because Thailand has an export based economy and everything is manufactured close to ports which are on the seaside (East Coast of Thailand).

    Your just getting a new Rd nearly sometime soon?


    You just proved my point.


    Get back to me when all this new stuff becomes real. What town?


    I bought Asoke 13 years ago huge condo off the plan for peanuts . The latest built condo is USA 1 million to 5 million dollars so I understand growth

    • Confused 1
  11. I went to the bank to make our house payment for our new by the ocean house $400.  Same thing in the states costs $1200 that gives me $800 to buy milk. [emoji16]


    I don't know about the important things but the largest budget item in almost any budget is housing.  


    Sorry fella you are way off base.

    There is a difference. In the West seaside housing appreciates by multiples. In Thailand seaside is usually in towns with poor infrastructure and at the whim of heavily seasonal TOURISM


    There is a reason why beside the sea houses in oz where I'm from are 2 million AUD and in Thailand they are a mere fraction.


    In fact buying seaside here in a town without industry will appreciate sloooowly if at all


  12. No, because in Thailand it's very unlikely that the insurance company will have to pay out anywhere close to the maximum coverage, so the difference for the insurance company between having a limit of e.g. USD 1.2 mio or a limit of USD 0.5 mio will not be significant. I could have gone with the April My Health Plan instead that has an overall limit of USD 0.5 mio and similar premiums but with an option of 20% discount with a USD 1,000 deductible. If I just wanted coverage for catastrophic events I could also have gone with Cigna Global for a premium of USD 1,133 for a coverage of USD 1 mio, but with a significant deductible of USD 10,000.


    It sounds like you have done no research in what health insurance costs in Thailand, and have some unrealistic preconceived notions based on what it costs where you come from.



    USD. 0.5 MILLION is still 15 million baht!!


    For 50 k baht a year!! They would be out of business in the first year


    You are in LA LA land...


    You bought travel insurance and not health insurance. Sorry to tell you. Quoting in USA dollars instead of baht should have woke you up


    Tell me what plan you have and I will follow it through.


  13. Nope, the max cover per year is USD 1.2 mio so approx. THB 38 mio. For a few things there is a lower limit, e.g.  for organ transplants there is a lifetime limit of USD 250,000. 



    So let me get this right.


    For approx 50000 baht a year you will be covered for 38 MILLION baht a year. HEALTH INSURANCE???


    And that doesn't sound completely off the planet ridicules to you?


  14. I changed to David Shield six months ago. The premium I paid as a 56 year old was USD 1,704 and at the time the premium for a 66 year old was USD 2,530 and for a 74 year old USD 3,540. That's for an overall coverage of USD 1.2 mio.



    I just noticed it's for coverage USD 1.2 million?

    Is that a typo?


  15. I changed to David Shield six months ago. The premium I paid as a 56 year old was USD 1,704 and at the time the premium for a 66 year old was USD 2,530 and for a 74 year old USD 3,540. That's for an overall coverage of USD 1.2 mio.
    Not to bad. Still well short by at least 50 %
    For anything major. Thanks for sharing
  16. I am in my 60ś and pay 70,000 b a year for a very good Aetna plan.  Private room in hospital, etc, if I need it.
    The people who complain about the cost of insurance here either have many preexisting issues or are obviously clueless.
    The same plan in my country was over 200,000 b a year.
    With this for me, this place is 1/3 to 1/4 less to live.  Utilities, food, rent or a house, insurance, time with a cute young lady, etc.... God, add it all up it is so much much less here.
    But I guess if someone is from Kansas or Missouri,  maybe not so much..
    Same question what's your coverage for? How much in baht? Just the major stuff. I would be interested myself if it's any good
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